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Created August 20, 2013 09:49
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mysqldump-php for php5.1 with mysql driver(Not PDO) original
* Database MySQLDump Class File
* Copyright (c) 2009 by James Elliott
* GNU General Public License v3
class MySQLDump
const MAXLINESIZE = 1000000;
// This can be set both on constructor or manually
public $host;
public $user;
public $pass;
public $db;
public $fileName = 'dump.sql';
// Internal stuff
private $settings = array();
private $tables = array();
private $views = array();
private $dbHandler;
private $defaultSettings = array(
'include-tables' => array(),
'exclude-tables' => array(),
'compress' => CompressMethod::NONE,
'no-data' => false,
'add-drop-table' => false,
'single-transaction' => true,
'lock-tables' => false,
'add-locks' => true,
'extended-insert' => true
private $compressManager;
* Constructor of MySQLDump
* @param string $db Database name
* @param string $user MySQL account username
* @param string $pass MySQL account password
* @param string $host MySQL server to connect to
* @return null
public function __construct($db = '', $user = '', $pass = '',
$host = 'localhost', $settings = null)
$this->db = $db;
$this->user = $user;
$this->pass = $pass;
$this->host = $host;
$this->settings = $this->extend($this->defaultSettings, $settings);
* jquery style extend, merges arrays (without errors if the passed
* values are not arrays)
* @param array $args default settings
* @param array $extended user settings
* @return array $extended merged user settings with default settings
public function extend()
$args = func_get_args();
$extended = array();
if ( is_array($args) && count($args)>0 ) {
foreach ($args as $array) {
if ( is_array($array) ) {
$extended = array_merge($extended, $array);
return $extended;
* Connect with MySQL
* @return bool
private function connect()
// Connecting with MySQL
$this->dbHandler = mysql_connect($this->host, $this->user, $this->pass);
if (!$this->dbHandler) {
throw new Exception("Connection to MySQL failed with message: " .
mysql_error(), 3);
$seldb = @mysql_select_db($this->db);
if (!$seldb) {
throw new Exception("Connection to MySQL failed with message: " .
mysql_error(), 3);
// Fix for always-unicode output
mysql_query('SET NAMES utf8');
* Main call
* @param string $filename Name of file to write sql dump to
* @return bool
public function start($filename = '')
// Output file can be redefined here
if ( !empty($filename) ) {
$this->fileName = $filename;
// We must set a name to continue
if ( empty($this->fileName) ) {
throw new Exception("Output file name is not set", 1);
// Connect to database
// Create a new compressManager to manage compressed output
$this->compressManager = CompressManagerFactory::create(
$this->settings['compress'] );
if ( !$this->compressManager->open($this->fileName) ) {
throw new Exception("Output file is not writable", 2);
// Formating dump file
// Listing all tables from database
$this->tables = array();
$results = mysql_query('SHOW TABLES');
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($results)) {
if ( empty($this->settings['include-tables']) ||
(!empty($this->settings['include-tables']) &&
true)) ) {
array_push($this->tables, current($row));
// Exporting tables one by one
foreach ($this->tables as $table) {
if ( in_array($table, $this->settings['exclude-tables'], true) ) {
$is_table = $this->getTableStructure($table);
if ( true === $is_table && false === $this->settings['no-data'] ) {
// Exporting views one by one
foreach ($this->views as $view) {
* Returns header for dump file
* @return null
private function getHeader()
// Some info about software, source and time
$header = "-- mysqldump-php SQL Dump\n" .
"--\n" .
"--\n" .
"-- Host: {$this->host}\n" .
"-- Generation Time: " . date('r') . "\n\n" .
"--\n" .
"-- Database: `{$this->db}`\n" .
return $header;
* Table structure extractor
* @param string $tablename Name of table to export
* @return null
private function getTableStructure($tablename)
$stmt = "SHOW CREATE TABLE `$tablename`";
$results = mysql_query($stmt);
while ($r = mysql_fetch_assoc($results)) {
if ( isset($r['Create Table']) ) {
$this->compressManager->write("-- " .
"--------------------------------------------------------" .
"\n\n" .
"--\n" .
"-- Table structure for table `$tablename`\n--\n\n");
if ( $this->settings['add-drop-table'] ) {
"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `$tablename`;\n\n");
$this->compressManager->write($r['Create Table'] . ";\n\n");
return true;
if ( isset($r['Create View']) ) {
$view = "-- " .
