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Repro Firefox shadow style issue
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Repro Firefox shadow style issue</title>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
pre {
position: fixed;
right: 0;
top: 0;
padding: 20px;
background: rgba(30, 30, 30, 0.8);
color: white;
pointer-events: none;
<h1>Repro Firefox shadow style issue</h1>
window.process = {
env: {
NODE_ENV: 'development'
window.log = str => {
document.querySelector('pre').textContent += str + '\n'
<script src="lwc.js"></script>
<script src="main.js"></script>
var LWC = (function (exports) {
'use strict';
/* proxy-compat-disable */
* Copyright (c) 2018,, inc.
* All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* For full license text, see the LICENSE file in the repo root or
function detect$1() {
// Don't apply polyfill when ProxyCompat is enabled.
if ('getKey' in Proxy) {
return false;
const proxy = new Proxy([3, 4], {});
const res = [1, 2].concat(proxy);
return res.length !== 4;
* Copyright (c) 2018,, inc.
* All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* For full license text, see the LICENSE file in the repo root or
const {
} = Symbol;
const {
isArray: isArray$3
} = Array;
const {
slice: ArraySlice$2,
unshift: ArrayUnshift$2,
shift: ArrayShift
} = Array.prototype;
function isObject$2(O) {
return typeof O === 'object' ? O !== null : typeof O === 'function';
} //
function isSpreadable(O) {
if (!isObject$2(O)) {
return false;
const spreadable = O[isConcatSpreadable];
return spreadable !== undefined ? Boolean(spreadable) : isArray$3(O);
} //
function ArrayConcatPolyfill(..._args) {
const O = Object(this);
const A = [];
let N = 0;
const items = ArraySlice$;
ArrayUnshift$, O);
while (items.length) {
const E =;
if (isSpreadable(E)) {
let k = 0;
const length = E.length;
for (k; k < length; k += 1, N += 1) {
if (k in E) {
const subElement = E[k];
A[N] = subElement;
} else {
A[N] = E;
N += 1;
return A;
function apply() {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-extend-native
Array.prototype.concat = ArrayConcatPolyfill;
* Copyright (c) 2018,, inc.
* All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* For full license text, see the LICENSE file in the repo root or
if (detect$1()) {
* Copyright (C) 2018, inc.
* Copyright (c) 2018,, inc.
* All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* For full license text, see the LICENSE file in the repo root or
function invariant$1(value, msg) {
if (!value) {
throw new Error(`Invariant Violation: ${msg}`);
function isTrue$1$1(value, msg) {
if (!value) {
throw new Error(`Assert Violation: ${msg}`);
function isFalse$1$1(value, msg) {
if (value) {
throw new Error(`Assert Violation: ${msg}`);
function fail$1(msg) {
throw new Error(msg);
var assert$1 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
__proto__: null,
invariant: invariant$1,
isTrue: isTrue$1$1,
isFalse: isFalse$1$1,
fail: fail$1
* Copyright (c) 2018,, inc.
* All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* For full license text, see the LICENSE file in the repo root or
const {
assign: assign$2,
create: create$3,
defineProperties: defineProperties$2,
defineProperty: defineProperty$2,
freeze: freeze$2,
getOwnPropertyDescriptor: getOwnPropertyDescriptor$3,
getOwnPropertyNames: getOwnPropertyNames$3,
getPrototypeOf: getPrototypeOf$3,
hasOwnProperty: hasOwnProperty$3,
isFrozen: isFrozen$2,
keys: keys$2,
seal: seal$2,
setPrototypeOf: setPrototypeOf$2
} = Object;
const {
isArray: isArray$2
} = Array;
const {
filter: ArrayFilter$1,
find: ArrayFind$1,
indexOf: ArrayIndexOf$2,
join: ArrayJoin$1,
map: ArrayMap$2,
push: ArrayPush$3,
reduce: ArrayReduce$1,
reverse: ArrayReverse$1,
slice: ArraySlice$1,
splice: ArraySplice$2,
unshift: ArrayUnshift$1,
forEach: forEach$1
} = Array.prototype;
const {
fromCharCode: StringFromCharCode$1
} = String;
const {
charCodeAt: StringCharCodeAt$1,
replace: StringReplace$1,
slice: StringSlice$1,
toLowerCase: StringToLowerCase$1
} = String.prototype;
function isUndefined$4(obj) {
return obj === undefined;
function isNull$1(obj) {
return obj === null;
function isFalse$3(obj) {
return obj === false;
function isFunction$2(obj) {
return typeof obj === 'function';
function isObject$1(obj) {
return typeof obj === 'object';
const OtS$2 = {}.toString;
function toString$2(obj) {
if (obj && obj.toString) {
// Arrays might hold objects with "null" prototype So using
// Array.prototype.toString directly will cause an error Iterate through
// all the items and handle individually.
if (isArray$2(obj)) {
return ArrayJoin$$, toString$2), ',');
return obj.toString();
} else if (typeof obj === 'object') {
return OtS$;
} else {
return obj + '';
* Copyright (c) 2018,, inc.
* All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* For full license text, see the LICENSE file in the repo root or
* According to the following list, there are 48 aria attributes of which two (ariaDropEffect and
* ariaGrabbed) are deprecated:
* The above list of 46 aria attributes is consistent with the following resources:
const AriaPropertyNames$1 = ['ariaActiveDescendant', 'ariaAtomic', 'ariaAutoComplete', 'ariaBusy', 'ariaChecked', 'ariaColCount', 'ariaColIndex', 'ariaColSpan', 'ariaControls', 'ariaCurrent', 'ariaDescribedBy', 'ariaDetails', 'ariaDisabled', 'ariaErrorMessage', 'ariaExpanded', 'ariaFlowTo', 'ariaHasPopup', 'ariaHidden', 'ariaInvalid', 'ariaKeyShortcuts', 'ariaLabel', 'ariaLabelledBy', 'ariaLevel', 'ariaLive', 'ariaModal', 'ariaMultiLine', 'ariaMultiSelectable', 'ariaOrientation', 'ariaOwns', 'ariaPlaceholder', 'ariaPosInSet', 'ariaPressed', 'ariaReadOnly', 'ariaRelevant', 'ariaRequired', 'ariaRoleDescription', 'ariaRowCount', 'ariaRowIndex', 'ariaRowSpan', 'ariaSelected', 'ariaSetSize', 'ariaSort', 'ariaValueMax', 'ariaValueMin', 'ariaValueNow', 'ariaValueText', 'role'];
const {
AriaAttrNameToPropNameMap: AriaAttrNameToPropNameMap$1,
AriaPropNameToAttrNameMap: AriaPropNameToAttrNameMap$1
} = /*@__PURE__*/(() => {
const AriaAttrNameToPropNameMap = create$3(null);
const AriaPropNameToAttrNameMap = create$3(null); // Synthetic creation of all AOM property descriptors for Custom Elements
forEach$$1, propName => {
const attrName = StringToLowerCase$$, /^aria/, () => 'aria-'));
AriaAttrNameToPropNameMap[attrName] = propName;
AriaPropNameToAttrNameMap[propName] = attrName;
return {
* Copyright (c) 2018,, inc.
* All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* For full license text, see the LICENSE file in the repo root or
// We use this to detect symbol support in order to avoid the expensive symbol polyfill. Note that
// we can't use typeof since it will fail when transpiling.
const hasNativeSymbolSupport$1 = /*@__PURE__*/(() => Symbol('x').toString() === 'Symbol(x)')();
* Copyright (c) 2018,, inc.
* All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* For full license text, see the LICENSE file in the repo root or
// This method abstracts the creation of symbols, so we can fallback to strings when native symbols
// are not supported.
function createHiddenField$1(key, namespace) {
return hasNativeSymbolSupport$1 ? Symbol(key) : `$$lwc-${namespace}-${key}$$`;
const hiddenFieldsMap$1 = new WeakMap();
function setHiddenField$1(o, field, value) {
let valuesByField = hiddenFieldsMap$1.get(o);
if (isUndefined$4(valuesByField)) {
valuesByField = create$3(null);
hiddenFieldsMap$1.set(o, valuesByField);
valuesByField[field] = value;
function getHiddenField$1(o, field) {
const valuesByField = hiddenFieldsMap$1.get(o);
if (!isUndefined$4(valuesByField)) {
return valuesByField[field];
* Map composed of properties to attributes not following the HTML property to attribute mapping
* convention.
const NO_STANDARD_PROPERTY_ATTRIBUTE_MAPPING$1 = new Map([['accessKey', 'accesskey'], ['readOnly', 'readonly'], ['tabIndex', 'tabindex'], ['bgColor', 'bgcolor'], ['colSpan', 'colspan'], ['rowSpan', 'rowspan'], ['contentEditable', 'contenteditable'], ['crossOrigin', 'crossorigin'], ['dateTime', 'datetime'], ['formAction', 'formaction'], ['isMap', 'ismap'], ['maxLength', 'maxlength'], ['minLength', 'minlength'], ['noValidate', 'novalidate'], ['useMap', 'usemap'], ['htmlFor', 'for']]);
* Map associating previously transformed HTML property into HTML attribute.
function htmlPropertyToAttribute$1(propName) {
const ariaAttributeName = AriaPropNameToAttrNameMap$1[propName];
if (!isUndefined$4(ariaAttributeName)) {
return ariaAttributeName;
const specialAttributeName = NO_STANDARD_PROPERTY_ATTRIBUTE_MAPPING$1.get(propName);
if (!isUndefined$4(specialAttributeName)) {
return specialAttributeName;
const cachedAttributeName = CACHED_PROPERTY_ATTRIBUTE_MAPPING$1.get(propName);
if (!isUndefined$4(cachedAttributeName)) {
return cachedAttributeName;
let attributeName = '';
for (let i = 0, len = propName.length; i < len; i++) {
const code = StringCharCodeAt$, i);
if (code >= 65 && // "A"
code <= 90 // "Z"
) {
attributeName += '-' + StringFromCharCode$1(code + 32);
} else {
attributeName += StringFromCharCode$1(code);
CACHED_PROPERTY_ATTRIBUTE_MAPPING$1.set(propName, attributeName);
return attributeName;
/** version: 2.0.0-rc.0 */
* Copyright (c) 2018,, inc.
* All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* For full license text, see the LICENSE file in the repo root or
function detect(propName) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Element.prototype, propName) === undefined;
* Copyright (c) 2018,, inc.
* All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* For full license text, see the LICENSE file in the repo root or
const nodeToAriaPropertyValuesMap = new WeakMap();
function getAriaPropertyMap(elm) {
let map = nodeToAriaPropertyValuesMap.get(elm);
if (map === undefined) {
map = {};
nodeToAriaPropertyValuesMap.set(elm, map);
return map;
function getNormalizedAriaPropertyValue(value) {
return value == null ? null : String(value);
function createAriaPropertyPropertyDescriptor(propName, attrName) {
return {
get() {
const map = getAriaPropertyMap(this);
if (hasOwnProperty$, propName)) {
return map[propName];
} // otherwise just reflect what's in the attribute
return this.hasAttribute(attrName) ? this.getAttribute(attrName) : null;
set(newValue) {
const normalizedValue = getNormalizedAriaPropertyValue(newValue);
const map = getAriaPropertyMap(this);
map[propName] = normalizedValue; // reflect into the corresponding attribute
if (newValue === null) {
} else {
this.setAttribute(attrName, newValue);
configurable: true,
enumerable: true
function patch(propName) {
// Typescript is inferring the wrong function type for this particular
// overloaded method:
// @ts-ignore type-mismatch
const attrName = AriaPropNameToAttrNameMap$1[propName];
const descriptor = createAriaPropertyPropertyDescriptor(propName, attrName);
Object.defineProperty(Element.prototype, propName, descriptor);
* Copyright (c) 2018,, inc.
* All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* For full license text, see the LICENSE file in the repo root or
const ElementPrototypeAriaPropertyNames = keys$2(AriaPropNameToAttrNameMap$1);
for (let i = 0, len = ElementPrototypeAriaPropertyNames.length; i < len; i += 1) {
const propName = ElementPrototypeAriaPropertyNames[i];
if (detect(propName)) {
/* proxy-compat-disable */
* Copyright (C) 2018, inc.
* Copyright (c) 2018,, inc.
* All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* For full license text, see the LICENSE file in the repo root or
function invariant(value, msg) {
if (!value) {
throw new Error(`Invariant Violation: ${msg}`);
function isTrue$1(value, msg) {
if (!value) {
throw new Error(`Assert Violation: ${msg}`);
function isFalse$1(value, msg) {
if (value) {
throw new Error(`Assert Violation: ${msg}`);
function fail(msg) {
throw new Error(msg);
var assert = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
__proto__: null,
invariant: invariant,
isTrue: isTrue$1,
isFalse: isFalse$1,
fail: fail
* Copyright (c) 2018,, inc.
* All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* For full license text, see the LICENSE file in the repo root or
const {
assign: assign$1,
create: create$2,
defineProperties: defineProperties$1,
defineProperty: defineProperty$1,
freeze: freeze$1,
getOwnPropertyDescriptor: getOwnPropertyDescriptor$2,
getOwnPropertyNames: getOwnPropertyNames$2,
getPrototypeOf: getPrototypeOf$2,
hasOwnProperty: hasOwnProperty$2,
isFrozen: isFrozen$1,
keys: keys$1,
seal: seal$1,
setPrototypeOf: setPrototypeOf$1
} = Object;
const {
isArray: isArray$1
} = Array;
const {
filter: ArrayFilter,
find: ArrayFind,
indexOf: ArrayIndexOf$1,
join: ArrayJoin,
map: ArrayMap$1,
push: ArrayPush$2,
reduce: ArrayReduce,
reverse: ArrayReverse,
slice: ArraySlice,
splice: ArraySplice$1,
unshift: ArrayUnshift,
} = Array.prototype;
const {
fromCharCode: StringFromCharCode
} = String;
const {
charCodeAt: StringCharCodeAt,
replace: StringReplace,
slice: StringSlice,
toLowerCase: StringToLowerCase
} = String.prototype;
function isUndefined$3(obj) {
return obj === undefined;
function isNull(obj) {
return obj === null;
function isTrue$2(obj) {
return obj === true;
function isFalse$2(obj) {
return obj === false;
function isFunction$1(obj) {
return typeof obj === 'function';
function isObject(obj) {
return typeof obj === 'object';
function isString(obj) {
return typeof obj === 'string';
function isNumber(obj) {
return typeof obj === 'number';
const OtS$1 = {}.toString;
function toString$1(obj) {
if (obj && obj.toString) {
// Arrays might hold objects with "null" prototype So using
// Array.prototype.toString directly will cause an error Iterate through
// all the items and handle individually.
if (isArray$1(obj)) {
return$, toString$1), ',');
return obj.toString();
} else if (typeof obj === 'object') {
return OtS$;
} else {
return obj + '';
function getPropertyDescriptor(o, p) {
do {
const d = getOwnPropertyDescriptor$2(o, p);
if (!isUndefined$3(d)) {
return d;
o = getPrototypeOf$2(o);
} while (o !== null);
* Copyright (c) 2018,, inc.
* All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* For full license text, see the LICENSE file in the repo root or
* According to the following list, there are 48 aria attributes of which two (ariaDropEffect and
* ariaGrabbed) are deprecated:
* The above list of 46 aria attributes is consistent with the following resources:
const AriaPropertyNames = ['ariaActiveDescendant', 'ariaAtomic', 'ariaAutoComplete', 'ariaBusy', 'ariaChecked', 'ariaColCount', 'ariaColIndex', 'ariaColSpan', 'ariaControls', 'ariaCurrent', 'ariaDescribedBy', 'ariaDetails', 'ariaDisabled', 'ariaErrorMessage', 'ariaExpanded', 'ariaFlowTo', 'ariaHasPopup', 'ariaHidden', 'ariaInvalid', 'ariaKeyShortcuts', 'ariaLabel', 'ariaLabelledBy', 'ariaLevel', 'ariaLive', 'ariaModal', 'ariaMultiLine', 'ariaMultiSelectable', 'ariaOrientation', 'ariaOwns', 'ariaPlaceholder', 'ariaPosInSet', 'ariaPressed', 'ariaReadOnly', 'ariaRelevant', 'ariaRequired', 'ariaRoleDescription', 'ariaRowCount', 'ariaRowIndex', 'ariaRowSpan', 'ariaSelected', 'ariaSetSize', 'ariaSort', 'ariaValueMax', 'ariaValueMin', 'ariaValueNow', 'ariaValueText', 'role'];
const {
} = /*@__PURE__*/(() => {
const AriaAttrNameToPropNameMap = create$2(null);
const AriaPropNameToAttrNameMap = create$2(null); // Synthetic creation of all AOM property descriptors for Custom Elements, propName => {
const attrName =, /^aria/, () => 'aria-'));
AriaAttrNameToPropNameMap[attrName] = propName;
AriaPropNameToAttrNameMap[propName] = attrName;
return {
* Copyright (c) 2018,, inc.
* All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* For full license text, see the LICENSE file in the repo root or
// We use this to detect symbol support in order to avoid the expensive symbol polyfill. Note that
// we can't use typeof since it will fail when transpiling.
const hasNativeSymbolSupport = /*@__PURE__*/(() => Symbol('x').toString() === 'Symbol(x)')();
* Copyright (c) 2018,, inc.
