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Created September 18, 2012 10:31
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Python script to help with outputting Android strings.xml files in an organized format.
#!/bin/sh/env python
# organize the strings.xml files used for Android projects
# assumes I have some strings in the English one that don't need to be translated, so these
# are separated from the rest. Also assumes I always keep up with the French translations.
# usage: just run it from the res/ folder
import sys, re, os
from xml.dom.minidom import parseString
langs = ['en','fr','ja','de']
lookup = {}
for lang in langs:
lookup[lang] = {}
for dirname in os.listdir('.'):
for lang in langs:
values = 'values-%s' % lang if lang != 'en' else 'values'
if (dirname == values):
stringsfile = open(dirname + '/strings.xml','r').read()
dom = parseString(stringsfile)
strings = dom.getElementsByTagName('string')
for string in strings:
lookup[lang][string.getAttribute('name')] = string.toxml()
# Assume that strings that exist in French but not in Japanese or German need to be translated.
# I'm pretty good about keeping up with the French translations
for (key,value) in list(lookup['fr'].items()):
for lang in ['ja','de']:
if key not in lookup[lang] or lookup[lang][key] == lookup['en'][key]:
lookup[lang][key] = '<!-- TO TRANSLATE -->\n ' + lookup['en'][key]
for lang in langs:
values = 'values-%s' % lang if lang != 'en' else 'values'
stringsfile = open('%s/strings.xml' % values,'w')
stringsfile.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\n<resources>\n')
sortedItems = sorted(lookup[lang].items())
# for English, do special logic to separate translateable from non-translateable strings
if (lang == 'en'):
firstSet = {}
secondSet = {}
for (key,value) in lookup[lang].items():
if key not in lookup['fr']: # assume I translated everything that needed to be translated for French
firstSet[key] = value
secondSet[key] =value
header1 = [('',''),('','<!-- non-translateable strings-->'),('','')]
header2 = [('',''),('','<!-- translateable strings-->'),('','')]
sortedItems = header1 + sorted(firstSet.items()) + header2 + sorted(secondSet.items())
# assume I have a nice naming convention where the string names are prefixed with e.g. 'text_','title_'
last_prefix = None
for (name, xmlLine) in sortedItems:
prefix = name.split('_')[0]
if last_prefix != None and prefix != last_prefix:
stringsfile.write(' \n')
last_prefix = prefix
stringsfile.write(' ' + xmlLine + '\n')
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