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Created January 17, 2016 21:08
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demonstrating safety of using close! on sub channels without unsubscribing
(ns pubsub.experiment
(:require [clojure.core.async :as >]))
(def publisher (>/chan))
(def p (>/pub publisher (constantly nil)))
(def answers (>/chan))
(defn consume
[label count]
(let [s (>/sub p nil (>/chan))]
(>/go-loop [i 0]
(if (> i count)
(>/close! s)
(>/>! answers [label (>/<! s)])
(recur (inc i)))))))
(defn -main
[& args]
(println "running pubsub experiment")
(consume :a 1)
(consume :b 2)
(consume :c 3)
(consume :d 4)
(consume :e 5)
(>/go-loop []
(println "result: " (>/<! answers))
(>/<!! (>/onto-chan publisher (range 10)))
(System/exit 0))
$ java -cp ~/bin/bench.jar:. clojure.main -m pubsub.experiment
running pubsub experiment
result: [:a 0]
result: [:b 0]
result: [:c 0]
result: [:d 0]
result: [:e 0]
result: [:a 1]
result: [:b 1]
result: [:c 1]
result: [:d 1]
result: [:e 1]
result: [:b 2]
result: [:c 2]
result: [:d 2]
result: [:e 2]
result: [:c 3]
result: [:d 3]
result: [:e 3]
result: [:d 4]
result: [:e 4]
result: [:e 5]
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