* All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* For full license text, see the LICENSE file in the repo root or
// This method abstracts the creation of symbols, so we can fallback to strings when native symbols
// are not supported.
function createHiddenField(key, namespace) {
return hasNativeSymbolSupport ? Symbol(key) : `$$lwc-${namespace}-${key}$$`;
const hiddenFieldsMap = new WeakMap();
function setHiddenField(o, field, value) {
let valuesByField = hiddenFieldsMap.get(o);
if (isUndefined$3(valuesByField)) {
valuesByField = create$2(null);
hiddenFieldsMap.set(o, valuesByField);
valuesByField[field] = value;
function getHiddenField(o, field) {
const valuesByField = hiddenFieldsMap.get(o);
if (!isUndefined$3(valuesByField)) {
return valuesByField[field];
* Map composed of properties to attributes not following the HTML property to attribute mapping
* convention.
const NO_STANDARD_PROPERTY_ATTRIBUTE_MAPPING = new Map([['accessKey', 'accesskey'], ['readOnly', 'readonly'], ['tabIndex', 'tabindex'], ['bgColor', 'bgcolor'], ['colSpan', 'colspan'], ['rowSpan', 'rowspan'], ['contentEditable', 'contenteditable'], ['crossOrigin', 'crossorigin'], ['dateTime', 'datetime'], ['formAction', 'formaction'], ['isMap', 'ismap'], ['maxLength', 'maxlength'], ['minLength', 'minlength'], ['noValidate', 'novalidate'], ['useMap', 'usemap'], ['htmlFor', 'for']]);
* Map associating previously transformed HTML property into HTML attribute.
function htmlPropertyToAttribute(propName) {
const ariaAttributeName = AriaPropNameToAttrNameMap[propName];
if (!isUndefined$3(ariaAttributeName)) {
return ariaAttributeName;
const specialAttributeName = NO_STANDARD_PROPERTY_ATTRIBUTE_MAPPING.get(propName);
if (!isUndefined$3(specialAttributeName)) {
return specialAttributeName;
const cachedAttributeName = CACHED_PROPERTY_ATTRIBUTE_MAPPING.get(propName);
if (!isUndefined$3(cachedAttributeName)) {
return cachedAttributeName;
let attributeName = '';
for (let i = 0, len = propName.length; i < len; i++) {
const code =, i);
if (code >= 65 && // "A"
code <= 90 // "Z"
) {
attributeName += '-' + StringFromCharCode(code + 32);
} else {
attributeName += StringFromCharCode(code);
return attributeName;
/** version: 2.0.0-rc.0 */
* Copyright (c) 2018,, inc.
* All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* For full license text, see the LICENSE file in the repo root or
let nextTickCallbackQueue = [];
const SPACE_CHAR = 32;
const EmptyObject = seal$1(create$2(null));
const EmptyArray = seal$1([]);
function flushCallbackQueue() {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
if (nextTickCallbackQueue.length === 0) {
throw new Error(`Internal Error: If callbackQueue is scheduled, it is because there must be at least one callback on this pending queue.`);
const callbacks = nextTickCallbackQueue;
nextTickCallbackQueue = []; // reset to a new queue
for (let i = 0, len = callbacks.length; i < len; i += 1) {
function addCallbackToNextTick(callback) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
if (!isFunction$1(callback)) {
throw new Error(`Internal Error: addCallbackToNextTick() can only accept a function callback`);
if (nextTickCallbackQueue.length === 0) {
ArrayPush$, callback);
function guid() {
function s4() {
return Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000).toString(16).substring(1);
return s4() + s4() + '-' + s4() + '-' + s4() + '-' + s4() + '-' + s4() + s4() + s4();
* Copyright (c) 2019,, inc.
* All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* For full license text, see the LICENSE file in the repo root or
const {
create: create$1
} = Object;
const {
splice: ArraySplice,
indexOf: ArrayIndexOf,
push: ArrayPush$1
} = Array.prototype;
const TargetToReactiveRecordMap = new WeakMap();
function isUndefined$2(obj) {
return obj === undefined;
function getReactiveRecord(target) {
let reactiveRecord = TargetToReactiveRecordMap.get(target);
if (isUndefined$2(reactiveRecord)) {
const newRecord = create$1(null);
reactiveRecord = newRecord;
TargetToReactiveRecordMap.set(target, newRecord);
return reactiveRecord;
let currentReactiveObserver = null;
function valueMutated(target, key) {
const reactiveRecord = TargetToReactiveRecordMap.get(target);
if (!isUndefined$2(reactiveRecord)) {
const reactiveObservers = reactiveRecord[key];
if (!isUndefined$2(reactiveObservers)) {
for (let i = 0, len = reactiveObservers.length; i < len; i += 1) {
const ro = reactiveObservers[i];
function valueObserved(target, key) {
// We should determine if an active Observing Record is present to track mutations.
if (currentReactiveObserver === null) {
const ro = currentReactiveObserver;
const reactiveRecord = getReactiveRecord(target);
let reactiveObservers = reactiveRecord[key];
if (isUndefined$2(reactiveObservers)) {
reactiveObservers = [];
reactiveRecord[key] = reactiveObservers;
} else if (reactiveObservers[0] === ro) {
return; // perf optimization considering that most subscriptions will come from the same record
if (, ro) === -1) {;
class ReactiveObserver {
constructor(callback) {
this.listeners = [];
this.callback = callback;
observe(job) {
const inceptionReactiveRecord = currentReactiveObserver;
currentReactiveObserver = this;
let error;
try {
} catch (e) {
error = Object(e);
} finally {
currentReactiveObserver = inceptionReactiveRecord;
if (error !== undefined) {
throw error; // eslint-disable-line no-unsafe-finally
* This method is responsible for disconnecting the Reactive Observer
* from any Reactive Record that has a reference to it, to prevent future
* notifications about previously recorded access.
reset() {
const {
} = this;
const len = listeners.length;
if (len > 0) {
for (let i = 0; i < len; i += 1) {
const set = listeners[i];
const pos =[i], this);, pos, 1);
listeners.length = 0;
} // friend methods
notify() {, this);
link(reactiveObservers) {
ArrayPush$, this); // we keep track of observing records where the observing record was added to so we can do some clean up later on
ArrayPush$, reactiveObservers);
* Copyright (c) 2018,, inc.
* All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* For full license text, see the LICENSE file in the repo root or
function componentValueMutated(vm, key) {
valueMutated(vm.component, key);
function componentValueObserved(vm, key) {
valueObserved(vm.component, key);
* Copyright (c) 2018,, inc.
* All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* For full license text, see the LICENSE file in the repo root or
function getComponentTag(vm) {
return `<${}>`;
} // TODO [#1695]: Unify getComponentStack and getErrorComponentStack
function getComponentStack(vm) {
const stack = [];
let prefix = '';
while (!isNull(vm.owner)) {
ArrayPush$, prefix + getComponentTag(vm));
vm = vm.owner;
prefix += '\t';
return, '\n');
function getErrorComponentStack(vm) {
const wcStack = [];
let currentVm = vm;
while (!isNull(currentVm)) {
ArrayPush$, getComponentTag(currentVm));
currentVm = currentVm.owner;
return wcStack.reverse().join('\n\t');
* Copyright (c) 2018,, inc.
* All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* For full license text, see the LICENSE file in the repo root or
function logError(message, vm) {
let msg = `[LWC error]: ${message}`;
if (!isUndefined$3(vm)) {
msg = `${msg}\n${getComponentStack(vm)}`;
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'test') {
/* eslint-disable-next-line no-console */
try {
throw new Error(msg);
} catch (e) {
/* eslint-disable-next-line no-console */
* Copyright (c) 2018,, inc.
* All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* For full license text, see the LICENSE file in the repo root or
function handleEvent(event, vnode) {
const {
} = event;
const {
data: {
} = vnode;
const handler = on && on[type]; // call event handler if exists
if (handler) {, event);
function createListener() {
return function handler(event) {
handleEvent(event, handler.vnode);
function updateAllEventListeners(oldVnode, vnode) {
if (isUndefined$3(oldVnode.listener)) {
} else {
vnode.listener = oldVnode.listener;
vnode.listener.vnode = vnode;
function createAllEventListeners(vnode) {
const {
data: {
owner: {
} = vnode;
if (isUndefined$3(on)) {
const listener = vnode.listener = createListener();
listener.vnode = vnode;
let name;
for (name in on) {
renderer.addEventListener(elm, name, listener);
var modEvents = {
update: updateAllEventListeners,
create: createAllEventListeners
* Copyright (c) 2018,, inc.
* All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* For full license text, see the LICENSE file in the repo root or
const defaultDefHTMLPropertyNames = ['accessKey', 'dir', 'draggable', 'hidden', 'id', 'lang', 'spellcheck', 'tabIndex', 'title'];
function offsetPropertyErrorMessage(name) {
return `Using the \`${name}\` property is an anti-pattern because it rounds the value to an integer. Instead, use the \`getBoundingClientRect\` method to obtain fractional values for the size of an element and its position relative to the viewport.`;
} // Global HTML Attributes & Properties
const globalHTMLProperties = assign$1(create$2(null), {
accessKey: {
attribute: 'accesskey'
accessKeyLabel: {
readOnly: true
className: {
attribute: 'class',
error: 'Using the `className` property is an anti-pattern because of slow runtime behavior and potential conflicts with classes provided by the owner element. Use the `classList` API instead.'
contentEditable: {
attribute: 'contenteditable'
dataset: {
readOnly: true,
error: "Using the `dataset` property is an anti-pattern because it can't be statically analyzed. Expose each property individually using the `@api` decorator instead."
dir: {
attribute: 'dir'
draggable: {
attribute: 'draggable'
dropzone: {
attribute: 'dropzone',
readOnly: true
hidden: {
attribute: 'hidden'
id: {
attribute: 'id'
inputMode: {
attribute: 'inputmode'
lang: {
attribute: 'lang'
slot: {
attribute: 'slot',
error: 'Using the `slot` property is an anti-pattern.'
spellcheck: {
attribute: 'spellcheck'
style: {
attribute: 'style'
tabIndex: {
attribute: 'tabindex'
title: {
attribute: 'title'
translate: {
attribute: 'translate'
// additional "global attributes" that are not present in the link above.
isContentEditable: {
readOnly: true
offsetHeight: {
readOnly: true,
error: offsetPropertyErrorMessage('offsetHeight')
offsetLeft: {
readOnly: true,
error: offsetPropertyErrorMessage('offsetLeft')
offsetParent: {
readOnly: true
offsetTop: {
readOnly: true,
error: offsetPropertyErrorMessage('offsetTop')
offsetWidth: {
readOnly: true,
error: offsetPropertyErrorMessage('offsetWidth')
role: {
attribute: 'role'
let controlledElement = null;
let controlledAttributeName;
function isAttributeLocked(elm, attrName) {
return elm !== controlledElement || attrName !== controlledAttributeName;
function lockAttribute(_elm, _key) {
controlledElement = null;
controlledAttributeName = undefined;
function unlockAttribute(elm, key) {
controlledElement = elm;
controlledAttributeName = key;
* Copyright (c) 2018,, inc.
* All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* For full license text, see the LICENSE file in the repo root or
const xlinkNS = '';
const xmlNS = '';
const ColonCharCode = 58;
function updateAttrs(oldVnode, vnode) {
const {
data: {
owner: {
} = vnode;
if (isUndefined$3(attrs)) {
let {
data: {
attrs: oldAttrs
} = oldVnode;
if (oldAttrs === attrs) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
assert.invariant(isUndefined$3(oldAttrs) || keys$1(oldAttrs).join(',') === keys$1(attrs).join(','), ` cannot change shape.`);
const elm = vnode.elm;
const {
} = renderer;
let key;
oldAttrs = isUndefined$3(oldAttrs) ? EmptyObject : oldAttrs; // update modified attributes, add new attributes
// this routine is only useful for data-* attributes in all kind of elements
// and aria-* in standard elements (custom elements will use props for these)
for (key in attrs) {
const cur = attrs[key];
const old = oldAttrs[key];
if (old !== cur) {
unlockAttribute(elm, key);
if (, 3) === ColonCharCode) {
// Assume xml namespace
setAttribute(elm, key, cur, xmlNS);
} else if (, 5) === ColonCharCode) {
// Assume xlink namespace
setAttribute(elm, key, cur, xlinkNS);
} else if (isNull(cur)) {
removeAttribute(elm, key);
} else {
setAttribute(elm, key, cur);
const emptyVNode$3 = {
data: {}
var modAttrs = {
create: vnode => updateAttrs(emptyVNode$3, vnode),
update: updateAttrs
* Copyright (c) 2018,, inc.
* All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* For full license text, see the LICENSE file in the repo root or
function isLiveBindingProp(sel, key) {
// For properties with live bindings, we read values from the DOM element
// instead of relying on internally tracked values.
return sel === 'input' && (key === 'value' || key === 'checked');
function update(oldVnode, vnode) {
const props =;
if (isUndefined$3(props)) {
const oldProps =;
if (oldProps === props) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
assert.invariant(isUndefined$3(oldProps) || keys$1(oldProps).join(',') === keys$1(props).join(','), ' cannot change shape.');
const isFirstPatch = isUndefined$3(oldProps);
const {
owner: {
} = vnode;
for (const key in props) {
const cur = props[key]; // if it is the first time this element is patched, or the current value is different to the previous value...
if (isFirstPatch || cur !== (isLiveBindingProp(sel, key) ? renderer.getProperty(elm, key) : oldProps[key])) {
renderer.setProperty(elm, key, cur);
const emptyVNode$2 = {
data: {}
var modProps = {
create: vnode => update(emptyVNode$2, vnode),
* Copyright (c) 2018,, inc.
* All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* For full license text, see the LICENSE file in the repo root or
const classNameToClassMap = create$2(null);
function getMapFromClassName(className) {
// Intentionally using == to match undefined and null values from computed style attribute
if (className == null) {
return EmptyObject;
} // computed class names must be string
className = isString(className) ? className : className + '';
let map = classNameToClassMap[className];
if (map) {
return map;
map = create$2(null);
let start = 0;
let o;
const len = className.length;
for (o = 0; o < len; o++) {
if (, o) === SPACE_CHAR) {
if (o > start) {
map[, start, o)] = true;
start = o + 1;
if (o > start) {
map[, start, o)] = true;
classNameToClassMap[className] = map;
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
// just to make sure that this object never changes as part of the diffing algo
return map;
function updateClassAttribute(oldVnode, vnode) {
const {
data: {
className: newClass
owner: {
} = vnode;
const {
data: {
className: oldClass
} = oldVnode;
if (oldClass === newClass) {
const classList = renderer.getClassList(elm);
const newClassMap = getMapFromClassName(newClass);
const oldClassMap = getMapFromClassName(oldClass);
let name;
for (name in oldClassMap) {
// remove only if it is not in the new class collection and it is not set from within the instance
if (isUndefined$3(newClassMap[name])) {
for (name in newClassMap) {
if (isUndefined$3(oldClassMap[name])) {
const emptyVNode$1 = {
data: {}
var modComputedClassName = {
create: vnode => updateClassAttribute(emptyVNode$1, vnode),
update: updateClassAttribute
* Copyright (c) 2018,, inc.
* All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* For full license text, see the LICENSE file in the repo root or
function updateStyleAttribute(oldVnode, vnode) {
const {
data: {
style: newStyle
owner: {
} = vnode;
const {
} = renderer;
if ( === newStyle) {
if (!isString(newStyle) || newStyle === '') {
removeAttribute(elm, 'style');
} else {
setAttribute(elm, 'style', newStyle);
const emptyVNode = {
data: {}
var modComputedStyle = {
create: vnode => updateStyleAttribute(emptyVNode, vnode),
update: updateStyleAttribute
* Copyright (c) 2018,, inc.
* All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* For full license text, see the LICENSE file in the repo root or
// The compiler takes care of transforming the inline classnames into an object. It's faster to set the
// different classnames properties individually instead of via a string.
function createClassAttribute(vnode) {
const {
data: {
owner: {
} = vnode;
if (isUndefined$3(classMap)) {
const classList = renderer.getClassList(elm);
for (const name in classMap) {
var modStaticClassName = {
create: createClassAttribute
* Copyright (c) 2018,, inc.
* All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* For full license text, see the LICENSE file in the repo root or
// The compiler takes care of transforming the inline style into an object. It's faster to set the
// different style properties individually instead of via a string.
function createStyleAttribute(vnode) {
const {
data: {
owner: {
} = vnode;
if (isUndefined$3(styleMap)) {
for (const name in styleMap) {
renderer.setCSSStyleProperty(elm, name, styleMap[name]);
var modStaticStyle = {
create: createStyleAttribute
* Copyright (c) 2018,, inc.
* All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* For full license text, see the LICENSE file in the repo root or
Copyright (c) 2015 Simon Friis Vindum.
