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Created March 25, 2011 12:35
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jquery.socialbutton.js add tumblr button
* jquery.socialbutton - jQuery plugin for social networking websites
* Copyright 2010, Itrans, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* Version: 1.7.3
* mixi_check
* $('#mixi_check').socialbutton('mixi_check', {
* key: 'mixi-check-key'
* });
* $('#mixi_check').socialbutton('mixi_check', {
* key: 'mixi-check-key',
* button: 'button-1',
* url: ''
* });
* mixi_like
* $('#mixi_like').socialbutton('mixi_like', {
* key: 'mixi-check-key',
* });
* $('#mixi_like').socialbutton('mixi_like', {
* key: 'mixi-check-key',
* url: '',
* width: 450,
* height: 80,
* show_faces: true,
* style: 'additional-style-here'
* });
* facebook_like
* $('#facebook_like').socialbutton('facebook_like');
* $('#facebook_like').socialbutton('facebook_like', {
* button: 'standard', // synonym 'layout'
* url: '',
* show_faces: true,
* width: 450,
* height: 80,
* action: 'like',
* locale: 'en_US',
* font: 'arial',
* colorscheme: 'light'
* });
* facebook_share
* $('#facebook_share').socialbutton('facebook_share');
* $('#facebook_share').socialbutton('facebook_share', {
* button: 'button_count', // synonym 'type'
* url: '',
* text: 'Share'
* });
* Twitter
* $('#twitter').socialbutton('twitter');
* $('#twitter').socialbutton('twitter', {
* button: 'vertical', // synonym 'count'
* url: '',
* text: 'tweet text',
* lang: 'ja',
* via: 'ishiiyoshinori',
* related: 'twitter'
* });
* GREE Social Feedback
* $('#gree_sf').socialbutton('gree_sf');
* $('#gree_sf').socialbutton('gree_sf', {
* button: 0, // synonym 'type'
* url: '',
* width: 0, // auto
* height: 20
* });
* Evernote Site Memory
* $('#evernote').socialbutton('evernote');
* $('#evernote').socialbutton('evernote', {
* button: 'article-clipper',
* url: '',
* provider_name: '',
* suggest_notebook: 'webclip',
* content_id: 'element-id-to-clip',
* code: 'your-affiliate-code',
* title: 'note-title',
* suggest_tags: 'comma-separated-tags,up-to-three-tags',
* styling: 'full'
* });
* Hatena Bookmark
* $('#hatena').socialbutton('hatena');
* $('#hatena').socialbutton('hatena', {
* button: 'standard',
* url: '',
* title: 'page-title'
* });
* Hatena Bookmark (Old Style)
* $('#hatena').socialbutton('hatena_oldstyle');
* $('#hatena').socialbutton('hatena_oldstyle', {
* button: '/path/to/your-icon.png',
* url: '',
* padding: 10,
* height: 15
* });
* Tumblr
* $('#tumblr').socialbutton('tumblr');
* $('#tumblr').socialbutton('tumblr', {
* button: '/path/to/your-icon.png',
* linkText: 'share on Tumblr',
* url: '',
* title: 'share title',
* selection: 'quote text'
* });
(function($) {
$.fn.socialbutton = function(service, options) {
options = options || {};
var defaults = {
mixi_check: {
key: '',
button: 'button-1', // button-1,button-2,button-3,button-4,button-5
url: '' // document.URL
mixi_like: {
key: '',
url: document.URL,
width: 0, // auto
height: 0, // auto
show_faces: true,
style: '',
sizes: {
width: {
with_faces: 450,
without_faces: 140
height: {
with_faces_minimum: 80,
without_faces_minimum: 20
facebook_like: {
button: 'standard', // standard / button_count / box_count
url: document.URL,
show_faces: true,
width: 0, // auto
height: 0, // auto
width_standard_default: 450, // orig: 450
width_standard_minimum: 225,
height_standard_without_photo: 35,
height_standard_with_photo: 80,
width_button_count_default: 120, // orig: 90, jp_min: 114
width_button_count_minimum: 90,
height_button_count: 25, // orig:20, jp_min: 21
width_box_count_default: 80, // orig:55, jp_min: 75
width_box_count_minimum: 55,
height_box_count: 70, // orig: 65, jp_min: 66
action: 'like', // like / recommend
locale: '', // auto
font: '',
colorscheme: 'light' // light / dark
facebook_share: {
button: 'button_count', // box_count / button / icon_link / icon
url: '', //document.URL
text: '' //Share
twitter: {
button: 'vertical', // vertical / horizontal / none
url: '', // document.URL
text: '',
lang: 'ja', // ja / en /de / fr / es
via: '',
related: ''
gree_sf: {
button: 0, // 0,1,2,3,4
url: document.URL,
width: 0, // auto
height: 20,
widths: {
type0_16: 58, type0_20: 70, type0_23: 76,
type1_16: 58, type1_20: 73, type1_23: 78,
type2_16: 58, type2_20: 73, type2_23: 78,
type3_16: 49, type3_20: 61, type3_23: 64,
type4_16: 16, type4_22: 21, type4_32: 32