"--------------------------------------------------------" .
$view .= "--\n-- Table structure for view `$tablename`\n--\n\n";
$view .= $r['Create View'] . ";\n\n";
$this->views[] = $view;
return false;
* Table rows extractor
* @param string $tablename Name of table to export
* @return null
private function listValues($tablename)
$this->compressManager->write("--\n" .
"-- Dumping data for table `$tablename`\n--\n\n");
if ( $this->settings['single-transaction'] ) {
mysql_query('START TRANSACTION');
if ( $this->settings['lock-tables'] ) {
mysql_query("LOCK TABLES `$tablename` READ LOCAL");
if ( $this->settings['add-locks'] ) {
$this->compressManager->write("LOCK TABLES `$tablename` WRITE;\n");
$onlyOnce = true; $lineSize = 0;
$stmt = "SELECT * FROM `$tablename`";
$results = mysql_query($stmt);
while ($r = mysql_fetch_array($results, MYSQL_NUM)) {
$vals = array();
foreach ($r as $val) {
$vals[] = is_null($val) ? "NULL" :
"'" . mysql_real_escape_string($val) . "'";
if ($onlyOnce || !$this->settings['extended-insert'] ) {
$lineSize += $this->compressManager->write(
"INSERT INTO `$tablename` VALUES (" .
implode(",", $vals) . ")");
$onlyOnce = false;
} else {
$lineSize += $this->compressManager->write(",(" .
implode(",", $vals) . ")");
if ( ($lineSize > MySQLDump::MAXLINESIZE) ||
!$this->settings['extended-insert'] ) {
$onlyOnce = true;
$lineSize = $this->compressManager->write(";\n");
if ( !$onlyOnce ) {
if ( $this->settings['add-locks'] ) {
$this->compressManager->write("UNLOCK TABLES;\n");
if ( $this->settings['single-transaction'] ) {
if ( $this->settings['lock-tables'] ) {
mysql_query('UNLOCK TABLES');
* Enum with all available compression methods
abstract class CompressMethod {
const NONE = 0;
const GZIP = 1;
const BZIP2 = 2;
public static $enums = array(
self::NONE => "None",
self::GZIP => "Gzip",
self::BZIP2 => "Bzip2"
public static function isValid($c)
return array_key_exists($c, CompressMethod::$enums);
abstract class CompressManagerFactory
private $fileHandle = null;
public static function create($c)
if ( !CompressMethod::isValid($c) ) {
throw new Exception("Compression method is invalid", 1);
$method = "Compress" . CompressMethod::$enums[$c];
return new $method();
class CompressBzip2 extends CompressManagerFactory {
public function __construct()
if ( !function_exists("bzopen") ) {
throw new Exception("Compression is enabled, but bzip2 lib is " .
"not installed or configured properly", 1);
public function open($filename)
$this->fileHandler = bzopen($filename . ".bz2", "w");
if (false === $this->fileHandler) {
return false;
return true;
public function write($str)
$bytesWritten = 0;
if ( false === ($bytesWritten = bzwrite($this->fileHandler, $str)) ) {
throw new Exception("Writting to file failed! Probably, there " .
"is no more free space left?", 4);
return $bytesWritten;
public function close()
return bzclose($this->fileHandler);
class CompressGzip extends CompressManagerFactory {
public function __construct()
if ( !function_exists("gzopen") ) {
throw new Exception("Compression is enabled, but gzip lib is " .
"not installed or configured properly", 1);
public function open($filename)
$this->fileHandler = gzopen($filename . ".gz", "wb");
if (false === $this->fileHandler) {
return false;
return true;
public function write($str)
$bytesWritten = 0;
if ( false === ($bytesWritten = gzwrite($this->fileHandler, $str)) ) {
throw new Exception("Writting to file failed! Probably, there " .
"is no more free space left?", 4);
return $bytesWritten;
public function close()
return gzclose($this->fileHandler);
class CompressNone extends CompressManagerFactory
public function __construct()
public function open($filename)
$this->fileHandler = fopen($filename, "wb");
if (false === $this->fileHandler) {
return false;
return true;
public function write($str)
$bytesWritten = 0;
if ( false === ($bytesWritten = fwrite($this->fileHandler, $str)) ) {
throw new Exception("Writting to file failed! Probably, there " .
"is no more free space left?", 4);
return $bytesWritten;
public function close()
return fclose($this->fileHandler);
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