This code may only be used under the MIT License found at
Code distributed by Snabbdom as part of the Snabbdom project at
function isUndef(s) {
return s === undefined;
function sameVnode(vnode1, vnode2) {
return vnode1.key === vnode2.key && vnode1.sel === vnode2.sel;
function isVNode(vnode) {
return vnode != null;
function createKeyToOldIdx(children, beginIdx, endIdx) {
const map = {};
let j, key, ch; // TODO [#1637]: simplify this by assuming that all vnodes has keys
for (j = beginIdx; j <= endIdx; ++j) {
ch = children[j];
if (isVNode(ch)) {
key = ch.key;
if (key !== undefined) {
map[key] = j;
return map;
function addVnodes(parentElm, before, vnodes, startIdx, endIdx) {
for (; startIdx <= endIdx; ++startIdx) {
const ch = vnodes[startIdx];
if (isVNode(ch)) {
ch.hook.insert(ch, parentElm, before);
function removeVnodes(parentElm, vnodes, startIdx, endIdx) {
for (; startIdx <= endIdx; ++startIdx) {
const ch = vnodes[startIdx]; // text nodes do not have logic associated to them
if (isVNode(ch)) {
ch.hook.remove(ch, parentElm);
function updateDynamicChildren(parentElm, oldCh, newCh) {
let oldStartIdx = 0;
let newStartIdx = 0;
let oldEndIdx = oldCh.length - 1;
let oldStartVnode = oldCh[0];
let oldEndVnode = oldCh[oldEndIdx];
const newChEnd = newCh.length - 1;
let newEndIdx = newChEnd;
let newStartVnode = newCh[0];
let newEndVnode = newCh[newEndIdx];
let oldKeyToIdx;
let idxInOld;
let elmToMove;
let before;
while (oldStartIdx <= oldEndIdx && newStartIdx <= newEndIdx) {
if (!isVNode(oldStartVnode)) {
oldStartVnode = oldCh[++oldStartIdx]; // Vnode might have been moved left
} else if (!isVNode(oldEndVnode)) {
oldEndVnode = oldCh[--oldEndIdx];
} else if (!isVNode(newStartVnode)) {
newStartVnode = newCh[++newStartIdx];
} else if (!isVNode(newEndVnode)) {
newEndVnode = newCh[--newEndIdx];
} else if (sameVnode(oldStartVnode, newStartVnode)) {
patchVnode(oldStartVnode, newStartVnode);
oldStartVnode = oldCh[++oldStartIdx];
newStartVnode = newCh[++newStartIdx];
} else if (sameVnode(oldEndVnode, newEndVnode)) {
patchVnode(oldEndVnode, newEndVnode);
oldEndVnode = oldCh[--oldEndIdx];
newEndVnode = newCh[--newEndIdx];
} else if (sameVnode(oldStartVnode, newEndVnode)) {
// Vnode moved right
patchVnode(oldStartVnode, newEndVnode);
newEndVnode.hook.move(oldStartVnode, parentElm, oldEndVnode.owner.renderer.nextSibling(oldEndVnode.elm));
oldStartVnode = oldCh[++oldStartIdx];
newEndVnode = newCh[--newEndIdx];
} else if (sameVnode(oldEndVnode, newStartVnode)) {
// Vnode moved left
patchVnode(oldEndVnode, newStartVnode);
newStartVnode.hook.move(oldEndVnode, parentElm, oldStartVnode.elm);
oldEndVnode = oldCh[--oldEndIdx];
newStartVnode = newCh[++newStartIdx];
} else {
if (oldKeyToIdx === undefined) {
oldKeyToIdx = createKeyToOldIdx(oldCh, oldStartIdx, oldEndIdx);
idxInOld = oldKeyToIdx[newStartVnode.key];
if (isUndef(idxInOld)) {
// New element
newStartVnode.hook.insert(newStartVnode, parentElm, oldStartVnode.elm);
newStartVnode = newCh[++newStartIdx];
} else {
elmToMove = oldCh[idxInOld];
if (isVNode(elmToMove)) {
if (elmToMove.sel !== newStartVnode.sel) {
// New element
newStartVnode.hook.insert(newStartVnode, parentElm, oldStartVnode.elm);
} else {
patchVnode(elmToMove, newStartVnode);
oldCh[idxInOld] = undefined;
newStartVnode.hook.move(elmToMove, parentElm, oldStartVnode.elm);
newStartVnode = newCh[++newStartIdx];
if (oldStartIdx <= oldEndIdx || newStartIdx <= newEndIdx) {
if (oldStartIdx > oldEndIdx) {
// There's some cases in which the sub array of vnodes to be inserted is followed by null(s) and an
// already processed vnode, in such cases the vnodes to be inserted should be before that processed vnode.
let i = newEndIdx;
let n;
do {
n = newCh[++i];
} while (!isVNode(n) && i < newChEnd);
before = isVNode(n) ? n.elm : null;
addVnodes(parentElm, before, newCh, newStartIdx, newEndIdx);
} else {
removeVnodes(parentElm, oldCh, oldStartIdx, oldEndIdx);
function updateStaticChildren(parentElm, oldCh, newCh) {
const oldChLength = oldCh.length;
const newChLength = newCh.length;
if (oldChLength === 0) {
// the old list is empty, we can directly insert anything new
addVnodes(parentElm, null, newCh, 0, newChLength);
if (newChLength === 0) {
// the old list is nonempty and the new list is empty so we can directly remove all old nodes
// this is the case in which the dynamic children of an if-directive should be removed
removeVnodes(parentElm, oldCh, 0, oldChLength);
} // if the old list is not empty, the new list MUST have the same
// amount of nodes, that's why we call this static children
let referenceElm = null;
for (let i = newChLength - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) {
const vnode = newCh[i];
const oldVNode = oldCh[i];
if (vnode !== oldVNode) {
if (isVNode(oldVNode)) {
if (isVNode(vnode)) {
// both vnodes must be equivalent, and se just need to patch them
patchVnode(oldVNode, vnode);
referenceElm = vnode.elm;
} else {
// removing the old vnode since the new one is null
oldVNode.hook.remove(oldVNode, parentElm);
} else if (isVNode(vnode)) {
// this condition is unnecessary
vnode.hook.create(vnode); // insert the new node one since the old one is null
vnode.hook.insert(vnode, parentElm, referenceElm);
referenceElm = vnode.elm;
function patchVnode(oldVnode, vnode) {
if (oldVnode !== vnode) {
vnode.elm = oldVnode.elm;
vnode.hook.update(oldVnode, vnode);
* Copyright (c) 2018,, inc.
* All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* For full license text, see the LICENSE file in the repo root or
function generateDataDescriptor(options) {
return assign$1({
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
writable: true
}, options);
function generateAccessorDescriptor(options) {
return assign$1({
configurable: true,
enumerable: true
}, options);
let isDomMutationAllowed = false;
function unlockDomMutation() {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {
// this method should never leak to prod
throw new ReferenceError();
isDomMutationAllowed = true;
function lockDomMutation() {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {
// this method should never leak to prod
throw new ReferenceError();
isDomMutationAllowed = false;
function logMissingPortalError(name, type) {
return logError(`The \`${name}\` ${type} is available only on elements that use the \`lwc:dom="manual"\` directive.`);
function patchElementWithRestrictions(elm, options) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {
// this method should never leak to prod
throw new ReferenceError();
const originalOuterHTMLDescriptor = getPropertyDescriptor(elm, 'outerHTML');
const descriptors = {
outerHTML: generateAccessorDescriptor({
get() {
set(_value) {
throw new TypeError(`Invalid attempt to set outerHTML on Element.`);
}; // Apply extra restriction related to DOM manipulation if the element is not a portal.
if (isFalse$2(options.isPortal)) {
const {
} = elm;
const originalNodeValueDescriptor = getPropertyDescriptor(elm, 'nodeValue');
const originalInnerHTMLDescriptor = getPropertyDescriptor(elm, 'innerHTML');
const originalTextContentDescriptor = getPropertyDescriptor(elm, 'textContent');
assign$1(descriptors, {
appendChild: generateDataDescriptor({
value(aChild) {
logMissingPortalError('appendChild', 'method');
return, aChild);
insertBefore: generateDataDescriptor({
value(newNode, referenceNode) {
if (!isDomMutationAllowed) {
logMissingPortalError('insertBefore', 'method');
return, newNode, referenceNode);
removeChild: generateDataDescriptor({
value(aChild) {
if (!isDomMutationAllowed) {
logMissingPortalError('removeChild', 'method');
return, aChild);
replaceChild: generateDataDescriptor({
value(newChild, oldChild) {
logMissingPortalError('replaceChild', 'method');
return, newChild, oldChild);
nodeValue: generateAccessorDescriptor({
get() {
set(value) {
if (!isDomMutationAllowed) {
logMissingPortalError('nodeValue', 'property');
}, value);
textContent: generateAccessorDescriptor({
get() {
set(value) {
logMissingPortalError('textContent', 'property');, value);
innerHTML: generateAccessorDescriptor({
get() {
set(value) {
logMissingPortalError('innerHTML', 'property');
return, value);
defineProperties$1(elm, descriptors);
function getShadowRootRestrictionsDescriptors(sr) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {
// this method should never leak to prod
throw new ReferenceError();
} // Disallowing properties in dev mode only to avoid people doing the wrong
// thing when using the real shadow root, because if that's the case,
// the component will not work when running with synthetic shadow.
const originalAddEventListener = sr.addEventListener;
const originalInnerHTMLDescriptor = getPropertyDescriptor(sr, 'innerHTML');
const originalTextContentDescriptor = getPropertyDescriptor(sr, 'textContent');
return {
innerHTML: generateAccessorDescriptor({
get() {
set(_value) {
throw new TypeError(`Invalid attempt to set innerHTML on ShadowRoot.`);
textContent: generateAccessorDescriptor({
get() {
set(_value) {
throw new TypeError(`Invalid attempt to set textContent on ShadowRoot.`);
addEventListener: generateDataDescriptor({
value(type, listener, options) {
// TODO [#420]: this is triggered when the component author attempts to add a listener
// programmatically into its Component's shadow root
if (!isUndefined$3(options)) {
logError('The `addEventListener` method in `LightningElement` does not support any options.', getAssociatedVMIfPresent(this));
} // Typescript does not like it when you treat the `arguments` object as an array
// @ts-ignore type-mismatch
return originalAddEventListener.apply(this, arguments);
} // Custom Elements Restrictions:
// -----------------------------
function getCustomElementRestrictionsDescriptors(elm) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {
// this method should never leak to prod
throw new ReferenceError();
const originalAddEventListener = elm.addEventListener;
const originalInnerHTMLDescriptor = getPropertyDescriptor(elm, 'innerHTML');
const originalOuterHTMLDescriptor = getPropertyDescriptor(elm, 'outerHTML');
const originalTextContentDescriptor = getPropertyDescriptor(elm, 'textContent');
return {
innerHTML: generateAccessorDescriptor({
get() {
set(_value) {
throw new TypeError(`Invalid attempt to set innerHTML on HTMLElement.`);
outerHTML: generateAccessorDescriptor({
get() {
set(_value) {
throw new TypeError(`Invalid attempt to set outerHTML on HTMLElement.`);
textContent: generateAccessorDescriptor({
get() {
set(_value) {
throw new TypeError(`Invalid attempt to set textContent on HTMLElement.`);
addEventListener: generateDataDescriptor({
value(type, listener, options) {
// TODO [#420]: this is triggered when the component author attempts to add a listener
// programmatically into a lighting element node
if (!isUndefined$3(options)) {
logError('The `addEventListener` method in `LightningElement` does not support any options.', getAssociatedVMIfPresent(this));
} // Typescript does not like it when you treat the `arguments` object as an array
// @ts-ignore type-mismatch
return originalAddEventListener.apply(this, arguments);
function getComponentRestrictionsDescriptors() {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {
// this method should never leak to prod
throw new ReferenceError();
return {
tagName: generateAccessorDescriptor({
get() {
throw new Error(`Usage of property \`tagName\` is disallowed because the component itself does` + ` not know which tagName will be used to create the element, therefore writing` + ` code that check for that value is error prone.`);
configurable: true,
enumerable: false // no enumerable properties on component
function getLightningElementPrototypeRestrictionsDescriptors(proto) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {
// this method should never leak to prod
throw new ReferenceError();
const originalDispatchEvent = proto.dispatchEvent;
const descriptors = {
dispatchEvent: generateDataDescriptor({
value(event) {
const vm = getAssociatedVM(this);
if (!isNull(event) && isObject(event)) {
const {
} = event;
if (!/^[a-z][a-z0-9_]*$/.test(type)) {
logError(`Invalid event type "${type}" dispatched in element ${getComponentTag(vm)}.` + ` Event name must start with a lowercase letter and followed only lowercase` + ` letters, numbers, and underscores`, vm);
} // Typescript does not like it when you treat the `arguments` object as an array
// @ts-ignore type-mismatch
return originalDispatchEvent.apply(this, arguments);
};$2(globalHTMLProperties), propName => {
if (propName in proto) {
return; // no need to redefine something that we are already exposing
descriptors[propName] = generateAccessorDescriptor({
get() {
const {
} = globalHTMLProperties[propName];
const msg = [];
msg.push(`Accessing the global HTML property "${propName}" is disabled.`);
if (error) {
} else if (attribute) {
msg.push(`Instead access it via \`this.getAttribute("${attribute}")\`.`);
logError(msg.join('\n'), getAssociatedVM(this));
set() {
const {
} = globalHTMLProperties[propName];
if (readOnly) {
logError(`The global HTML property \`${propName}\` is read-only.`, getAssociatedVM(this));
return descriptors;
} // This routine will prevent access to certain properties on a shadow root instance to guarantee
// that all components will work fine in IE11 and other browsers without shadow dom support.
function patchShadowRootWithRestrictions(sr) {
defineProperties$1(sr, getShadowRootRestrictionsDescriptors(sr));
function patchCustomElementWithRestrictions(elm) {
const restrictionsDescriptors = getCustomElementRestrictionsDescriptors(elm);
const elmProto = getPrototypeOf$2(elm);
setPrototypeOf$1(elm, create$2(elmProto, restrictionsDescriptors));
function patchComponentWithRestrictions(cmp) {
defineProperties$1(cmp, getComponentRestrictionsDescriptors());
function patchLightningElementPrototypeWithRestrictions(proto) {
defineProperties$1(proto, getLightningElementPrototypeRestrictionsDescriptors(proto));
* Copyright (c) 2020,, inc.
* All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* For full license text, see the LICENSE file in the repo root or
// This is a temporary workaround to get the @lwc/engine-server to evaluate in node without having
// to inject at runtime.
const HTMLElementConstructor$1 = typeof HTMLElement !== 'undefined' ? HTMLElement : function () {};
const HTMLElementPrototype = HTMLElementConstructor$1.prototype;
* Copyright (c) 2018,, inc.
* All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* For full license text, see the LICENSE file in the repo root or
* This is a descriptor map that contains
* all standard properties that a Custom Element can support (including AOM properties), which
* determines what kind of capabilities the Base HTML Element and
* Base Lightning Element should support.
const HTMLElementOriginalDescriptors = create$2(null);$1(AriaPropNameToAttrNameMap), propName => {
// Note: intentionally using our in-house getPropertyDescriptor instead of getOwnPropertyDescriptor here because
// in IE11, some properties are on Element.prototype instead of HTMLElement, just to be sure.
const descriptor = getPropertyDescriptor(HTMLElementPrototype, propName);
if (!isUndefined$3(descriptor)) {
HTMLElementOriginalDescriptors[propName] = descriptor;
});, propName => {
// Note: intentionally using our in-house getPropertyDescriptor instead of getOwnPropertyDescriptor here because
// in IE11, id property is on Element.prototype instead of HTMLElement, and we suspect that more will fall into
// this category, so, better to be sure.
const descriptor = getPropertyDescriptor(HTMLElementPrototype, propName);
if (!isUndefined$3(descriptor)) {
HTMLElementOriginalDescriptors[propName] = descriptor;
* Copyright (C) 2017, inc.
const {
} = Array;
const {
getPrototypeOf: getPrototypeOf$1,
create: ObjectCreate,
defineProperty: ObjectDefineProperty,
defineProperties: ObjectDefineProperties,
getOwnPropertyDescriptor: getOwnPropertyDescriptor$1,
getOwnPropertyNames: getOwnPropertyNames$1,
hasOwnProperty: hasOwnProperty$1
} = Object;
const {
push: ArrayPush,
concat: ArrayConcat,
map: ArrayMap
} = Array.prototype;
const OtS = {}.toString;
function toString(obj) {
if (obj && obj.toString) {
return obj.toString();
} else if (typeof obj === 'object') {
} else {
return obj + '';
function isUndefined$1(obj) {
return obj === undefined;
function isFunction(obj) {
return typeof obj === 'function';
const proxyToValueMap = new WeakMap();
function registerProxy(proxy, value) {
proxyToValueMap.set(proxy, value);
const unwrap$1 = replicaOrAny => proxyToValueMap.get(replicaOrAny) || replicaOrAny;
class BaseProxyHandler {
constructor(membrane, value) {
this.originalTarget = value;
this.membrane = membrane;
} // Shared utility methods
wrapDescriptor(descriptor) {
if (hasOwnProperty$, 'value')) {
descriptor.value = this.wrapValue(descriptor.value);
} else {
const {
set: originalSet,
get: originalGet
} = descriptor;
if (!isUndefined$1(originalGet)) {
descriptor.get = this.wrapGetter(originalGet);
if (!isUndefined$1(originalSet)) {
descriptor.set = this.wrapSetter(originalSet);
return descriptor;
copyDescriptorIntoShadowTarget(shadowTarget, key) {
const {
} = this; // Note: a property might get defined multiple times in the shadowTarget
// but it will always be compatible with the previous descriptor
// to preserve the object invariants, which makes these lines safe.
const originalDescriptor = getOwnPropertyDescriptor$1(originalTarget, key);
if (!isUndefined$1(originalDescriptor)) {
const wrappedDesc = this.wrapDescriptor(originalDescriptor);
ObjectDefineProperty(shadowTarget, key, wrappedDesc);
lockShadowTarget(shadowTarget) {
const {
} = this;
const targetKeys =$1(originalTarget), getOwnPropertySymbols(originalTarget));
targetKeys.forEach(key => {
this.copyDescriptorIntoShadowTarget(shadowTarget, key);
const {
membrane: {
} = this;
if (!isUndefined$1(tagPropertyKey) && !hasOwnProperty$, tagPropertyKey)) {
ObjectDefineProperty(shadowTarget, tagPropertyKey, ObjectCreate(null));
} // Shared Traps
apply(shadowTarget, thisArg, argArray) {
/* No op */
construct(shadowTarget, argArray, newTarget) {
/* No op */
get(shadowTarget, key) {
const {
membrane: {
} = this;
const value = originalTarget[key];
valueObserved(originalTarget, key);
return this.wrapValue(value);
has(shadowTarget, key) {
const {
membrane: {
} = this;
valueObserved(originalTarget, key); // since key is never going to be undefined, and tagPropertyKey might be undefined
// we can simply compare them as the second part of the condition.
return key in originalTarget || key === tagPropertyKey;
ownKeys(shadowTarget) {
const {
membrane: {
} = this; // if the membrane tag key exists and it is not in the original target, we add it to the keys.
