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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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  • Save nolanlawson/4f63c0fccb49498bb2ca to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save nolanlawson/4f63c0fccb49498bb2ca to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Recompile just the assets in an Android APK. Faster than `gradle installDebug` if you're just modifying HTML/CSS/JS.
# Recompile Android assets into a -debug.apk. Assumes you have apktool
# installed and it's globally accessible as "apktool".
# Usage: ./ [path/to/debug.apk] [path/to/assets]
# If you don't include any arguments, it will try to determine the
# location of your assets/apk using the current working directory.
# This script currently doesn't do any merging of assets, so hopefully
# you have them all in src/main/assets.
# On Gist at
if [[ -z $APK_FILE ]]; then
APK_FILE=`find . | grep '\-debug\.apk$' | head -n 1`
if [[ -z $ASSETS ]]; then
ASSETS=`find . | grep src/main/assets$`
if [[ -z $APK_FILE ]]; then
echo -e "\nCouldn't find the debug.apk file"
exit 1
if [[ -z $ASSETS ]]; then
echo -e "\nCouldn't find the assets file"
exit 1
if [[ ! -x `which apktool` ]]; then
echo -e "\nCouldn't find apktool. Install it and make it globally accessible as 'apktool' please!"
echo ""
exit 1
echo -e "\nUsing apk file: $APK_FILE"
echo "Using assets dir: $ASSETS"
echo -e "\nDecompiling..."
apktool d $APK_FILE $TMPDIR
echo -e "\nCopying over assets..."
rm -fr $TMPDIR/assets
cp -r $ASSETS $TMPDIR/assets
echo -e "\nRecompiling..."
apktool b $TMPDIR $APK_FILE
echo -e "\nSigning..."
jarsigner $APK_FILE androiddebugkey -digestalg SHA1 -sigalg MD5withRSA -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore -keypass android -storepass android
echo -e "\nDone!\n"
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