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Last active October 22, 2018 16:04
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import json, requests, time
import datetime
import pickle
from collections import Counter
from pyquery import PyQuery
from readability import Document
from lxml.etree import XMLSyntaxError, LxmlError
from readability.readability import Unparseable
from requests.adapters import MaxRetryError
from requests.exceptions import ConnectionError
from urllib3.exceptions import NewConnectionError
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from threading import Thread, Semaphore
import http.client as httplib, sys
from queue import Queue
import sqlite3
import os
def get_posts_fast_api(post_urllist):
posts = {}
errors = []
checked_urls = []
concurrent = 70
sem = Semaphore()
def doWork():
while True:
story_id, story = q.get()
url = story['url']
status, data = getStatus(url)
if status == 200:
tryAddPost(story_id, data)
def getStatus(ourl):
url = urlparse(ourl)
if url.scheme == 'https':
conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection(url.netloc)
elif url.scheme == 'http':
conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(url.netloc)
raise Exception('Incorrect protocol: {}'.format(url.scheme))
conn.request("GET", url.path)
res = conn.getresponse()
return res.status,
except Exception as e:
print(e, ourl)
return "error", None
def tryAddPost(story_id, data):
d = Document(data)
text = PyQuery(d.summary()).text()
except (Unparseable, LxmlError):
print('{} has incorrect xml'.format(story_id))
if not text:
print('ERR: Could not get the post({}) text'.format(story_id))
with sem:
with open('posts/{}.txt'.format(story_id), 'w') as f:
print('Started at {}'.format(time.strftime('%X %x')))
q = Queue(concurrent * 2)
for i in range(concurrent):
t = Thread(target=doWork)
t.daemon = True
for story_id, story in post_urllist.items():
q.put((story_id, story))
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print('Keyboard interrupt')
print('Finished at {}'.format(time.strftime('%X %x')))
num_posts = len(os.listdir('posts'))
print('Got {} posts'.format(num_posts))
return posts, errors, checked_urls
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