const keys = isUndefined$1(tagPropertyKey) || hasOwnProperty$, tagPropertyKey) ? [] : [tagPropertyKey]; // small perf optimization using push instead of concat to avoid creating an extra array
ArrayPush.apply(keys, getOwnPropertyNames$1(originalTarget));
ArrayPush.apply(keys, getOwnPropertySymbols(originalTarget));
return keys;
isExtensible(shadowTarget) {
const {
} = this; // optimization to avoid attempting to lock down the shadowTarget multiple times
if (!isExtensible(shadowTarget)) {
return false; // was already locked down
if (!isExtensible(originalTarget)) {
return false;
return true;
getPrototypeOf(shadowTarget) {
const {
} = this;
return getPrototypeOf$1(originalTarget);
getOwnPropertyDescriptor(shadowTarget, key) {
const {
membrane: {
} = this; // keys looked up via getOwnPropertyDescriptor need to be reactive
valueObserved(originalTarget, key);
let desc = getOwnPropertyDescriptor$1(originalTarget, key);
if (isUndefined$1(desc)) {
if (key !== tagPropertyKey) {
return undefined;
} // if the key is the membrane tag key, and is not in the original target,
// we produce a synthetic descriptor and install it on the shadow target
desc = {
value: undefined,
writable: false,
configurable: false,
enumerable: false
ObjectDefineProperty(shadowTarget, tagPropertyKey, desc);
return desc;
if (desc.configurable === false) {
// updating the descriptor to non-configurable on the shadow
this.copyDescriptorIntoShadowTarget(shadowTarget, key);
} // Note: by accessing the descriptor, the key is marked as observed
// but access to the value, setter or getter (if available) cannot observe
// mutations, just like regular methods, in which case we just do nothing.
return this.wrapDescriptor(desc);
const getterMap = new WeakMap();
const setterMap = new WeakMap();
const reverseGetterMap = new WeakMap();
const reverseSetterMap = new WeakMap();
class ReactiveProxyHandler extends BaseProxyHandler {
wrapValue(value) {
return this.membrane.getProxy(value);
wrapGetter(originalGet) {
const wrappedGetter = getterMap.get(originalGet);
if (!isUndefined$1(wrappedGetter)) {
return wrappedGetter;
const handler = this;
const get = function () {
// invoking the original getter with the original target
return handler.wrapValue($1(this)));
getterMap.set(originalGet, get);
reverseGetterMap.set(get, originalGet);
return get;
wrapSetter(originalSet) {
const wrappedSetter = setterMap.get(originalSet);
if (!isUndefined$1(wrappedSetter)) {
return wrappedSetter;
const set = function (v) {
// invoking the original setter with the original target$1(this), unwrap$1(v));
setterMap.set(originalSet, set);
reverseSetterMap.set(set, originalSet);
return set;
unwrapDescriptor(descriptor) {
if (hasOwnProperty$, 'value')) {
// dealing with a data descriptor
descriptor.value = unwrap$1(descriptor.value);
} else {
const {
} = descriptor;
if (!isUndefined$1(get)) {
descriptor.get = this.unwrapGetter(get);
if (!isUndefined$1(set)) {
descriptor.set = this.unwrapSetter(set);
return descriptor;
unwrapGetter(redGet) {
const reverseGetter = reverseGetterMap.get(redGet);
if (!isUndefined$1(reverseGetter)) {
return reverseGetter;
const handler = this;
const get = function () {
// invoking the red getter with the proxy of this
return unwrap$1(;
getterMap.set(get, redGet);
reverseGetterMap.set(redGet, get);
return get;
unwrapSetter(redSet) {
const reverseSetter = reverseSetterMap.get(redSet);
if (!isUndefined$1(reverseSetter)) {
return reverseSetter;
const handler = this;
const set = function (v) {
// invoking the red setter with the proxy of this, handler.wrapValue(v));
setterMap.set(set, redSet);
reverseSetterMap.set(redSet, set);
return set;
set(shadowTarget, key, value) {
const {
membrane: {
} = this;
const oldValue = originalTarget[key];
if (oldValue !== value) {
originalTarget[key] = value;
valueMutated(originalTarget, key);
} else if (key === 'length' && isArray(originalTarget)) {
// fix for issue #236: push will add the new index, and by the time length
// is updated, the internal length is already equal to the new length value
// therefore, the oldValue is equal to the value. This is the forking logic
// to support this use case.
valueMutated(originalTarget, key);
return true;
deleteProperty(shadowTarget, key) {
const {
membrane: {
} = this;
delete originalTarget[key];
valueMutated(originalTarget, key);
return true;
setPrototypeOf(shadowTarget, prototype) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
throw new Error(`Invalid setPrototypeOf invocation for reactive proxy ${toString(this.originalTarget)}. Prototype of reactive objects cannot be changed.`);
preventExtensions(shadowTarget) {
if (isExtensible(shadowTarget)) {
const {
} = this;
preventExtensions(originalTarget); // if the originalTarget is a proxy itself, it might reject
// the preventExtension call, in which case we should not attempt to lock down
// the shadow target.
if (isExtensible(originalTarget)) {
return false;
return true;
defineProperty(shadowTarget, key, descriptor) {
const {
membrane: {
} = this;
if (key === tagPropertyKey && !hasOwnProperty$, key)) {
// To avoid leaking the membrane tag property into the original target, we must
// be sure that the original target doesn't have yet.
// NOTE: we do not return false here because Object.freeze and equivalent operations
// will attempt to set the descriptor to the same value, and expect no to throw. This
// is an small compromise for the sake of not having to diff the descriptors.
return true;
ObjectDefineProperty(originalTarget, key, this.unwrapDescriptor(descriptor)); // intentionally testing if false since it could be undefined as well
if (descriptor.configurable === false) {
this.copyDescriptorIntoShadowTarget(shadowTarget, key);
valueMutated(originalTarget, key);
return true;
const getterMap$1 = new WeakMap();
const setterMap$1 = new WeakMap();
class ReadOnlyHandler extends BaseProxyHandler {
wrapValue(value) {
return this.membrane.getReadOnlyProxy(value);
wrapGetter(originalGet) {
const wrappedGetter = getterMap$1.get(originalGet);
if (!isUndefined$1(wrappedGetter)) {
return wrappedGetter;
const handler = this;
const get = function () {
// invoking the original getter with the original target
return handler.wrapValue($1(this)));
getterMap$1.set(originalGet, get);
return get;
wrapSetter(originalSet) {
const wrappedSetter = setterMap$1.get(originalSet);
if (!isUndefined$1(wrappedSetter)) {
return wrappedSetter;
const handler = this;
const set = function (v) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
const {
} = handler;
throw new Error(`Invalid mutation: Cannot invoke a setter on "${originalTarget}". "${originalTarget}" is read-only.`);
setterMap$1.set(originalSet, set);
return set;
set(shadowTarget, key, value) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
const {
} = this;
throw new Error(`Invalid mutation: Cannot set "${key.toString()}" on "${originalTarget}". "${originalTarget}" is read-only.`);
return false;
deleteProperty(shadowTarget, key) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
const {
} = this;
throw new Error(`Invalid mutation: Cannot delete "${key.toString()}" on "${originalTarget}". "${originalTarget}" is read-only.`);
return false;
setPrototypeOf(shadowTarget, prototype) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
const {
} = this;
throw new Error(`Invalid prototype mutation: Cannot set prototype on "${originalTarget}". "${originalTarget}" prototype is read-only.`);
preventExtensions(shadowTarget) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
const {
} = this;
throw new Error(`Invalid mutation: Cannot preventExtensions on ${originalTarget}". "${originalTarget} is read-only.`);
return false;
defineProperty(shadowTarget, key, descriptor) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
const {
} = this;
throw new Error(`Invalid mutation: Cannot defineProperty "${key.toString()}" on "${originalTarget}". "${originalTarget}" is read-only.`);
return false;
function extract(objectOrArray) {
if (isArray(objectOrArray)) {
return => {
const original = unwrap$1(item);
if (original !== item) {
return extract(original);
return item;
const obj = ObjectCreate(getPrototypeOf$1(objectOrArray));
const names = getOwnPropertyNames$1(objectOrArray);
return, getOwnPropertySymbols(objectOrArray)).reduce((seed, key) => {
const item = objectOrArray[key];
const original = unwrap$1(item);
if (original !== item) {
seed[key] = extract(original);
} else {
seed[key] = item;
return seed;
}, obj);
const formatter = {
header: plainOrProxy => {
const originalTarget = unwrap$1(plainOrProxy); // if originalTarget is falsy or not unwrappable, exit
if (!originalTarget || originalTarget === plainOrProxy) {
return null;
const obj = extract(plainOrProxy);
return ['object', {
object: obj
hasBody: () => {
return false;
body: () => {
return null;
}; // Inspired from paulmillr/es6-shim
function getGlobal() {
// the only reliable means to get the global object is `Function('return this')()`
// However, this causes CSP violations in Chrome apps.
if (typeof globalThis !== 'undefined') {
return globalThis;
if (typeof self !== 'undefined') {
return self;
if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
return window;
if (typeof global !== 'undefined') {
return global;
} // Gracefully degrade if not able to locate the global object
return {};
function init() {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {
// this method should never leak to prod
throw new ReferenceError();
const global = getGlobal(); // Custom Formatter for Dev Tools. To enable this, open Chrome Dev Tools
// - Go to Settings,
// - Under console, select "Enable custom formatters"
// For more information,
const devtoolsFormatters = global.devtoolsFormatters || [];, formatter);
global.devtoolsFormatters = devtoolsFormatters;
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
const ObjectDotPrototype = Object.prototype;
function defaultValueIsObservable(value) {
// intentionally checking for null
if (value === null) {
return false;
} // treat all non-object types, including undefined, as non-observable values
if (typeof value !== 'object') {
return false;
if (isArray(value)) {
return true;
const proto = getPrototypeOf$1(value);
return proto === ObjectDotPrototype || proto === null || getPrototypeOf$1(proto) === null;
const defaultValueObserved = (obj, key) => {
/* do nothing */
const defaultValueMutated = (obj, key) => {
/* do nothing */
const defaultValueDistortion = value => value;
function createShadowTarget(value) {
return isArray(value) ? [] : {};
class ReactiveMembrane {
constructor(options) {
this.valueDistortion = defaultValueDistortion;
this.valueMutated = defaultValueMutated;
this.valueObserved = defaultValueObserved;
this.valueIsObservable = defaultValueIsObservable;
this.objectGraph = new WeakMap();
if (!isUndefined$1(options)) {
const {
} = options;
this.valueDistortion = isFunction(valueDistortion) ? valueDistortion : defaultValueDistortion;
this.valueMutated = isFunction(valueMutated) ? valueMutated : defaultValueMutated;
this.valueObserved = isFunction(valueObserved) ? valueObserved : defaultValueObserved;
this.valueIsObservable = isFunction(valueIsObservable) ? valueIsObservable : defaultValueIsObservable;
this.tagPropertyKey = tagPropertyKey;
getProxy(value) {
const unwrappedValue = unwrap$1(value);
const distorted = this.valueDistortion(unwrappedValue);
if (this.valueIsObservable(distorted)) {
const o = this.getReactiveState(unwrappedValue, distorted); // when trying to extract the writable version of a readonly
// we return the readonly.
return o.readOnly === value ? value : o.reactive;
return distorted;
getReadOnlyProxy(value) {
value = unwrap$1(value);
const distorted = this.valueDistortion(value);
if (this.valueIsObservable(distorted)) {
return this.getReactiveState(value, distorted).readOnly;
return distorted;
unwrapProxy(p) {
return unwrap$1(p);
getReactiveState(value, distortedValue) {
const {
} = this;
let reactiveState = objectGraph.get(distortedValue);
if (reactiveState) {
return reactiveState;
const membrane = this;
reactiveState = {
get reactive() {
const reactiveHandler = new ReactiveProxyHandler(membrane, distortedValue); // caching the reactive proxy after the first time it is accessed
const proxy = new Proxy(createShadowTarget(distortedValue), reactiveHandler);
registerProxy(proxy, value);
ObjectDefineProperty(this, 'reactive', {
value: proxy
return proxy;
get readOnly() {
const readOnlyHandler = new ReadOnlyHandler(membrane, distortedValue); // caching the readOnly proxy after the first time it is accessed
const proxy = new Proxy(createShadowTarget(distortedValue), readOnlyHandler);
registerProxy(proxy, value);
ObjectDefineProperty(this, 'readOnly', {
value: proxy
return proxy;
objectGraph.set(distortedValue, reactiveState);
return reactiveState;
/** version: 1.0.0 */
* Copyright (c) 2018,, inc.
* All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* For full license text, see the LICENSE file in the repo root or
const lockerLivePropertyKey = Symbol.for('@@lockerLiveValue');
function valueDistortion(value) {
return value;
const reactiveMembrane = new ReactiveMembrane({
tagPropertyKey: lockerLivePropertyKey
* EXPERIMENTAL: This function implements an unwrap mechanism that
* works for observable membrane objects. This API is subject to
* change or being removed.
const unwrap = function (value) {
const unwrapped = reactiveMembrane.unwrapProxy(value);
if (unwrapped !== value) {
// if value is a proxy, unwrap to access original value and apply distortion
return valueDistortion(unwrapped);
return value;
* Copyright (c) 2018,, inc.
* All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* For full license text, see the LICENSE file in the repo root or
* This operation is called with a descriptor of an standard html property
* that a Custom Element can support (including AOM properties), which
* determines what kind of capabilities the Base Lightning Element should support. When producing the new descriptors
* for the Base Lightning Element, it also include the reactivity bit, so the standard property is reactive.
function createBridgeToElementDescriptor(propName, descriptor) {
const {
} = descriptor;
if (!isFunction$1(get)) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {`Detected invalid public property descriptor for HTMLElement.prototype.${propName} definition. Missing the standard getter.`);
throw new TypeError();
if (!isFunction$1(set)) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {`Detected invalid public property descriptor for HTMLElement.prototype.${propName} definition. Missing the standard setter.`);
throw new TypeError();
return {
get() {
const vm = getAssociatedVM(this);
if (isBeingConstructed(vm)) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
logError(`The value of property \`${propName}\` can't be read from the constructor because the owner component hasn't set the value yet. Instead, use the constructor to set a default value for the property.`, vm);
componentValueObserved(vm, propName);
set(newValue) {
const vm = getAssociatedVM(this);
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
const vmBeingRendered = getVMBeingRendered();
assert.invariant(!isInvokingRender, `${vmBeingRendered}.render() method has side effects on the state of ${vm}.${propName}`);
assert.invariant(!isUpdatingTemplate, `When updating the template of ${vmBeingRendered}, one of the accessors used by the template has side effects on the state of ${vm}.${propName}`);
assert.isFalse(isBeingConstructed(vm), `Failed to construct '${getComponentTag(vm)}': The result must not have attributes.`);
assert.invariant(!isObject(newValue) || isNull(newValue), `Invalid value "${newValue}" for "${propName}" of ${vm}. Value cannot be an object, must be a primitive value.`);
if (newValue !== vm.cmpProps[propName]) {
vm.cmpProps[propName] = newValue;
componentValueMutated(vm, propName);
return, newValue);
* This class is the base class for any LWC element.
* Some elements directly extends this class, others implement it via inheritance.
// @ts-ignore
const LightningElement = function () {
var _a; // This should be as performant as possible, while any initialization should be done lazily
if (isNull(vmBeingConstructed)) {
throw new ReferenceError('Illegal constructor');
const vm = vmBeingConstructed;
const {
def: {
} = vm;
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
(_a = renderer.assertInstanceOfHTMLElement) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 :, vm.elm, `Component creation requires a DOM element to be associated to ${vm}.`);
const component = this;
setPrototypeOf$1(elm, bridge.prototype);
const cmpRoot = renderer.attachShadow(elm, {
delegatesFocus: !!ctor.delegatesFocus,
'$$lwc-synthetic-mode$$': true
vm.component = this;
vm.cmpRoot = cmpRoot; // Locker hooks assignment. When the LWC engine run with Locker, Locker intercepts all the new
// component creation and passes hooks to instrument all the component interactions with the
// engine. We are intentionally hiding this argument from the formal API of LightningElement
// because we don't want folks to know about it just yet.
if (arguments.length === 1) {
const {
} = arguments[0];
vm.callHook = callHook;
vm.setHook = setHook;
vm.getHook = getHook;
} // Making the component instance a live value when using Locker to support expandos.
defineProperty$1(component, lockerLivePropertyKey, EmptyObject); // Linking elm, shadow root and component with the VM.
associateVM(component, vm);
associateVM(cmpRoot, vm);
associateVM(elm, vm); // Adding extra guard rails in DEV mode.
