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Created February 8, 2024 14:53
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# False contour detection is described in
# Smoothing is described in
# Direction estimation is described in
# These papers seem to all be a part of the same project.
# Their end result uses the original false contour detection and uses a NN along with the directional smoothing used here to choose which pixels to smooth and how.
# Keep in mind it works in your given image's bit depth.
# Usage in REPL:
# include("/path/to/script.jl")
# using ImageView
# img = load("/path/to/image.png")
# img = channelview(img)[1, :, :] # red channel - you can ycbcr to get luma instead
# cmap = candidatemap(img);
# dmap = directionmap(img, cmap);
# img = float.(img)
# smoothed = smooth(img, cmap, dmap);
# imshow(smoothed)
using Images, Statistics, ImageFiltering
Re-quantize a value `v` by 2^`bits`.
function requantize(v::Number, bits::Int)
b = 2 ^ bits
round(v / b) * b
function gradientkernel()
[0.0 0.0 0.0;
-0.5 0.0 0.5;
0.0 0.0 0.0],
[0.0 -0.5 0.0;
0.0 0.0 0.0;
0.0 0.5 0.0]
# this is a bad idea
Find candidate contours and edges by comparing the input image to its re-quantized version and finding the edges of the result.
For some reason, the papers don't specify which algorithm they use to find edges here, so this just uses a simple [-1, 0, 1] gradient.
function candidatemap(img::Matrix{}, bits::Int = 2)
rq = requantize.(img, bits)
threshold = (2 ^ bits) / 256
canmap = @. abs(img - rq)
canmap = imfilter(canmap, gradientkernel())
canmap .< threshold
Get direction index map. The actual window used is -window:window. The threshold is the maximum difference between highest and lowest directional contrast feature.
Returns a matrix of direction indices with the assumption of the following direction set:
1. horizontal
2. vertical
3. diagonal
4. anti-diagonal
5. unbiased
function directionmap(img::Matrix{}, candidates::BitMatrix, window::Int = 5, threshold::Number = 16)
H, W = size(img)
if window % 2 == 0
throw(DomainError("window must be uneven"))
padded = padarray(img, Pad(:replicate, window + 1, window + 1))
# this is just a matrix of indices
dmap = zeros(Int, H, W)
# directional contrast features
dcf = Vector{Number}(undef, 4)
for h ∈ 1:H
for w ∈ 1:W
if ~(candidates[h, w])
hwin = h - window:h + window
wwin = w - window:w + window
# horizontal
dcf[1] = sum([abs(padded[i, j] - padded[i + 1, j]) for i ∈ hwin for j ∈ wwin])
# vertical
dcf[2] = sum([abs(padded[i, j] - padded[i, j + 1]) for i ∈ hwin for j ∈ wwin])
# diagonal
dcf[3] = sum([abs(padded[i, j] - padded[i + 1, j - 1]) for i ∈ hwin for j ∈ wwin])
# anti-diagonal
dcf[4] = sum([abs(padded[i, j] - padded[i - 1, j + 1]) for i ∈ hwin for j ∈ wwin])
hi = argmax(dcf)
lo = argmin(dcf)
if abs(dcf[hi] - dcf[lo]) < threshold
# unbiased
dmap[h, w] = 5
dmap[h, w] = hi
The direction set.
function directionset(i::Int)
k = zeros(Int, 2)
if i == 1
k[1] = 1
elseif i == 2
k[2] = 1
elseif i == 3
k[1] = -1
k[2] = 1
elseif i == 4
k[1] = 1
k[2] = -1
throw(DomainError("Only four directions"))
k, k .* -1
Traverse from position in direction until either maximum number of travels is hit or the hitmap returns false.
function traversedirection(img, hitmap, position::Vector{Int}, d::Vector{Int}, max_travel::Int = 10, threshold::Number = 0.1)
i = 1
pos = position
next = position .+ d
while i ≤ max_travel && all(next .< size(img)) && all(next .> [1, 1]) && hitmap[next...] && abs(img[position...] .- img[next...]) < threshold
pos = copy(next)
next .+= d
i += 1
img[pos...], i
Directionally smooth contours in image according to direction. If direction is unbiased (5), use a Gaussian blur with σ.
function smooth(img::Matrix{}, contours::BitMatrix, directionmap::Matrix{Int}, σ::Number = 3.0, max_travel::Int = 10, max_diff::Number = 0.1)
H, W = size(img)
out = copy(img)
pad = padarray(img, Pad(:reflect, 1, 1))
cpad = padarray(contours, Pad(:reflect, 1, 1))
gauss = copy(img)
gauss = imfilter(gauss, Kernel.gaussian(σ))
v = Vector{typeof(img[1])}(undef, 2)
dist = Vector{Int}(undef, 2)
for h ∈ 1:H
for w ∈ 1:W
if contours[h, w]
di = directionmap[h, w]
if di == 5
out[h, w] = gauss[h, w]
ds = directionset(di)
for i in 1:2
v[i], dist[i] = traversedirection(pad, cpad, [h, w], ds[i], max_travel, max_diff)
t = sum(dist)
out[h, w] = sum([v[i] * (1 - dist[i] / t) for i ∈ 1:2])
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