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Created November 10, 2016 19:42
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Editor only script that enables adding of bespoke Game resolutions to the GameView dropdown selector. Support to create landscape and portrait resolutions, different resolutions for different platforms etc.
// Based on
using System;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
namespace NoiseCrime.Editor.Tools
public static class GameViewAddResolutions
public enum GameViewSizeType { AspectRatio, FixedResolution }
[MenuItem( "Window/NoiseCrimeMethods/GameViewResolutions/RemoveAddAllPlatforms" )]
public static void RemoveThenAddAllPlatformSizes()
[MenuItem( "Window/NoiseCrimeMethods/GameViewResolutions/AddStandalone" )]
public static void GameViewResolutionsStandalone()
[MenuItem( "Window/NoiseCrimeMethods/GameViewResolutions/AddIOS" )]
public static void GameViewResolutionsIOS()
[MenuItem( "Window/NoiseCrimeMethods/GameViewResolutions/AddAndroid" )]
public static void GameViewResolutionsAndroid()
[MenuItem( "Window/NoiseCrimeMethods/GameViewResolutions/RemoveAll" )]
public static void GameViewResolutionsRemoveAll()
static void AddDesktopFixedResolutionsToGroup( GameViewSizeGroupType sizeGroupType )
AddFixedResolutionDual( sizeGroupType, 1280, 720, "HDR" );
AddFixedResolutionDual( sizeGroupType, 1920, 1080, "HD" );
AddCustomSize( GameViewSizeType.FixedResolution, sizeGroupType, 3440, 1440, "UWHD Landscape" );
AddCustomSize( GameViewSizeType.FixedResolution, sizeGroupType, 1024, 1024, "Square" );
AddCustomSize( GameViewSizeType.FixedResolution, sizeGroupType, 1201, 1464, "Oculus Rift" );
// Custom Clients
AddCustomSize( GameViewSizeType.FixedResolution, sizeGroupType, 3840, 1200, "CTFull" );
AddCustomSize( GameViewSizeType.FixedResolution, sizeGroupType, 1920, 600, "CTHalf" );
static void AddMobileFixedResolutionsToGroup( GameViewSizeGroupType sizeGroupType )
AddFixedResolutionDual( sizeGroupType, 1280, 800, "Mobile" );
AddFixedResolutionDual( sizeGroupType, 960, 540, "Lumia 535" );
AddFixedResolutionDual( sizeGroupType, 1920, 1200, "Nexus 7" );
AddFixedResolutionDual( sizeGroupType, 1280, 720, "Moto G" );
AddFixedResolutionDual( sizeGroupType, 1024, 768, "iPad 2" );
AddFixedResolutionDual( sizeGroupType, 2048, 1536, "iPad Pro 9.7" );
AddFixedResolutionDual( sizeGroupType, 2732, 2048, "iPad Pro 12.9" );
AddFixedResolutionDual( sizeGroupType, 480, 320, "iPhone" );
AddFixedResolutionDual( sizeGroupType, 960, 640, "iPhone 4" );
AddFixedResolutionDual( sizeGroupType, 1136, 640, "iPhone 5" );
AddFixedResolutionDual( sizeGroupType, 1334, 750, "iPhone 6" );
AddFixedResolutionDual( sizeGroupType, 1920, 1080, "iPhone 6+" ); // 1242 x 2208 downsampled
AddFixedResolutionDual( sizeGroupType, 2208, 1242, "iPhone 5.5" ); // 1242 x 2208 downsampled
static void AddFixedResolutionDual( GameViewSizeGroupType sizeGroupType, int width, int height, string text )
AddCustomSize( GameViewSizeType.FixedResolution, sizeGroupType, width, height, text + " Landscape" );
AddCustomSize( GameViewSizeType.FixedResolution, sizeGroupType, height, width, text + " Portrait" );
static void SaveCustomSizes()
var asm = typeof(UnityEditor.Editor).Assembly;
var sizesType = asm.GetType("UnityEditor.GameViewSizes");
var singleType = typeof(ScriptableSingleton<>).MakeGenericType(sizesType);
var instanceProp = singleType.GetProperty("instance");
var saveToHDD = sizesType.GetMethod("SaveToHDD");
var instance = instanceProp.GetValue(null, null);
saveToHDD.Invoke(instance, null);
static void AddCustomSize( GameViewSizeType viewSizeType, GameViewSizeGroupType sizeGroupType, int width, int height, string text )
// goal:
// var group = ScriptableSingleton<GameViewSizes>.instance.GetGroup(sizeGroupType);
// group.AddCustomSize(new GameViewSize(viewSizeType, width, height, text);
var asm = typeof(UnityEditor.Editor).Assembly;
var sizesType = asm.GetType("UnityEditor.GameViewSizes");
var singleType = typeof(ScriptableSingleton<>).MakeGenericType(sizesType);
var instanceProp = singleType.GetProperty("instance");
var getGroup = sizesType.GetMethod("GetGroup");
var instance = instanceProp.GetValue(null, null);
var group = getGroup.Invoke(instance, new object[] { (int)sizeGroupType });
var addCustomSize = getGroup.ReturnType.GetMethod("AddCustomSize"); // or group.GetType().
var gvsType = asm.GetType("UnityEditor.GameViewSize");
var ctor = gvsType.GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(int), typeof(int), typeof(int), typeof(string) });
var newSize = ctor.Invoke(new object[] { (int)viewSizeType, width, height, text });
addCustomSize.Invoke( group, new object[] { newSize } );
static void RemoveCustomSizes( GameViewSizeGroupType sizeGroupType )
var asm = typeof(UnityEditor.Editor).Assembly;
var sizesType = asm.GetType("UnityEditor.GameViewSizes");
var singleType = typeof(ScriptableSingleton<>).MakeGenericType(sizesType);
var instanceProp = singleType.GetProperty("instance");
var getGroup = sizesType.GetMethod("GetGroup");
var instance = instanceProp.GetValue(null, null);
var group = getGroup.Invoke(instance, new object[] { (int)sizeGroupType });
var getCustomCount = getGroup.ReturnType.GetMethod("GetCustomCount"); // or group.GetType().
var getBuiltinCount = getGroup.ReturnType.GetMethod("GetBuiltinCount"); // or group.GetType().
var removeCustomSize = getGroup.ReturnType.GetMethod("RemoveCustomSize"); // or group.GetType().
int customCount = (int) getCustomCount.Invoke(group, null);
int builtinCount = (int) getBuiltinCount.Invoke(group, null);
Debug.Log("RemoveCustomSizes for Group: " + sizeGroupType.ToString() + " Count: " + customCount + " BuiltIn: " + builtinCount);
for ( int i = 0; i < customCount; i++ )
removeCustomSize.Invoke( group, new object[] { builtinCount + (customCount - i - 1) } );
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