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
return this;
}; // @ts-ignore
LightningElement.prototype = {
constructor: LightningElement,
dispatchEvent(event) {
const {
renderer: {
} = getAssociatedVM(this);
return dispatchEvent(elm, event);
addEventListener(type, listener, options) {
const vm = getAssociatedVM(this);
const {
renderer: {
} = vm;
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
const vmBeingRendered = getVMBeingRendered();
assert.invariant(!isInvokingRender, `${vmBeingRendered}.render() method has side effects on the state of ${vm} by adding an event listener for "${type}".`);
assert.invariant(!isUpdatingTemplate, `Updating the template of ${vmBeingRendered} has side effects on the state of ${vm} by adding an event listener for "${type}".`);
assert.invariant(isFunction$1(listener), `Invalid second argument for this.addEventListener() in ${vm} for event "${type}". Expected an EventListener but received ${listener}.`);
const wrappedListener = getWrappedComponentsListener(vm, listener);
addEventListener(elm, type, wrappedListener, options);
removeEventListener(type, listener, options) {
const vm = getAssociatedVM(this);
const {
renderer: {
} = vm;
const wrappedListener = getWrappedComponentsListener(vm, listener);
removeEventListener(elm, type, wrappedListener, options);
hasAttribute(name) {
const {
renderer: {
} = getAssociatedVM(this);
return !isNull(getAttribute(elm, name));
hasAttributeNS(namespace, name) {
const {
renderer: {
} = getAssociatedVM(this);
return !isNull(getAttribute(elm, name, namespace));
removeAttribute(name) {
const {
renderer: {
} = getAssociatedVM(this);
unlockAttribute(elm, name);
removeAttribute(elm, name);
removeAttributeNS(namespace, name) {
const {
renderer: {
} = getAssociatedVM(this);
unlockAttribute(elm, name);
removeAttribute(elm, name, namespace);
getAttribute(name) {
const {
renderer: {
} = getAssociatedVM(this);
return getAttribute(elm, name);
getAttributeNS(namespace, name) {
const {
renderer: {
} = getAssociatedVM(this);
return getAttribute(elm, name, namespace);
setAttribute(name, value) {
const vm = getAssociatedVM(this);
const {
renderer: {
} = vm;
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
assert.isFalse(isBeingConstructed(vm), `Failed to construct '${getComponentTag(vm)}': The result must not have attributes.`);
unlockAttribute(elm, name);
setAttribute(elm, name, value);
setAttributeNS(namespace, name, value) {
const vm = getAssociatedVM(this);
const {
renderer: {
} = vm;
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
assert.isFalse(isBeingConstructed(vm), `Failed to construct '${getComponentTag(vm)}': The result must not have attributes.`);
unlockAttribute(elm, name);
setAttribute(elm, name, value, namespace);
getBoundingClientRect() {
const vm = getAssociatedVM(this);
const {
renderer: {
} = vm;
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
assert.isFalse(isBeingConstructed(vm), `this.getBoundingClientRect() should not be called during the construction of the custom element for ${getComponentTag(vm)} because the element is not yet in the DOM, instead, you can use it in one of the available life-cycle hooks.`);
return getBoundingClientRect(elm);
querySelector(selectors) {
const vm = getAssociatedVM(this);
const {
renderer: {
} = vm;
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
assert.isFalse(isBeingConstructed(vm), `this.querySelector() cannot be called during the construction of the custom element for ${getComponentTag(vm)} because no children has been added to this element yet.`);
return querySelector(elm, selectors);
querySelectorAll(selectors) {
const vm = getAssociatedVM(this);
const {
renderer: {
} = vm;
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
assert.isFalse(isBeingConstructed(vm), `this.querySelectorAll() cannot be called during the construction of the custom element for ${getComponentTag(vm)} because no children has been added to this element yet.`);
return querySelectorAll(elm, selectors);
getElementsByTagName(tagNameOrWildCard) {
const vm = getAssociatedVM(this);
const {
renderer: {
} = vm;
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
assert.isFalse(isBeingConstructed(vm), `this.getElementsByTagName() cannot be called during the construction of the custom element for ${getComponentTag(vm)} because no children has been added to this element yet.`);
return getElementsByTagName(elm, tagNameOrWildCard);
getElementsByClassName(names) {
const vm = getAssociatedVM(this);
const {
renderer: {
} = vm;
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
assert.isFalse(isBeingConstructed(vm), `this.getElementsByClassName() cannot be called during the construction of the custom element for ${getComponentTag(vm)} because no children has been added to this element yet.`);
return getElementsByClassName(elm, names);
get isConnected() {
const {
renderer: {
} = getAssociatedVM(this);
return isConnected(elm);
get classList() {
const vm = getAssociatedVM(this);
const {
renderer: {
} = vm;
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
// TODO [#1290]: this still fails in dev but works in production, eventually, we should
// just throw in all modes
assert.isFalse(isBeingConstructed(vm), `Failed to construct ${vm}: The result must not have attributes. Adding or tampering with classname in constructor is not allowed in a web component, use connectedCallback() instead.`);
return getClassList(elm);
get template() {
const vm = getAssociatedVM(this);
return vm.cmpRoot;
get shadowRoot() {
// From within the component instance, the shadowRoot is always reported as "closed".
// Authors should rely on this.template instead.
return null;
render() {
const vm = getAssociatedVM(this);
return vm.def.template;
toString() {
const vm = getAssociatedVM(this);
return `[object ${}]`;
const lightningBasedDescriptors = create$2(null);
for (const propName in HTMLElementOriginalDescriptors) {
lightningBasedDescriptors[propName] = createBridgeToElementDescriptor(propName, HTMLElementOriginalDescriptors[propName]);
defineProperties$1(LightningElement.prototype, lightningBasedDescriptors);
defineProperty$1(LightningElement, 'CustomElementConstructor', {
get() {
// If required, a runtime-specific implementation must be defined.
throw new ReferenceError('The current runtime does not support CustomElementConstructor.');
configurable: true
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
* Copyright (c) 2018,, inc.
* All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* For full license text, see the LICENSE file in the repo root or
* @wire decorator to wire fields and methods to a wire adapter in
* LWC Components. This function implements the internals of this
* decorator.
function wire(_adapter, _config) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {'@wire(adapter, config?) may only be used as a decorator.');
throw new Error();
function internalWireFieldDecorator(key) {
return {
get() {
const vm = getAssociatedVM(this);
componentValueObserved(vm, key);
return vm.cmpFields[key];
set(value) {
const vm = getAssociatedVM(this);
* Reactivity for wired fields is provided in wiring.
* We intentionally add reactivity here since this is just
* letting the author to do the wrong thing, but it will keep our
* system to be backward compatible.
if (value !== vm.cmpFields[key]) {
vm.cmpFields[key] = value;
componentValueMutated(vm, key);
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
* Copyright (c) 2018,, inc.
* All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* For full license text, see the LICENSE file in the repo root or
function track(target) {
if (arguments.length === 1) {
return reactiveMembrane.getProxy(target);
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {`@track decorator can only be used with one argument to return a trackable object, or as a decorator function.`);
throw new Error();
function internalTrackDecorator(key) {
return {
get() {
const vm = getAssociatedVM(this);
componentValueObserved(vm, key);
return vm.cmpFields[key];
set(newValue) {
const vm = getAssociatedVM(this);
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
const vmBeingRendered = getVMBeingRendered();
assert.invariant(!isInvokingRender, `${vmBeingRendered}.render() method has side effects on the state of ${vm}.${toString$1(key)}`);
assert.invariant(!isUpdatingTemplate, `Updating the template of ${vmBeingRendered} has side effects on the state of ${vm}.${toString$1(key)}`);
const reactiveOrAnyValue = reactiveMembrane.getProxy(newValue);
if (reactiveOrAnyValue !== vm.cmpFields[key]) {
vm.cmpFields[key] = reactiveOrAnyValue;
componentValueMutated(vm, key);
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
* Copyright (C) 2018, inc.
* Copyright (C) 2018, inc.
* Copyright (c) 2018,, inc.
* All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* For full license text, see the LICENSE file in the repo root or
const {
} = Object;
function isUndefined(obj) {
return obj === undefined;
function isTrue(obj) {
return obj === true;
function isFalse(obj) {
return obj === false;
* Copyright (c) 2018,, inc.
* All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* For full license text, see the LICENSE file in the repo root or
// Inspired from:
const _globalThis = /*@__PURE__*/function () {
// On recent browsers, `globalThis` is already defined. In this case return it directly.
if (typeof globalThis === 'object') {
return globalThis;
let _globalThis;
try {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-extend-native
Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, '__magic__', {
get: function () {
return this;
configurable: true
}); // __magic__ is undefined in Safari 10 and IE10 and older.
// @ts-ignore
// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
_globalThis = __magic__; // @ts-ignore
delete Object.prototype.__magic__;
} catch (ex) {// In IE8, Object.defineProperty only works on DOM objects.
} finally {
// If the magic above fails for some reason we assume that we are in a legacy browser.
// Assume `window` exists in this case.
if (typeof _globalThis === 'undefined') {
// @ts-ignore
_globalThis = window;
return _globalThis;
/** version: 2.0.0-rc.0 */
* Copyright (c) 2018,, inc.
* All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* For full license text, see the LICENSE file in the repo root or
if (!_globalThis.lwcRuntimeFlags) {
Object.defineProperty(_globalThis, 'lwcRuntimeFlags', {
value: create(null)
const runtimeFlags = _globalThis.lwcRuntimeFlags; // This function is not supported for use within components and is meant for
// configuring runtime feature flags during app initialization.
function setFeatureFlag(name, value) {
const isBoolean = isTrue(value) || isFalse(value);
if (!isBoolean) {
const message = `Failed to set the value "${value}" for the runtime feature flag "${name}". Runtime feature flags can only be set to a boolean value.`;
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
throw new TypeError(message);
} else {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
if (isUndefined(featureFlagLookup[name])) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console.warn(`Failed to set the value "${value}" for the runtime feature flag "${name}" because it is undefined. Possible reasons are that 1) it was misspelled or 2) it was removed from the @lwc/features package.`);
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
// Allow the same flag to be set more than once outside of production to enable testing
runtimeFlags[name] = value;
} else {
// Disallow the same flag to be set more than once in production
const runtimeValue = runtimeFlags[name];
if (!isUndefined(runtimeValue)) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console.error(`Failed to set the value "${value}" for the runtime feature flag "${name}". "${name}" has already been set with the value "${runtimeValue}".`);
Object.defineProperty(runtimeFlags, name, {
} // This function is exposed to components to facilitate testing so we add a
// check to make sure it is not invoked in production.
function setFeatureFlagForTest(name, value) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
return setFeatureFlag(name, value);
const featureFlagLookup = {
// Flag to toggle on/off the enforcement of innerText/outerText shadow dom semantic in elements when using synthetic shadow.
// Note: Elements outside the lwc boundary are controlled by the ENABLE_ELEMENT_PATCH flag.
// Flags to toggle on/off the enforcement of shadow dom semantic in element/node outside lwc boundary when using synthetic shadow.
// Disables the fix for #2121 where non-composed events are visible outside of their shadow root.
/** version: 2.0.0-rc.0 */
* Copyright (c) 2018,, inc.
* All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* For full license text, see the LICENSE file in the repo root or
function api$1() {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {`@api decorator can only be used as a decorator function.`);
throw new Error();
function createPublicPropertyDescriptor(key) {
return {
get() {
const vm = getAssociatedVM(this);
if (isBeingConstructed(vm)) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
logError(`Can’t read the value of property \`${toString$1(key)}\` from the constructor because the owner component hasn’t set the value yet. Instead, use the constructor to set a default value for the property.`, vm);
componentValueObserved(vm, key);
return vm.cmpProps[key];
set(newValue) {
const vm = getAssociatedVM(this);
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
const vmBeingRendered = getVMBeingRendered();
assert.invariant(!isInvokingRender, `${vmBeingRendered}.render() method has side effects on the state of ${vm}.${toString$1(key)}`);
assert.invariant(!isUpdatingTemplate, `Updating the template of ${vmBeingRendered} has side effects on the state of ${vm}.${toString$1(key)}`);
vm.cmpProps[key] = newValue;
componentValueMutated(vm, key);
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
class AccessorReactiveObserver extends ReactiveObserver {
constructor(vm, set) {
super(() => {
if (isFalse$2(this.debouncing)) {
this.debouncing = true;
addCallbackToNextTick(() => {
if (isTrue$2(this.debouncing)) {
const {
} = this;
const {
isDirty: dirtyStateBeforeSetterCall,
} = vm;, value); // de-bouncing after the call to the original setter to prevent
// infinity loop if the setter itself is mutating things that
// were accessed during the previous invocation.
this.debouncing = false;
if (isTrue$2(vm.isDirty) && isFalse$2(dirtyStateBeforeSetterCall) && idx > 0) {
// immediate rehydration due to a setter driven mutation, otherwise
// the component will get rendered on the second tick, which it is not
// desirable.
this.debouncing = false;
reset(value) {
this.debouncing = false;
if (arguments.length > 0) {
this.value = value;
function createPublicAccessorDescriptor(key, descriptor) {
const {
} = descriptor;
if (!isFunction$1(get)) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
assert.invariant(isFunction$1(get), `Invalid compiler output for public accessor ${toString$1(key)} decorated with @api`);
throw new Error();
return {
get() {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
// Assert that the this value is an actual Component with an associated VM.
set(newValue) {
const vm = getAssociatedVM(this);
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
const vmBeingRendered = getVMBeingRendered();
assert.invariant(!isInvokingRender, `${vmBeingRendered}.render() method has side effects on the state of ${vm}.${toString$1(key)}`);
assert.invariant(!isUpdatingTemplate, `Updating the template of ${vmBeingRendered} has side effects on the state of ${vm}.${toString$1(key)}`);
if (set) {
if (runtimeFlags.ENABLE_REACTIVE_SETTER) {
let ro = vm.oar[key];
if (isUndefined$3(ro)) {
ro = vm.oar[key] = new AccessorReactiveObserver(vm, set);
} // every time we invoke this setter from outside (through this wrapper setter)
// we should reset the value and then debounce just in case there is a pending
// invocation the next tick that is not longer relevant since the value is changing
// from outside.
ro.observe(() => {, newValue);
} else {, newValue);
} else if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {`Invalid attempt to set a new value for property ${toString$1(key)} of ${vm} that does not has a setter decorated with @api.`);
function createObservedFieldPropertyDescriptor(key) {
return {
get() {
const vm = getAssociatedVM(this);
componentValueObserved(vm, key);
return vm.cmpFields[key];
set(newValue) {
const vm = getAssociatedVM(this);
if (newValue !== vm.cmpFields[key]) {
vm.cmpFields[key] = newValue;
componentValueMutated(vm, key);
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
* Copyright (c) 2018,, inc.
* All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* For full license text, see the LICENSE file in the repo root or
var PropType;
(function (PropType) {
PropType[PropType["Field"] = 0] = "Field";
PropType[PropType["Set"] = 1] = "Set";
PropType[PropType["Get"] = 2] = "Get";
PropType[PropType["GetSet"] = 3] = "GetSet";
})(PropType || (PropType = {}));
function getClassDescriptorType(descriptor) {
if (isFunction$1(descriptor.value)) {
return 'method';
} else if (isFunction$1(descriptor.set) || isFunction$1(descriptor.get)) {
return 'accessor';
} else {
return 'field';
function validateObservedField(Ctor, fieldName, descriptor) {
if (!isUndefined$3(descriptor)) {
const type = getClassDescriptorType(descriptor);`Invalid observed ${fieldName} field. Found a duplicate ${type} with the same name.`);
function validateFieldDecoratedWithTrack(Ctor, fieldName, descriptor) {
if (!isUndefined$3(descriptor)) {
const type = getClassDescriptorType(descriptor);`Invalid @track ${fieldName} field. Found a duplicate ${type} with the same name.`);
function validateFieldDecoratedWithWire(Ctor, fieldName, descriptor) {
if (!isUndefined$3(descriptor)) {
const type = getClassDescriptorType(descriptor);`Invalid @wire ${fieldName} field. Found a duplicate ${type} with the same name.`);
function validateMethodDecoratedWithWire(Ctor, methodName, descriptor) {
if (isUndefined$3(descriptor) || !isFunction$1(descriptor.value) || isFalse$2(descriptor.writable)) {`Invalid @wire ${methodName} method.`);
function validateFieldDecoratedWithApi(Ctor, fieldName, descriptor) {
if (!isUndefined$3(descriptor)) {
const type = getClassDescriptorType(descriptor);`Invalid @api ${fieldName} field. Found a duplicate ${type} with the same name.`);
function validateAccessorDecoratedWithApi(Ctor, fieldName, descriptor) {
if (isUndefined$3(descriptor)) {`Invalid @api get ${fieldName} accessor.`);
} else if (isFunction$1(descriptor.set)) {
assert.isTrue(isFunction$1(descriptor.get), `Missing getter for property ${fieldName} decorated with @api in ${Ctor}. You cannot have a setter without the corresponding getter.`);
} else if (!isFunction$1(descriptor.get)) {`Missing @api get ${fieldName} accessor.`);
function validateMethodDecoratedWithApi(Ctor, methodName, descriptor) {
if (isUndefined$3(descriptor) || !isFunction$1(descriptor.value) || isFalse$2(descriptor.writable)) {`Invalid @api ${methodName} method.`);
* INTERNAL: This function can only be invoked by compiled code. The compiler
* will prevent this function from being imported by user-land code.
function registerDecorators(Ctor, meta) {
const proto = Ctor.prototype;
const {
} = meta;
const apiMethods = create$2(null);
const apiFields = create$2(null);
const wiredMethods = create$2(null);
const wiredFields = create$2(null);
const observedFields = create$2(null);
const apiFieldsConfig = create$2(null);
let descriptor;
if (!isUndefined$3(publicProps)) {
for (const fieldName in publicProps) {
const propConfig = publicProps[fieldName];
apiFieldsConfig[fieldName] = propConfig.config;
descriptor = getOwnPropertyDescriptor$2(proto, fieldName);
if (propConfig.config > 0) {
// accessor declaration
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
validateAccessorDecoratedWithApi(Ctor, fieldName, descriptor);
if (isUndefined$3(descriptor)) {
throw new Error();
descriptor = createPublicAccessorDescriptor(fieldName, descriptor);
} else {
// field declaration
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
validateFieldDecoratedWithApi(Ctor, fieldName, descriptor);
descriptor = createPublicPropertyDescriptor(fieldName);
apiFields[fieldName] = descriptor;
defineProperty$1(proto, fieldName, descriptor);
if (!isUndefined$3(publicMethods)) {, methodName => {
descriptor = getOwnPropertyDescriptor$2(proto, methodName);
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
validateMethodDecoratedWithApi(Ctor, methodName, descriptor);
if (isUndefined$3(descriptor)) {
throw new Error();
apiMethods[methodName] = descriptor;
if (!isUndefined$3(wire)) {
for (const fieldOrMethodName in wire) {
const {
config: configCallback,
dynamic = []
} = wire[fieldOrMethodName];
descriptor = getOwnPropertyDescriptor$2(proto, fieldOrMethodName);
if (method === 1) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
assert.isTrue(adapter, `@wire on method "${fieldOrMethodName}": adapter id must be truthy.`);
validateMethodDecoratedWithWire(Ctor, fieldOrMethodName, descriptor);
if (isUndefined$3(descriptor)) {
throw new Error();
wiredMethods[fieldOrMethodName] = descriptor;
storeWiredMethodMeta(descriptor, adapter, configCallback, dynamic);
} else {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
assert.isTrue(adapter, `@wire on field "${fieldOrMethodName}": adapter id must be truthy.`);
validateFieldDecoratedWithWire(Ctor, fieldOrMethodName, descriptor);
descriptor = internalWireFieldDecorator(fieldOrMethodName);
wiredFields[fieldOrMethodName] = descriptor;
storeWiredFieldMeta(descriptor, adapter, configCallback, dynamic);
defineProperty$1(proto, fieldOrMethodName, descriptor);
if (!isUndefined$3(track)) {
for (const fieldName in track) {
descriptor = getOwnPropertyDescriptor$2(proto, fieldName);
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
validateFieldDecoratedWithTrack(Ctor, fieldName, descriptor);
descriptor = internalTrackDecorator(fieldName);
defineProperty$1(proto, fieldName, descriptor);
if (!isUndefined$3(fields)) {
for (let i = 0, n = fields.length; i < n; i++) {
const fieldName = fields[i];
descriptor = getOwnPropertyDescriptor$2(proto, fieldName);
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
validateObservedField(Ctor, fieldName, descriptor);
observedFields[fieldName] = createObservedFieldPropertyDescriptor(fieldName);
setDecoratorsMeta(Ctor, {
return Ctor;
const signedDecoratorToMetaMap = new Map();
function setDecoratorsMeta(Ctor, meta) {
signedDecoratorToMetaMap.set(Ctor, meta);
const defaultMeta = {
apiMethods: EmptyObject,
apiFields: EmptyObject,
apiFieldsConfig: EmptyObject,
wiredMethods: EmptyObject,
wiredFields: EmptyObject,
observedFields: EmptyObject
function getDecoratorsMeta(Ctor) {
const meta = signedDecoratorToMetaMap.get(Ctor);
return isUndefined$3(meta) ? defaultMeta : meta;
const signedTemplateSet = new Set();
function defaultEmptyTemplate() {
return [];
function isTemplateRegistered(tpl) {
return signedTemplateSet.has(tpl);
* INTERNAL: This function can only be invoked by compiled code. The compiler
* will prevent this function from being imported by userland code.
function registerTemplate(tpl) {
signedTemplateSet.add(tpl); // chaining this method as a way to wrap existing
// assignment of templates easily, without too much transformation
return tpl;
* EXPERIMENTAL: This function acts like a hook for Lightning Locker
* Service and other similar libraries to sanitize vulnerable attributes.