evernote: {
button: 'article-clipper', // article-clipper, article-clipper-remember, article-clipper-jp, article-clipper-rus, article-clipper-fr, article-clipper-es, article-clipper-de, article-clipper-vert, site-mem-32, site-mem-36, site-mem-22, site-mem-16
url: '', // document.URL
provider_name: '', // domain name
suggest_notebook: '', // notebook name
content_id: '', // element id for clip
code: '', // affiliate code
title: '',
suggest_tags: '',
styling: '' // none(text-only), full
hatena: {
button: 'standard', // standard, vertical, simple
url: document.URL,
title: document.title
hatena_oldstyle: {
button: '',
url: document.URL,
height: 13,
padding: 7
tumblr: {
button: '',
url: document.URL,
title: document.title,
linkText: 'share on Tumblr'
var max_index = this.size() - 1;
return this.each(function(index) {
switch (service) {
case 'mixi_check':
socialbutton_mixi_check(this, options, defaults.mixi_check, index, max_index);
case 'mixi_like':
socialbutton_mixi_like(this, options, defaults.mixi_like, index, max_index);
case 'facebook_like':
socialbutton_facebook_like(this, options, defaults.facebook_like, index, max_index);
case 'facebook_share':
socialbutton_facebook_share(this, options, defaults.facebook_share, index, max_index);
case 'twitter':
socialbutton_twitter(this, options, defaults.twitter, index, max_index);
case 'gree_sf':
socialbutton_gree_sf(this, options, defaults.gree_sf, index, max_index);
case 'evernote':
socialbutton_evernote(this, options, defaults.evernote, index, max_index);
case 'hatena':
socialbutton_hatena(this, options, defaults.hatena, index, max_index);
case 'hatena_oldstyle':
socialbutton_hatena_oldstyle(this, options, defaults.hatena_oldstyle, index, max_index);
case 'tumblr':
socialbutton_tumblr(this, options, defaults.tumblr, index, max_index);
return true;
function socialbutton_mixi_check(target, options, defaults, index, max_index)
var key = options.key || defaults.key;
var button = options.button || defaults.button;
var url = options.url || defaults.url;
if (key == '') {
var attr = merge_attributes({
'data-key': key,
'data-url': htmlspecialchars(url),
'data-button': button
var tag = '<a href="" class="mixi-check-button"' + attr + '>Check</a>';
if (index == max_index) {
$('body').append('<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>');
function socialbutton_mixi_like(target, options, defaults, index, max_index)
var key = options.key || defaults.key;
var url = options.url || defaults.url;
var width = options.width != undefined ? options.width : defaults.width;
var height = options.height != undefined ? options.height : defaults.height;
var show_faces = options.show_faces != undefined ? options.show_faces : defaults.show_faces;
var style = ||;
if (key == '') {
if (options.url) {
url = decodeURIComponent(url);
url = url_encode_rfc3986(url);
if (width == 0) {
width = show_faces ? defaults.sizes.width.with_faces : defaults.sizes.width.without_faces;
if (height == 0) {
height = show_faces ? defaults.sizes.height.with_faces_minimum : defaults.sizes.height.without_faces_minimum;
} else {
if (show_faces && height < defaults.sizes.height.with_faces_minimum) {
height = defaults.sizes.height.with_faces_minimum;
} else if (!show_faces && height < defaults.sizes.height.without_faces_minimum) {
height = defaults.sizes.height.without_faces_minimum;
var params = merge_parameters({
'href': url,
'service_key': key,
'width': width,
'show_faces': show_faces ? 'true' : 'false'
var attr = merge_attributes({
src: '' + params,
scrolling: 'no',
frameborder: '0',
allowTransparency: 'true',
style: 'border:0; overflow:hidden; width:' + width + 'px; height:' + height + 'px; ' + style
var tag = '<iframe' + attr + '></iframe>';
function socialbutton_facebook_like(target, options, defaults, index, max_index)
var layout = options.layout || options.button || defaults.button;
var url = options.url || defaults.url;
var show_faces = options.show_faces != undefined ? options.show_faces : defaults.show_faces;
var width = options.width != undefined ? options.width : defaults.width;
var height = options.height != undefined ? options.height : defaults.height;
var action = options.action || defaults.action;
var locale = options.locale || defaults.locale;
var font = options.font || defaults.font;
var colorscheme = options.colorscheme || defaults.colorscheme;
if (options.url) {
