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Created January 14, 2020 23:33
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spa-nav: navigation without page reload
// change document title to new app
document.title = newApp.title
// change the url without re-loading to the new app's url
if (ev.type !== `popstate`) {
// if we push on a popstate event, we break browser back button navigation, don't do that
window.history.pushState(``, ``, url);
// disable old css and add new css if not already loaded
// if new css is already there, just activate it
const appAssetsUrlMap = this.appAssetsUrlMap;
const $curAppCss: any = document.querySelector(`head > link[href='${appAssetsUrlMap.get(curApp.appName).css[0]}']`);
const $newAppCss: any = document.querySelector(`head > link[href='${appAssetsUrlMap.get(newApp.appName).css[0]}']`);
if ($curAppCss) {
$curAppCss.disabled = true; // see
if ($newAppCss) {
$newAppCss.disabled = false;
} else {
createElem(`link`, {rel: `stylesheet`, href: `${appAssetsUrlMap.get(newApp.appName).css[0]}`}),
// add new js script if not already loaded
// otherwise re-initialize existing app via it's initAppFunc
if (!this.initAppFuncsMap.has(newApp.appName)) {
createElem(`script`, {type: `text/javascript`, src: `${appAssetsUrlMap.get(newApp.appName).js[0]}`}),
} else {
const initAppFunc = this.initAppFuncsMap.get(newApp.appName);
const appElem = await initAppFunc();
$mixpanelApp.innerHTML = ``;
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