* This API is subject to change or being removed.
function sanitizeAttribute(tagName, namespaceUri, attrName, attrValue) {
// locker-service patches this function during runtime to sanitize vulnerable attributes.
// when ran off-core this function becomes a noop and returns the user authored value.
return attrValue;
* Copyright (c) 2018,, inc.
* All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* For full license text, see the LICENSE file in the repo root or
// from the element instance, and get the value or set a new value on the component.
// This means that across different elements, similar names can get the exact same
// descriptor, so we can cache them:
const cachedGetterByKey = create$2(null);
const cachedSetterByKey = create$2(null);
function createGetter(key) {
let fn = cachedGetterByKey[key];
if (isUndefined$3(fn)) {
fn = cachedGetterByKey[key] = function () {
const vm = getAssociatedVM(this);
const {
} = vm;
return getHook(vm.component, key);
return fn;
function createSetter(key) {
let fn = cachedSetterByKey[key];
if (isUndefined$3(fn)) {
fn = cachedSetterByKey[key] = function (newValue) {
const vm = getAssociatedVM(this);
const {
} = vm;
newValue = reactiveMembrane.getReadOnlyProxy(newValue);
setHook(vm.component, key, newValue);
return fn;
function createMethodCaller(methodName) {
return function () {
const vm = getAssociatedVM(this);
const {
} = vm;
const fn = component[methodName];
return callHook(vm.component, fn,;
function createAttributeChangedCallback(attributeToPropMap, superAttributeChangedCallback) {
return function attributeChangedCallback(attrName, oldValue, newValue) {
if (oldValue === newValue) {
// Ignore same values.
const propName = attributeToPropMap[attrName];
if (isUndefined$3(propName)) {
if (!isUndefined$3(superAttributeChangedCallback)) {
// delegate unknown attributes to the super.
// Typescript does not like it when you treat the `arguments` object as an array
// @ts-ignore type-mismatch
superAttributeChangedCallback.apply(this, arguments);
if (!isAttributeLocked(this, attrName)) {
// Ignore changes triggered by the engine itself during:
// * diffing when public props are attempting to reflect to the DOM
// * component via `this.setAttribute()`, should never update the prop
// Both cases, the setAttribute call is always wrapped by the unlocking of the
// attribute to be changed
} // Reflect attribute change to the corresponding property when changed from outside.
this[propName] = newValue;
function HTMLBridgeElementFactory(SuperClass, props, methods) {
let HTMLBridgeElement;
* Modern browsers will have all Native Constructors as regular Classes
* and must be instantiated with the new keyword. In older browsers,
* specifically IE11, those are objects with a prototype property defined,
* since they are not supposed to be extended or instantiated with the
* new keyword. This forking logic supports both cases, specifically because
* wc.ts relies on the construction path of the bridges to create new
* fully qualifying web components.
if (isFunction$1(SuperClass)) {
HTMLBridgeElement = class extends SuperClass {};
} else {
HTMLBridgeElement = function () {
// Bridge classes are not supposed to be instantiated directly in
// browsers that do not support web components.
throw new TypeError('Illegal constructor');
}; // prototype inheritance dance
setPrototypeOf$1(HTMLBridgeElement, SuperClass);
setPrototypeOf$1(HTMLBridgeElement.prototype, SuperClass.prototype);
defineProperty$1(HTMLBridgeElement.prototype, 'constructor', {
writable: true,
configurable: true,
value: HTMLBridgeElement
} // generating the hash table for attributes to avoid duplicate fields and facilitate validation
// and false positives in case of inheritance.
const attributeToPropMap = create$2(null);
const {
attributeChangedCallback: superAttributeChangedCallback
} = SuperClass.prototype;
const {
observedAttributes: superObservedAttributes = []
} = SuperClass;
const descriptors = create$2(null); // expose getters and setters for each public props on the new Element Bridge
for (let i = 0, len = props.length; i < len; i += 1) {
const propName = props[i];
attributeToPropMap[htmlPropertyToAttribute(propName)] = propName;
descriptors[propName] = {
get: createGetter(propName),
set: createSetter(propName),
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
} // expose public methods as props on the new Element Bridge
for (let i = 0, len = methods.length; i < len; i += 1) {
const methodName = methods[i];
descriptors[methodName] = {
value: createMethodCaller(methodName),
writable: true,
configurable: true
} // creating a new attributeChangedCallback per bridge because they are bound to the corresponding
// map of attributes to props. We do this after all other props and methods to avoid the possibility
// of getting overrule by a class declaration in user-land, and we make it non-writable, non-configurable
// to preserve this definition.
descriptors.attributeChangedCallback = {
value: createAttributeChangedCallback(attributeToPropMap, superAttributeChangedCallback)
}; // Specify attributes for which we want to reflect changes back to their corresponding
// properties via attributeChangedCallback.
defineProperty$1(HTMLBridgeElement, 'observedAttributes', {
get() {
return [...superObservedAttributes, ...keys$1(attributeToPropMap)];
defineProperties$1(HTMLBridgeElement.prototype, descriptors);
return HTMLBridgeElement;
const BaseBridgeElement = HTMLBridgeElementFactory(HTMLElementConstructor$1, getOwnPropertyNames$2(HTMLElementOriginalDescriptors), []);
* Copyright (c) 2020,, inc.
* All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* For full license text, see the LICENSE file in the repo root or
function resolveCircularModuleDependency(fn) {
return fn();
function isCircularModuleDependency(obj) {
return isFunction$1(obj) && hasOwnProperty$, '__circular__');
* Copyright (c) 2020,, inc.
* All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* For full license text, see the LICENSE file in the repo root or
const swappedTemplateMap = new WeakMap();
const swappedComponentMap = new WeakMap();
const swappedStyleMap = new WeakMap();
const activeTemplates = new WeakMap();
const activeComponents = new WeakMap();
const activeStyles = new WeakMap();
function rehydrateHotTemplate(tpl) {
const list = activeTemplates.get(tpl);
if (!isUndefined$3(list)) {
list.forEach(vm => {
if (isFalse$2(vm.isDirty)) {
// forcing the vm to rehydrate in the micro-task:
}); // resetting the Set to release the memory of those vm references
// since they are not longer related to this template, instead
// they will get re-associated once these instances are rehydrated.
return true;
function rehydrateHotStyle(style) {
const list = activeStyles.get(style);
if (!isUndefined$3(list)) {
list.forEach(vm => {
// if a style definition is swapped, we must reset
// vm's template content in the next micro-task:
}); // resetting the Set to release the memory of those vm references
// since they are not longer related to this style, instead
// they will get re-associated once these instances are rehydrated.
return true;
function rehydrateHotComponent(Ctor) {
const list = activeComponents.get(Ctor);
let canRefreshAllInstances = true;
if (!isUndefined$3(list)) {
list.forEach(vm => {
const {
} = vm;
if (!isNull(owner)) {
// if a component class definition is swapped, we must reset
// owner's template content in the next micro-task:
} else {
// the hot swapping for components only work for instances of components
// created from a template, root elements can't be swapped because we
// don't have a way to force the creation of the element with the same state
// of the current element.
// Instead, we can report the problem to the caller so it can take action,
// for example: reload the entire page.
canRefreshAllInstances = false;
}); // resetting the Set to release the memory of those vm references
// since they are not longer related to this constructor, instead
// they will get re-associated once these instances are rehydrated.
return canRefreshAllInstances;
function flattenStylesheets(stylesheets) {
const list = [];
for (const stylesheet of stylesheets) {
if (!Array.isArray(stylesheet)) {
} else {
return list;
function getTemplateOrSwappedTemplate(tpl) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {
// this method should never leak to prod
throw new ReferenceError();
if (runtimeFlags.ENABLE_HMR) {
const visited = new Set();
while (swappedTemplateMap.has(tpl) && !visited.has(tpl)) {
tpl = swappedTemplateMap.get(tpl);
return tpl;
function getComponentOrSwappedComponent(Ctor) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {
// this method should never leak to prod
throw new ReferenceError();
if (runtimeFlags.ENABLE_HMR) {
const visited = new Set();
while (swappedComponentMap.has(Ctor) && !visited.has(Ctor)) {
Ctor = swappedComponentMap.get(Ctor);
return Ctor;
function getStyleOrSwappedStyle(style) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {
// this method should never leak to prod
throw new ReferenceError();
if (runtimeFlags.ENABLE_HMR) {
const visited = new Set();
while (swappedStyleMap.has(style) && !visited.has(style)) {
style = swappedStyleMap.get(style);
return style;
function setActiveVM(vm) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {
// this method should never leak to prod
throw new ReferenceError();
if (runtimeFlags.ENABLE_HMR) {
// tracking active component
const Ctor = vm.def.ctor;
let componentVMs = activeComponents.get(Ctor);
if (isUndefined$3(componentVMs)) {
componentVMs = new Set();
activeComponents.set(Ctor, componentVMs);
} // this will allow us to keep track of the hot components
componentVMs.add(vm); // tracking active template
const tpl = vm.cmpTemplate;
if (tpl) {
let templateVMs = activeTemplates.get(tpl);
if (isUndefined$3(templateVMs)) {
templateVMs = new Set();
activeTemplates.set(tpl, templateVMs);
} // this will allow us to keep track of the templates that are
// being used by a hot component
templateVMs.add(vm); // tracking active styles associated to template
const stylesheets = tpl.stylesheets;
if (!isUndefined$3(stylesheets)) {
flattenStylesheets(stylesheets).forEach(stylesheet => {
// this is necessary because we don't hold the list of styles
// in the vm, we only hold the selected (already swapped template)
// but the styles attached to the template might not be the actual
// active ones, but the swapped versions of those.
stylesheet = getStyleOrSwappedStyle(stylesheet);
let stylesheetVMs = activeStyles.get(stylesheet);
if (isUndefined$3(stylesheetVMs)) {
stylesheetVMs = new Set();
activeStyles.set(stylesheet, stylesheetVMs);
} // this will allow us to keep track of the stylesheet that are
// being used by a hot component
function removeActiveVM(vm) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {
// this method should never leak to prod
throw new ReferenceError();
if (runtimeFlags.ENABLE_HMR) {
// tracking inactive component
const Ctor = vm.def.ctor;
let list = activeComponents.get(Ctor);
if (!isUndefined$3(list)) {
// deleting the vm from the set to avoid leaking memory
} // removing inactive template
const tpl = vm.cmpTemplate;
if (tpl) {
list = activeTemplates.get(tpl);
if (!isUndefined$3(list)) {
// deleting the vm from the set to avoid leaking memory
} // removing active styles associated to template
const styles = tpl.stylesheets;
if (!isUndefined$3(styles)) {
flattenStylesheets(styles).forEach(style => {
list = activeStyles.get(style);
if (!isUndefined$3(list)) {
// deleting the vm from the set to avoid leaking memory
function swapTemplate(oldTpl, newTpl) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
if (isTemplateRegistered(oldTpl) && isTemplateRegistered(newTpl)) {
swappedTemplateMap.set(oldTpl, newTpl);
return rehydrateHotTemplate(oldTpl);
} else {
throw new TypeError(`Invalid Template`);
if (!runtimeFlags.ENABLE_HMR) {
throw new Error('HMR is not enabled');
return false;
function swapComponent(oldComponent, newComponent) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
if (isComponentConstructor(oldComponent) && isComponentConstructor(newComponent)) {
swappedComponentMap.set(oldComponent, newComponent);
return rehydrateHotComponent(oldComponent);
} else {
throw new TypeError(`Invalid Component`);
if (!runtimeFlags.ENABLE_HMR) {
throw new Error('HMR is not enabled');
return false;
function swapStyle(oldStyle, newStyle) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
// TODO [#1887]: once the support for registering styles is implemented
// we can add the validation of both styles around this block.
swappedStyleMap.set(oldStyle, newStyle);
return rehydrateHotStyle(oldStyle);
if (!runtimeFlags.ENABLE_HMR) {
throw new Error('HMR is not enabled');
return false;
* Copyright (c) 2018,, inc.
* All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* For full license text, see the LICENSE file in the repo root or
const CtorToDefMap = new WeakMap();
function getCtorProto(Ctor) {
let proto = getPrototypeOf$2(Ctor);
if (isNull(proto)) {
throw new ReferenceError(`Invalid prototype chain for ${}, you must extend LightningElement.`);
} // covering the cases where the ref is circular in AMD
if (isCircularModuleDependency(proto)) {
const p = resolveCircularModuleDependency(proto);
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
if (isNull(p)) {
throw new ReferenceError(`Circular module dependency for ${}, must resolve to a constructor that extends LightningElement.`);
} // escape hatch for Locker and other abstractions to provide their own base class instead
// of our Base class without having to leak it to user-land. If the circular function returns
// itself, that's the signal that we have hit the end of the proto chain, which must always
// be base.
proto = p === proto ? LightningElement : p;
return proto;
function createComponentDef(Ctor) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
const ctorName =; // Removing the following assert until is fixed.
// assert.isTrue(ctorName && isString(ctorName), `${toString(Ctor)} should have a "name" property with string value, but found ${ctorName}.`);
assert.isTrue(Ctor.constructor, `Missing ${ctorName}.constructor, ${ctorName} should have a "constructor" property.`);
const decoratorsMeta = getDecoratorsMeta(Ctor);
const {
} = decoratorsMeta;
const proto = Ctor.prototype;
let {
} = proto;
const superProto = getCtorProto(Ctor);
const superDef = superProto !== LightningElement ? getComponentInternalDef(superProto) : lightingElementDef;
const bridge = HTMLBridgeElementFactory(superDef.bridge, keys$1(apiFields), keys$1(apiMethods));
const props = assign$1(create$2(null), superDef.props, apiFields);
const propsConfig = assign$1(create$2(null), superDef.propsConfig, apiFieldsConfig);
const methods = assign$1(create$2(null), superDef.methods, apiMethods);
const wire = assign$1(create$2(null), superDef.wire, wiredFields, wiredMethods);
connectedCallback = connectedCallback || superDef.connectedCallback;
disconnectedCallback = disconnectedCallback || superDef.disconnectedCallback;
renderedCallback = renderedCallback || superDef.renderedCallback;
errorCallback = errorCallback || superDef.errorCallback;
render = render || superDef.render;
const template = getComponentRegisteredTemplate(Ctor) || superDef.template;
const name = ||; // installing observed fields into the prototype.
defineProperties$1(proto, observedFields);
const def = {
ctor: Ctor,
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
return def;
* EXPERIMENTAL: This function allows for the identification of LWC constructors. This API is
* subject to change or being removed.
function isComponentConstructor(ctor) {
if (!isFunction$1(ctor)) {
return false;
} // Fast path: LightningElement is part of the prototype chain of the constructor.
if (ctor.prototype instanceof LightningElement) {
return true;
} // Slow path: LightningElement is not part of the prototype chain of the constructor, we need
// climb up the constructor prototype chain to check in case there are circular dependencies
// to resolve.
let current = ctor;
do {
if (isCircularModuleDependency(current)) {
const circularResolved = resolveCircularModuleDependency(current); // If the circular function returns itself, that's the signal that we have hit the end
// of the proto chain, which must always be a valid base constructor.
if (circularResolved === current) {
return true;
current = circularResolved;
if (current === LightningElement) {
return true;
} while (!isNull(current) && (current = getPrototypeOf$2(current))); // Finally return false if the LightningElement is not part of the prototype chain.
return false;
function getComponentInternalDef(Ctor) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
Ctor = getComponentOrSwappedComponent(Ctor);
let def = CtorToDefMap.get(Ctor);
if (isUndefined$3(def)) {
if (isCircularModuleDependency(Ctor)) {
const resolvedCtor = resolveCircularModuleDependency(Ctor);
def = getComponentInternalDef(resolvedCtor); // Cache the unresolved component ctor too. The next time if the same unresolved ctor is used,
// look up the definition in cache instead of re-resolving and recreating the def.