url = decodeURIComponent(url);
url = url_encode_rfc3986(url);
switch (layout) {
case 'standard':
if (width == 0) {
width = defaults.width_standard_default;
} else if (width < defaults.width_standard_minimum) {
width = defaults.width_standard_minimum;
if (height == 0) {
height = show_faces ? defaults.height_standard_with_photo : defaults.height_standard_without_photo;
} else if (height < defaults.height_standard_without_photo) {
height = defaults.height_standard_without_photo;
case 'button_count':
if (width == 0) {
width = defaults.width_button_count_default;
} else if (width < defaults.width_button_count_minimum) {
width = defaults.width_button_count_minimum;
if (height == 0) {
height = defaults.height_button_count;
} else if (height < defaults.height_button_count) {
height = defaults.height_button_count;
case 'box_count':
if (width == 0) {
width = defaults.width_box_count_default;
} else if (width < defaults.width_box_count_minimum) {
width = defaults.width_box_count_minimum;
if (height == 0) {
height = defaults.height_box_count;
} else if (height < defaults.height_box_count) {
height = defaults.height_box_count;
var params = merge_parameters({
'href': url,
'layout': layout,
'show_faces': show_faces ? 'true' : 'false',
'width': width,
'action': action,
'locale': locale,
'font': font,
'colorscheme': colorscheme,
'height': height
var tag = '<iframe src="' + params + '" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:' + width + 'px; height:' + height + 'px;" allowTransparency="true"></iframe>';
function socialbutton_facebook_share(target, options, defaults, index, max_index)
var type = options.type || options.button || defaults.button;
var url = options.url || defaults.url;
var text = options.text || defaults.text;
var attr = merge_attributes({
'type': type,
'share_url': htmlspecialchars(url)
var tag = '<a name="fb_share"' + attr + '>' + text + '</a>';
if(index == 0) {
tag += '<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>';
function socialbutton_twitter(target, options, defaults, index, max_index)
var count = options.count || options.button || defaults.button;
var url = options.url || defaults.url;
var text = options.text || defaults.text;
var lang = options.lang || defaults.lang;
var via = options.via || defaults.via;
var related = options.related || defaults.related;
var attr = merge_attributes({
'data-count': count,
'data-url': htmlspecialchars(url),
'data-text': text,
'data-lang': lang,
'data-via': via,
'data-related': related
var tag = '<a href="" class="twitter-share-button"' + attr + '>Tweet</a>';
if (index == max_index) {
$('body').append('<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>');
function socialbutton_gree_sf(target, options, defaults, index, max_index)
var type = options.type || options.button || defaults.button;
var url = options.url || defaults.url;
var width = options.width != undefined ? options.width : defaults.width;
var height = options.height != undefined ? options.height : defaults.height;
if (options.url) {
url = decodeURIComponent(url);
url = url_encode_rfc3986(url);
switch (type) {
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
if (height != 16 && height != 20 && height != 23) {
height = 20;
case 4:
if (height != 16 && height != 22 && height != 32) {
height = 22;
type = 0;
width = 0;
height = 20;
if (width == 0) {
width = defaults.widths['type' + type + '_' + height];
var params = merge_parameters({
'url': url,
'type': String(type),
'height': height
var tag = '<iframe src="' + params + '" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:' + width + 'px; height:' + height + 'px;" allowTransparency="true"></iframe>';
function socialbutton_evernote(target, options, defaults, index, max_index)
var button = options.button || defaults.button;
var url = options.url || defaults.url;
var provider_name = options.provider_name || defaults.provider_name;
var suggest_notebook = options.suggest_notebook || defaults.suggest_notebook;
var content_id = options.content_id || defaults.content_id;
var code = options.code || defaults.code;
var title = options.title || defaults.title;
var suggest_tags = options.suggest_tags || defaults.suggest_tags;
var styling = options.styling || defaults.styling;
if (button == 'article-clipper' ||
button == 'article-clipper-remember' ||
button == 'article-clipper-jp' ||
button == 'article-clipper-rus' ||
button == 'article-clipper-fr' ||