CtorToDefMap.set(Ctor, def);
return def;
if (!isComponentConstructor(Ctor)) {
throw new TypeError(`${Ctor} is not a valid component, or does not extends LightningElement from "lwc". You probably forgot to add the extend clause on the class declaration.`);
def = createComponentDef(Ctor);
CtorToDefMap.set(Ctor, def);
return def;
const lightingElementDef = {
ctor: LightningElement,
props: lightningBasedDescriptors,
propsConfig: EmptyObject,
methods: EmptyObject,
wire: EmptyObject,
bridge: BaseBridgeElement,
template: defaultEmptyTemplate,
render: LightningElement.prototype.render
var PropDefType;
(function (PropDefType) {
PropDefType["any"] = "any";
})(PropDefType || (PropDefType = {}));
* EXPERIMENTAL: This function allows for the collection of internal component metadata. This API is
* subject to change or being removed.
function getComponentDef(Ctor) {
const def = getComponentInternalDef(Ctor); // From the internal def object, we need to extract the info that is useful
// for some external services, e.g.: Locker Service, usually, all they care
// is about the shape of the constructor, the internals of it are not relevant
// because they don't have a way to mess with that.
const {
} = def;
const publicProps = {};
for (const key in props) {
// avoid leaking the reference to the public props descriptors
publicProps[key] = {
config: propsConfig[key] || 0,
type: PropDefType.any,
attr: htmlPropertyToAttribute(key)
const publicMethods = {};
for (const key in methods) {
// avoid leaking the reference to the public method descriptors
publicMethods[key] = methods[key].value;
return {
props: publicProps,
methods: publicMethods
* Copyright (c) 2018,, inc.
* All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* For full license text, see the LICENSE file in the repo root or
const noop$4 = () => void 0;
function observeElementChildNodes(elm) {
elm.$domManual$ = true;
function setElementShadowToken(elm, token) {
elm.$shadowToken$ = token;
function updateNodeHook(oldVnode, vnode) {
const {
owner: {
} = vnode;
if (oldVnode.text !== text) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
renderer.setText(elm, text);
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
function insertNodeHook(vnode, parentNode, referenceNode) {
const {
} = vnode.owner;
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
renderer.insert(vnode.elm, parentNode, referenceNode);
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
function removeNodeHook(vnode, parentNode) {
const {
} = vnode.owner;
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
renderer.remove(vnode.elm, parentNode);
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
function createElmHook(vnode) {
modEvents.create(vnode); // Attrs need to be applied to element before props
// IE11 will wipe out value on radio inputs if value
// is set before type=radio.
var LWCDOMMode;
(function (LWCDOMMode) {
LWCDOMMode["manual"] = "manual";
})(LWCDOMMode || (LWCDOMMode = {}));
function fallbackElmHook(elm, vnode) {
const {
} = vnode;
if (isTrue$2(owner.renderer.syntheticShadow)) {
const {
data: {
} = vnode;
const {
} = owner.context;
if (!isUndefined$3(context) && !isUndefined$3(context.lwc) && context.lwc.dom === LWCDOMMode.manual) {
// this element will now accept any manual content inserted into it
} // when running in synthetic shadow mode, we need to set the shadowToken value
// into each element from the template, so they can be styled accordingly.
setElementShadowToken(elm, shadowAttribute);
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
const {
data: {
} = vnode;
const isPortal = !isUndefined$3(context) && !isUndefined$3(context.lwc) && context.lwc.dom === LWCDOMMode.manual;
patchElementWithRestrictions(elm, {
function updateElmHook(oldVnode, vnode) {
// Attrs need to be applied to element before props
// IE11 will wipe out value on radio inputs if value
// is set before type=radio.
modAttrs.update(oldVnode, vnode);
modProps.update(oldVnode, vnode);
modComputedClassName.update(oldVnode, vnode);
modComputedStyle.update(oldVnode, vnode);
function updateChildrenHook(oldVnode, vnode) {
const {
} = vnode;
const fn = hasDynamicChildren(children) ? updateDynamicChildren : updateStaticChildren;
runWithBoundaryProtection(owner, owner.owner, noop$4, () => {
fn(vnode.elm, oldVnode.children, children);
}, noop$4);
function allocateChildrenHook(vnode, vm) {
// A component with slots will re-render because:
// 1- There is a change of the internal state.
// 2- There is a change on the external api (ex: slots)
// In case #1, the vnodes in the cmpSlots will be reused since they didn't changed. This routine emptied the
// slotted children when those VCustomElement were rendered and therefore in subsequent calls to allocate children
// in a reused VCustomElement, there won't be any slotted children.
// For those cases, we will use the reference for allocated children stored when rendering the fresh VCustomElement.
// In case #2, we will always get a fresh VCustomElement.
const children = vnode.aChildren || vnode.children;
vm.aChildren = children;
if (isTrue$2(vm.renderer.syntheticShadow)) {
// slow path
allocateInSlot(vm, children); // save the allocated children in case this vnode is reused.
vnode.aChildren = children; // every child vnode is now allocated, and the host should receive none directly, it receives them via the shadow!
vnode.children = EmptyArray;
function createViewModelHook(elm, vnode) {
if (!isUndefined$3(getAssociatedVMIfPresent(elm))) {
// There is a possibility that a custom element is registered under tagName,
// in which case, the initialization is already carry on, and there is nothing else
// to do here since this hook is called right after invoking `document.createElement`.
const {
} = vnode;
const def = getComponentInternalDef(ctor);
if (isTrue$2(owner.renderer.syntheticShadow)) {
const {
} = owner.context; // when running in synthetic shadow mode, we need to set the shadowToken value
// into each element from the template, so they can be styled accordingly.
setElementShadowToken(elm, shadowAttribute);
createVM(elm, def, {
tagName: sel,
renderer: owner.renderer
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
assert.isTrue(isArray$1(vnode.children), `Invalid vnode for a custom element, it must have children defined.`);
function createCustomElmHook(vnode) {
modEvents.create(vnode); // Attrs need to be applied to element before props
// IE11 will wipe out value on radio inputs if value
// is set before type=radio.
function createChildrenHook(vnode) {
const {
} = vnode;
for (let j = 0; j < children.length; ++j) {
const ch = children[j];
if (ch != null) {
ch.hook.insert(ch, elm, null);
function updateCustomElmHook(oldVnode, vnode) {
// Attrs need to be applied to element before props
// IE11 will wipe out value on radio inputs if value
// is set before type=radio.
modAttrs.update(oldVnode, vnode);
modProps.update(oldVnode, vnode);
modComputedClassName.update(oldVnode, vnode);
modComputedStyle.update(oldVnode, vnode);
function removeElmHook(vnode) {
// this method only needs to search on child vnodes from template
// to trigger the remove hook just in case some of those children
// are custom elements.
const {
} = vnode;
for (let j = 0, len = children.length; j < len; ++j) {
const ch = children[j];
if (!isNull(ch)) {
ch.hook.remove(ch, elm);
} // Using a WeakMap instead of a WeakSet because this one works in IE11 :(
const FromIteration = new WeakMap(); // dynamic children means it was generated by an iteration
// in a template, and will require a more complex diffing algo.
function markAsDynamicChildren(children) {
FromIteration.set(children, 1);
function hasDynamicChildren(children) {
return FromIteration.has(children);
* Copyright (c) 2020,, inc.
* All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* For full license text, see the LICENSE file in the repo root or
function getUpgradableConstructor(tagName, renderer) {
// Should never get a tag with upper case letter at this point, the compiler should
// produce only tags with lowercase letters
// But, for backwards compatibility, we will lower case the tagName
tagName = tagName.toLowerCase();
let CE = renderer.getCustomElement(tagName);
if (!isUndefined$3(CE)) {
return CE;
* LWC Upgradable Element reference to an element that was created
* via the scoped registry mechanism, and that is ready to be upgraded.
CE = class LWCUpgradableElement extends renderer.HTMLElement {
constructor(upgradeCallback) {
if (isFunction$1(upgradeCallback)) {
upgradeCallback(this); // nothing to do with the result for now
renderer.defineCustomElement(tagName, CE);
return CE;
* Copyright (c) 2018,, inc.
* All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* For full license text, see the LICENSE file in the repo root or
const CHAR_S = 115;
const CHAR_V = 118;
const CHAR_G = 103;
const NamespaceAttributeForSVG = '';
const SymbolIterator = Symbol.iterator;
const TextHook = {
create: vnode => {
const {
} = vnode;
const {
} = owner;
const elm = renderer.createText(vnode.text);
linkNodeToShadow(elm, owner);
vnode.elm = elm;
update: updateNodeHook,
insert: insertNodeHook,
move: insertNodeHook,
remove: removeNodeHook
}; // insert is called after update, which is used somewhere else (via a module)
// to mark the vm as inserted, that means we cannot use update as the main channel
// to rehydrate when dirty, because sometimes the element is not inserted just yet,
// which breaks some invariants. For that reason, we have the following for any
// Custom Element that is inserted via a template.
const ElementHook = {
create: vnode => {
const {
data: {
} = vnode;
const {
} = owner;
const elm = renderer.createElement(sel, ns);
linkNodeToShadow(elm, owner);
fallbackElmHook(elm, vnode);
vnode.elm = elm;
update: (oldVnode, vnode) => {
updateElmHook(oldVnode, vnode);
updateChildrenHook(oldVnode, vnode);
insert: (vnode, parentNode, referenceNode) => {
insertNodeHook(vnode, parentNode, referenceNode);
move: (vnode, parentNode, referenceNode) => {
insertNodeHook(vnode, parentNode, referenceNode);
remove: (vnode, parentNode) => {
removeNodeHook(vnode, parentNode);
const CustomElementHook = {
create: vnode => {
const {
} = vnode;
const {
} = owner;
const UpgradableConstructor = getUpgradableConstructor(sel, renderer);
* Note: if the upgradable constructor does not expect, or throw when we new it
* with a callback as the first argument, we could implement a more advanced
* mechanism that only passes that argument if the constructor is known to be
* an upgradable custom element.
const elm = new UpgradableConstructor(elm => {
// the custom element from the registry is expecting an upgrade callback
createViewModelHook(elm, vnode);
linkNodeToShadow(elm, owner);
vnode.elm = elm;
const vm = getAssociatedVMIfPresent(elm);
if (vm) {
allocateChildrenHook(vnode, vm);
} else if (vnode.ctor !== UpgradableConstructor) {
throw new TypeError(`Incorrect Component Constructor`);
update: (oldVnode, vnode) => {
updateCustomElmHook(oldVnode, vnode);
const vm = getAssociatedVMIfPresent(vnode.elm);
if (vm) {
// in fallback mode, the allocation will always set children to
// empty and delegate the real allocation to the slot elements
allocateChildrenHook(vnode, vm);
} // in fallback mode, the children will be always empty, so, nothing
// will happen, but in native, it does allocate the light dom
updateChildrenHook(oldVnode, vnode);
if (vm) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
assert.isTrue(isArray$1(vnode.children), `Invalid vnode for a custom element, it must have children defined.`);
} // this will probably update the shadowRoot, but only if the vm is in a dirty state
// this is important to preserve the top to bottom synchronous rendering phase.
insert: (vnode, parentNode, referenceNode) => {
insertNodeHook(vnode, parentNode, referenceNode);
const vm = getAssociatedVMIfPresent(vnode.elm);
if (vm) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
assert.isTrue(vm.state === VMState.created, `${vm} cannot be recycled.`);
if (vm) {
move: (vnode, parentNode, referenceNode) => {
insertNodeHook(vnode, parentNode, referenceNode);
remove: (vnode, parentNode) => {
removeNodeHook(vnode, parentNode);
const vm = getAssociatedVMIfPresent(vnode.elm);
if (vm) {
// for custom elements we don't have to go recursively because the removeVM routine
// will take care of disconnecting any child VM attached to its shadow as well.
function linkNodeToShadow(elm, owner) {
const {
} = owner; // TODO [#1164]: this should eventually be done by the polyfill directly
if (renderer.syntheticShadow) {
elm.$shadowResolver$ = cmpRoot.$shadowResolver$;
} // TODO [#1136]: this should be done by the compiler, adding ns to every sub-element
function addNS(vnode) {
const {
} = vnode;
data.ns = NamespaceAttributeForSVG; // TODO [#1275]: review why `sel` equal `foreignObject` should get this `ns`
if (isArray$1(children) && sel !== 'foreignObject') {
for (let j = 0, n = children.length; j < n; ++j) {
const childNode = children[j];
if (childNode != null && childNode.hook === ElementHook) {
function addVNodeToChildLWC(vnode) {
ArrayPush$, vnode);
} // [h]tml node
function h(sel, data, children) {
const vmBeingRendered = getVMBeingRendered();
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
assert.isTrue(isString(sel), `h() 1st argument sel must be a string.`);
assert.isTrue(isObject(data), `h() 2nd argument data must be an object.`);
assert.isTrue(isArray$1(children), `h() 3rd argument children must be an array.`);
assert.isTrue('key' in data, ` <${sel}> "key" attribute is invalid or missing for ${vmBeingRendered}. Key inside iterator is either undefined or null.`); // checking reserved internal data properties
assert.isFalse(data.className && data.classMap, ` and ambiguous declaration.`);
assert.isFalse(data.styleMap &&, ` and ambiguous declaration.`);
if ( && !isString( {
logError(`Invalid 'style' attribute passed to <${sel}> is ignored. This attribute must be a string value.`, vmBeingRendered);
}, childVnode => {
if (childVnode != null) {
assert.isTrue(childVnode && 'sel' in childVnode && 'data' in childVnode && 'children' in childVnode && 'text' in childVnode && 'elm' in childVnode && 'key' in childVnode, `${childVnode} is not a vnode.`);
const {
} = data;
let text, elm;
const vnode = {
hook: ElementHook,
owner: vmBeingRendered
if (sel.length === 3 &&, 0) === CHAR_S &&, 1) === CHAR_V &&, 2) === CHAR_G) {
return vnode;
} // [t]ab[i]ndex function
function ti(value) {
// if value is greater than 0, we normalize to 0
// If value is an invalid tabIndex value (null, undefined, string, etc), we let that value pass through
// If value is less than -1, we don't care
const shouldNormalize = value > 0 && !(isTrue$2(value) || isFalse$2(value));
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
const vmBeingRendered = getVMBeingRendered();
if (shouldNormalize) {
logError(`Invalid tabindex value \`${toString$1(value)}\` in template for ${vmBeingRendered}. This attribute must be set to 0 or -1.`, vmBeingRendered);
return shouldNormalize ? 0 : value;
} // [s]lot element node
function s(slotName, data, children, slotset) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
assert.isTrue(isString(slotName), `s() 1st argument slotName must be a string.`);
assert.isTrue(isObject(data), `s() 2nd argument data must be an object.`);
assert.isTrue(isArray$1(children), `h() 3rd argument children must be an array.`);
if (!isUndefined$3(slotset) && !isUndefined$3(slotset[slotName]) && slotset[slotName].length !== 0) {
children = slotset[slotName];
const vnode = h('slot', data, children);
if (vnode.owner.renderer.syntheticShadow) {
// TODO [#1276]: compiler should give us some sort of indicator when a vnodes collection is dynamic
return vnode;
} // [c]ustom element node
function c(sel, Ctor, data, children = EmptyArray) {
const vmBeingRendered = getVMBeingRendered();
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
assert.isTrue(isString(sel), `c() 1st argument sel must be a string.`);
assert.isTrue(isFunction$1(Ctor), `c() 2nd argument Ctor must be a function.`);
assert.isTrue(isObject(data), `c() 3nd argument data must be an object.`);
assert.isTrue(arguments.length === 3 || isArray$1(children), `c() 4nd argument data must be an array.`); // checking reserved internal data properties
assert.isFalse(data.className && data.classMap, ` and ambiguous declaration.`);
assert.isFalse(data.styleMap &&, ` and ambiguous declaration.`);
if ( && !isString( {
logError(`Invalid 'style' attribute passed to <${sel}> is ignored. This attribute must be a string value.`, vmBeingRendered);
if (arguments.length === 4) {, childVnode => {
if (childVnode != null) {
assert.isTrue(childVnode && 'sel' in childVnode && 'data' in childVnode && 'children' in childVnode && 'text' in childVnode && 'elm' in childVnode && 'key' in childVnode, `${childVnode} is not a vnode.`);
const {
} = data;
let text, elm;
const vnode = {
hook: CustomElementHook,
ctor: Ctor,
owner: vmBeingRendered,
mode: 'open' // TODO [#1294]: this should be defined in Ctor
return vnode;
} // [i]terable node
function i(iterable, factory) {
const list = []; // TODO [#1276]: compiler should give us some sort of indicator when a vnodes collection is dynamic
const vmBeingRendered = getVMBeingRendered();
if (isUndefined$3(iterable) || iterable === null) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
logError(`Invalid template iteration for value "${toString$1(iterable)}" in ${vmBeingRendered}. It must be an Array or an iterable Object.`, vmBeingRendered);
return list;
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
assert.isFalse(isUndefined$3(iterable[SymbolIterator]), `Invalid template iteration for value \`${toString$1(iterable)}\` in ${vmBeingRendered}. It must be an array-like object and not \`null\` nor \`undefined\`.`);
const iterator = iterable[SymbolIterator]();
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
assert.isTrue(iterator && isFunction$1(, `Invalid iterator function for "${toString$1(iterable)}" in ${vmBeingRendered}.`);
let next =;
let j = 0;
let {
done: last
} = next;
let keyMap;
let iterationError;
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
keyMap = create$2(null);
while (last === false) {
// implementing a look-back-approach because we need to know if the element is the last
next =;
last = next.done; // template factory logic based on the previous collected value
const vnode = factory(value, j, j === 0, last);
if (isArray$1(vnode)) {
ArrayPush$2.apply(list, vnode);
} else {
ArrayPush$, vnode);
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
const vnodes = isArray$1(vnode) ? vnode : [vnode];, childVnode => {
if (!isNull(childVnode) && isObject(childVnode) && !isUndefined$3(childVnode.sel)) {
const {
} = childVnode;
if (isString(key) || isNumber(key)) {
if (keyMap[key] === 1 && isUndefined$3(iterationError)) {
iterationError = `Duplicated "key" attribute value for "<${childVnode.sel}>" in ${vmBeingRendered} for item number ${j}. A key with value "${childVnode.key}" appears more than once in the iteration. Key values must be unique numbers or strings.`;
keyMap[key] = 1;
} else if (isUndefined$3(iterationError)) {
iterationError = `Invalid "key" attribute value in "<${childVnode.sel}>" in ${vmBeingRendered} for item number ${j}. Set a unique "key" value on all iterated child elements.`;
} // preparing next value
j += 1;
value = next.value;
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
if (!isUndefined$3(iterationError)) {
logError(iterationError, vmBeingRendered);
return list;
* [f]lattening
function f(items) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
assert.isTrue(isArray$1(items), 'flattening api can only work with arrays.');
const len = items.length;
const flattened = []; // TODO [#1276]: compiler should give us some sort of indicator when a vnodes collection is dynamic
for (let j = 0; j < len; j += 1) {
const item = items[j];
if (isArray$1(item)) {
ArrayPush$2.apply(flattened, item);
} else {
ArrayPush$, item);
return flattened;
} // [t]ext node
function t(text) {
const data = EmptyObject;
let sel, children, key, elm;
return {
hook: TextHook,
owner: getVMBeingRendered()
} // [d]ynamic value to produce a text vnode
function d(value) {
if (value == null) {
return null;
return t(value);
} // [b]ind function
function b(fn) {
const vmBeingRendered = getVMBeingRendered();
if (isNull(vmBeingRendered)) {
throw new Error();
const vm = vmBeingRendered;
return function (event) {
invokeEventListener(vm, fn, vm.component, event);
} // [k]ey function
function k(compilerKey, obj) {
switch (typeof obj) {
case 'number':
case 'string':
return compilerKey + ':' + obj;
case 'object':
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {`Invalid key value "${obj}" in ${getVMBeingRendered()}. Key must be a string or number.`);
} // [g]lobal [id] function
function gid(id) {
const vmBeingRendered = getVMBeingRendered();
if (isUndefined$3(id) || id === '') {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
logError(`Invalid id value "${id}". The id attribute must contain a non-empty string.`, vmBeingRendered);
return id;
} // We remove attributes when they are assigned a value of null
if (isNull(id)) {
return null;
return `${id}-${vmBeingRendered.idx}`;
} // [f]ragment [id] function
function fid(url) {
const vmBeingRendered = getVMBeingRendered();
if (isUndefined$3(url) || url === '') {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
if (isUndefined$3(url)) {
logError(`Undefined url value for "href" or "xlink:href" attribute. Expected a non-empty string.`, vmBeingRendered);
return url;
} // We remove attributes when they are assigned a value of null
if (isNull(url)) {
return null;
} // Apply transformation only for fragment-only-urls
if (/^#/.test(url)) {
return `${url}-${vmBeingRendered.idx}`;
return url;
* Map to store an index value assigned to any dynamic component reference ingested
* by dc() api. This allows us to generate a unique unique per template per dynamic
* component reference to avoid diffing algo mismatches.