button == 'article-clipper-es' ||
button == 'article-clipper-de' ||
button == 'article-clipper-vert' ||
button == 'site-mem-32' ||
button == 'site-mem-36' ||
button == 'site-mem-22' ||
button == 'site-mem-16'
) {
button = '' + button + '.png';
var clipoptions = {
'url': url,
'providerName': provider_name,
'suggestNotebook': suggest_notebook,
'contentId': content_id,
'code': code,
'title': title,
'suggestTags': suggest_tags,
'styling': styling
if (index == 0) {
$('body').append('<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>');
var tag = $(document.createElement('a'))
.attr({href: '#'})
if (Evernote) {
return false;
.append('<img src="' + button + '" alt="Clip to Evernote" style="border: none" />');
function socialbutton_hatena(target, options, defaults, index, max_index)
var layout = options.layout || options.button || defaults.button;
var url = options.url || defaults.url;
var title = options.title || defaults.title;
url = htmlspecialchars(url);
title = htmlspecialchars(title);
var attr = merge_attributes({
'href': '' + url,
'class': 'hatena-bookmark-button',
'data-hatena-bookmark-title': title,
'data-hatena-bookmark-layout': layout,
'title': 'このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加'
var tag = '<a' + attr + '><img src="" alt="このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加" width="20" height="20" style="border: none;" /></a>'
+ '<script type="text/javascript" src="" charset="utf-8" async="async"></script>';
function socialbutton_hatena_oldstyle(target, options, defaults, index, max_index)
var button = options.button || defaults.button;
var url = options.url || defaults.url;
var height = options.height != undefined ? options.height : defaults.height;
var padding = options.padding != undefined ? options.padding : defaults.padding;
url = htmlspecialchars(url);
var tag = '<span style="font-size: ' + height + 'px; line-height: 100%; ">'
+ '<span style="padding-right: ' + padding + 'px"><a href="' + url + '" target="_blank"><img src="' + button + '" style="border: none; vertical-align: text-bottom" /></a></span>'
+ '<a href="' + url + '" target="_blank"><img src="' + url + '" style="border: none; vertical-align: text-bottom" /></a>'
+ '</span>';
function socialbutton_tumblr(target, options, defaults, index, max_index)
var button = options.button != undefined ? options.button : defaults.button;
var linkText = options.linkText || defaults.linkText;
var url = options.url || defaults.url;
var title = options.title || defaults.title;
var selection = options.selection != undefined ? options.selection : '';
var tumblrURL = '';
if (button.length > 0) {
linkText = '<img src="' + button + '" alt="share on Tumblr" style="border: none;vertical-align: middle;" />' + linkText;
var anchor = $('<a>').attr('href', '#').html(linkText).click(function(){
selection = selection || (window.getSelection?window.getSelection():(document.getSelection)?document.getSelection():(document.selection?document.selection.createRange().text:0));
tumblrURL += '&u=' + encodeURIComponent(url) + '%20'
+ '&t=' + encodeURIComponent(title) + '%20'
+ '&s=' + encodeURIComponent(selection)
if(!/^(.*\.)?tumblr[^.]*$/.test( {
} catch(z){
var a = function(){
if(!, encodeURIComponent(title),'toolbar=0,resizable=0,status=1,width=450,height=430')) {
if(/Firefox/.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
} else {
return false;
function build_object_string(options)
var object = '';
for (var i in options) {
if (options[i] == '') {
object += object != '' ? ', ' : '';
object += i + ": '" + options[i].replace("'", "\\'") + "'";
return '{' + object + '}';
function merge_attributes(attr)
var merged = '';
for (var i in attr) {
if (attr[i] == '') {
merged += ' ' + i + '="' + attr[i] + '"';
return merged;
function merge_parameters(params)
var merged = '';
for (var i in params) {
if (params[i] == '') {
merged += merged != '' ? '&amp;' : '';
merged += i + '=' + params[i] + '';
return merged;
function htmlspecialchars(string)
var table = [
[/&/g, '&amp;'],
[/</g, '&lt;'],
[/>/g, '&gt;'],
[/"/g, '&quot;'],
[/'/g, '&#039;']
for (var i in table) {
string = string.replace(table[i][0], table[i][1]);
return string;
function url_encode_rfc3986(url)
return encodeURIComponent(url).replace(/[!*'()]/g, function(p) {
return "%" + p.charCodeAt(0).toString(16);
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