const DynamicImportedComponentMap = new Map();
let dynamicImportedComponentCounter = 0;
* create a dynamic component via `<x-foo lwc:dynamic={Ctor}>`
function dc(sel, Ctor, data, children) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
assert.isTrue(isString(sel), `dc() 1st argument sel must be a string.`);
assert.isTrue(isObject(data), `dc() 3nd argument data must be an object.`);
assert.isTrue(arguments.length === 3 || isArray$1(children), `dc() 4nd argument data must be an array.`);
} // null or undefined values should produce a null value in the VNodes
if (Ctor == null) {
return null;
if (!isComponentConstructor(Ctor)) {
throw new Error(`Invalid LWC Constructor ${toString$1(Ctor)} for custom element <${sel}>.`);
let idx = DynamicImportedComponentMap.get(Ctor);
if (isUndefined$3(idx)) {
idx = dynamicImportedComponentCounter++;
DynamicImportedComponentMap.set(Ctor, idx);
} // the new vnode key is a mix of idx and compiler key, this is required by the diffing algo
// to identify different constructors as vnodes with different keys to avoid reusing the
// element used for previous constructors.
data.key = `dc:${idx}:${data.key}`;
return c(sel, Ctor, data, children);
* slow children collection marking mechanism. this API allows the compiler to signal
* to the engine that a particular collection of children must be diffed using the slow
* algo based on keys due to the nature of the list. E.g.:
* - slot element's children: the content of the slot has to be dynamic when in synthetic
* shadow mode because the `vnode.children` might be the slotted
* content vs default content, in which case the size and the
* keys are not matching.
* - children that contain dynamic components
* - children that are produced by iteration
function sc(vnodes) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
assert.isTrue(isArray$1(vnodes), 'sc() api can only work with arrays.');
} // We have to mark the vnodes collection as dynamic so we can later on
// choose to use the snabbdom virtual dom diffing algo instead of our
// static dummy algo.
return vnodes;
var api = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
__proto__: null,
h: h,
ti: ti,
s: s,
c: c,
i: i,
f: f,
t: t,
d: d,
b: b,
k: k,
gid: gid,
fid: fid,
dc: dc,
sc: sc
* Copyright (c) 2018,, inc.
* All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* For full license text, see the LICENSE file in the repo root or
function createShadowStyleVNode(content) {
return h('style', {
key: 'style',
attrs: {
type: 'text/css'
}, [t(content)]);
function updateSyntheticShadowAttributes(vm, template) {
const {
} = vm;
const {
stylesheets: newStylesheets,
stylesheetTokens: newStylesheetTokens
} = template;
let newHostAttribute;
let newShadowAttribute; // Reset the styling token applied to the host element.
const oldHostAttribute = context.hostAttribute;
if (!isUndefined$3(oldHostAttribute)) {
renderer.removeAttribute(elm, oldHostAttribute);
} // Apply the new template styling token to the host element, if the new template has any
// associated stylesheets.
if (!isUndefined$3(newStylesheetTokens) && !isUndefined$3(newStylesheets) && newStylesheets.length !== 0) {
newHostAttribute = newStylesheetTokens.hostAttribute;
newShadowAttribute = newStylesheetTokens.shadowAttribute;
renderer.setAttribute(elm, newHostAttribute, '');
} // Update the styling tokens present on the context object.
context.hostAttribute = newHostAttribute;
context.shadowAttribute = newShadowAttribute;
function evaluateStylesheetsContent(stylesheets, hostSelector, shadowSelector, nativeShadow) {
const content = [];
for (let i = 0; i < stylesheets.length; i++) {
let stylesheet = stylesheets[i];
if (isArray$1(stylesheet)) {
ArrayPush$2.apply(content, evaluateStylesheetsContent(stylesheet, hostSelector, shadowSelector, nativeShadow));
} else {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
// in dev-mode, we support hot swapping of stylesheet, which means that
// the component instance might be attempting to use an old version of
// the stylesheet, while internally, we have a replacement for it.
stylesheet = getStyleOrSwappedStyle(stylesheet);
ArrayPush$, stylesheet(hostSelector, shadowSelector, nativeShadow));
return content;
function getStylesheetsContent(vm, template) {
const {
stylesheetTokens: tokens
} = template;
const {
} = vm.renderer;
let content = [];
if (!isUndefined$3(stylesheets) && !isUndefined$3(tokens)) {
const hostSelector = syntheticShadow ? `[${tokens.hostAttribute}]` : '';
const shadowSelector = syntheticShadow ? `[${tokens.shadowAttribute}]` : '';
content = evaluateStylesheetsContent(stylesheets, hostSelector, shadowSelector, !syntheticShadow);
return content;
function createStylesheet(vm, stylesheets) {
const {
} = vm;
if (renderer.syntheticShadow) {
for (let i = 0; i < stylesheets.length; i++) {
return null;
} else {
const shadowStyleSheetContent =, '\n');
return createShadowStyleVNode(shadowStyleSheetContent);
* Copyright (c) 2018,, inc.
* All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* For full license text, see the LICENSE file in the repo root or
var GlobalMeasurementPhase;
(function (GlobalMeasurementPhase) {
GlobalMeasurementPhase["REHYDRATE"] = "lwc-rehydrate";
GlobalMeasurementPhase["HYDRATE"] = "lwc-hydrate";
})(GlobalMeasurementPhase || (GlobalMeasurementPhase = {})); // Even if all the browser the engine supports implements the UserTiming API, we need to guard the measure APIs.
// JSDom (used in Jest) for example doesn't implement the UserTiming APIs.
const isUserTimingSupported = typeof performance !== 'undefined' && typeof performance.mark === 'function' && typeof performance.clearMarks === 'function' && typeof performance.measure === 'function' && typeof performance.clearMeasures === 'function';
function getMarkName(phase, vm) {
// Adding the VM idx to the mark name creates a unique mark name component instance. This is necessary to produce
// the right measures for components that are recursive.
return `${getComponentTag(vm)} - ${phase} - ${vm.idx}`;
function getMeasureName(phase, vm) {
return `${getComponentTag(vm)} - ${phase}`;
function start(markName) {
function end(measureName, markName) {
performance.measure(measureName, markName); // Clear the created marks and measure to avoid filling the performance entries buffer.
// Note: Even if the entries get deleted, existing PerformanceObservers preserve a copy of those entries.
function noop$3() {
/* do nothing */
const startMeasure = !isUserTimingSupported ? noop$3 : function (phase, vm) {
const markName = getMarkName(phase, vm);
const endMeasure = !isUserTimingSupported ? noop$3 : function (phase, vm) {
const markName = getMarkName(phase, vm);
const measureName = getMeasureName(phase, vm);
end(measureName, markName);
const startGlobalMeasure = !isUserTimingSupported ? noop$3 : function (phase, vm) {
const markName = isUndefined$3(vm) ? phase : getMarkName(phase, vm);
const endGlobalMeasure = !isUserTimingSupported ? noop$3 : function (phase, vm) {
const markName = isUndefined$3(vm) ? phase : getMarkName(phase, vm);
end(phase, markName);
* Copyright (c) 2018,, inc.
* All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* For full license text, see the LICENSE file in the repo root or
function noop$2(_opId, _phase, _cmpName, _vm_idx) {}
let logOperation = noop$2;
var OperationId;
(function (OperationId) {
OperationId[OperationId["constructor"] = 0] = "constructor";
OperationId[OperationId["render"] = 1] = "render";
OperationId[OperationId["patch"] = 2] = "patch";
OperationId[OperationId["connectedCallback"] = 3] = "connectedCallback";
OperationId[OperationId["renderedCallback"] = 4] = "renderedCallback";
OperationId[OperationId["disconnectedCallback"] = 5] = "disconnectedCallback";
OperationId[OperationId["errorCallback"] = 6] = "errorCallback";
})(OperationId || (OperationId = {}));
var Phase;
(function (Phase) {
Phase[Phase["Start"] = 0] = "Start";
Phase[Phase["Stop"] = 1] = "Stop";
})(Phase || (Phase = {}));
const opIdToMeasurementPhaseMappingArray = ['constructor', 'render', 'patch', 'connectedCallback', 'renderedCallback', 'disconnectedCallback', 'errorCallback'];
let profilerEnabled$3 = false;
let logMarks = false;
let bufferLogging = false;
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
profilerEnabled$3 = true;
logMarks = true;
bufferLogging = false;
const profilerStateCallbacks = [];
function trackProfilerState(callback) {
function logOperationStart(opId, vm) {
if (logMarks) {
startMeasure(opIdToMeasurementPhaseMappingArray[opId], vm);
if (bufferLogging) {
logOperation(opId, Phase.Start, vm.tagName, vm.idx);
function logOperationEnd(opId, vm) {
if (logMarks) {
endMeasure(opIdToMeasurementPhaseMappingArray[opId], vm);
if (bufferLogging) {
logOperation(opId, Phase.Stop, vm.tagName, vm.idx);
function enableProfiler() {
profilerEnabled$3 = true;
bufferLogging = true;
function disableProfiler() {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
// in non-prod mode we want to keep logging marks
profilerEnabled$3 = true;
logMarks = true;
bufferLogging = false;
} else {
profilerEnabled$3 = false;
bufferLogging = false;
logMarks = false;
function notifyProfilerStateChange() {
for (let i = 0; i < profilerStateCallbacks.length; i++) {
function attachDispatcher(dispatcher) {
logOperation = dispatcher;
bufferLogging = true;
function detachDispatcher() {
const currentLogOperation = logOperation;
logOperation = noop$2;
bufferLogging = false;
return currentLogOperation;
const profilerControl = {
* Copyright (c) 2018,, inc.
* All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* For full license text, see the LICENSE file in the repo root or
let isUpdatingTemplate = false;
let vmBeingRendered = null;
function getVMBeingRendered() {
return vmBeingRendered;
function setVMBeingRendered(vm) {
vmBeingRendered = vm;
let profilerEnabled$2 = false;
trackProfilerState(t => profilerEnabled$2 = t);
function validateSlots(vm, html) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {
// this method should never leak to prod
throw new ReferenceError();
const {
} = vm;
const {
slots = EmptyArray
} = html;
for (const slotName in cmpSlots) {
// eslint-disable-next-line lwc-internal/no-production-assert
assert.isTrue(isArray$1(cmpSlots[slotName]), `Slots can only be set to an array, instead received ${toString$1(cmpSlots[slotName])} for slot "${slotName}" in ${vm}.`);
if (slotName !== '' && ArrayIndexOf$, slotName) === -1) {
// TODO [#1297]: this should never really happen because the compiler should always validate
// eslint-disable-next-line lwc-internal/no-production-assert
logError(`Ignoring unknown provided slot name "${slotName}" in ${vm}. Check for a typo on the slot attribute.`, vm);
function evaluateTemplate(vm, html) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
assert.isTrue(isFunction$1(html), `evaluateTemplate() second argument must be an imported template instead of ${toString$1(html)}`); // in dev-mode, we support hot swapping of templates, which means that
// the component instance might be attempting to use an old version of
// the template, while internally, we have a replacement for it.
html = getTemplateOrSwappedTemplate(html);
const isUpdatingTemplateInception = isUpdatingTemplate;
const vmOfTemplateBeingUpdatedInception = vmBeingRendered;
let vnodes = [];
runWithBoundaryProtection(vm, vm.owner, () => {
// pre
vmBeingRendered = vm;
if (profilerEnabled$2) {
logOperationStart(OperationId.render, vm);
}, () => {
// job
const {
} = vm;
tro.observe(() => {
// Reset the cache memoizer for template when needed.
if (html !== cmpTemplate) {
// Perf opt: do not reset the shadow root during the first rendering (there is
// nothing to reset).
if (!isNull(cmpTemplate)) {
// It is important to reset the content to avoid reusing similar elements
// generated from a different template, because they could have similar IDs,
// and snabbdom just rely on the IDs.
} // Check that the template was built by the compiler.
if (!isTemplateRegistered(html)) {
throw new TypeError(`Invalid template returned by the render() method on ${vm}. It must return an imported template (e.g.: \`import html from "./${}.html"\`), instead, it has returned: ${toString$1(html)}.`);
vm.cmpTemplate = html; // Create a brand new template cache for the swapped templated.
context.tplCache = create$2(null); // Update the synthetic shadow attributes on the host element if necessary.
if (renderer.syntheticShadow) {
updateSyntheticShadowAttributes(vm, html);
} // Evaluate, create stylesheet and cache the produced VNode for future
// re-rendering.
const stylesheetsContent = getStylesheetsContent(vm, html);
context.styleVNode = stylesheetsContent.length === 0 ? null : createStylesheet(vm, stylesheetsContent);
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
// validating slots in every rendering since the allocated content might change over time
validateSlots(vm, html); // add the VM to the list of host VMs that can be re-rendered if html is swapped
} // right before producing the vnodes, we clear up all internal references
// to custom elements from the template.
vm.velements = []; // Set the global flag that template is being updated
isUpdatingTemplate = true;
vnodes =, api, component, cmpSlots, context.tplCache);
const {
} = context;
if (!isNull(styleVNode)) {, styleVNode);
}, () => {
// post
isUpdatingTemplate = isUpdatingTemplateInception;
vmBeingRendered = vmOfTemplateBeingUpdatedInception;
if (profilerEnabled$2) {
logOperationEnd(OperationId.render, vm);
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
assert.invariant(isArray$1(vnodes), `Compiler should produce html functions that always return an array.`);
return vnodes;
* Copyright (c) 2018,, inc.
* All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* For full license text, see the LICENSE file in the repo root or
function addErrorComponentStack(vm, error) {
if (!isFrozen$1(error) && isUndefined$3(error.wcStack)) {
const wcStack = getErrorComponentStack(vm);
defineProperty$1(error, 'wcStack', {
get() {
return wcStack;
* Copyright (c) 2018,, inc.
* All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* For full license text, see the LICENSE file in the repo root or
let isInvokingRender = false;
let vmBeingConstructed = null;
function isBeingConstructed(vm) {
return vmBeingConstructed === vm;
let profilerEnabled$1 = false;
trackProfilerState(t => profilerEnabled$1 = t);
const noop$1 = () => void 0;
function invokeComponentCallback(vm, fn, args) {
const {
} = vm;
let result;
runWithBoundaryProtection(vm, owner, noop$1, () => {
// job
result = callHook(component, fn, args);
}, noop$1);
return result;
function invokeComponentConstructor(vm, Ctor) {
const vmBeingConstructedInception = vmBeingConstructed;
let error;
if (profilerEnabled$1) {
logOperationStart(OperationId.constructor, vm);
vmBeingConstructed = vm;
* Constructors don't need to be wrapped with a boundary because for root elements
* it should throw, while elements from template are already wrapped by a boundary
* associated to the diffing algo.
try {
// job
const result = new Ctor(); // Check indirectly if the constructor result is an instance of LightningElement. Using
// the "instanceof" operator would not work here since Locker Service provides its own
// implementation of LightningElement, so we indirectly check if the base constructor is
// invoked by accessing the component on the vm.
if (vmBeingConstructed.component !== result) {
throw new TypeError('Invalid component constructor, the class should extend LightningElement.');
} catch (e) {
error = Object(e);
} finally {
if (profilerEnabled$1) {
logOperationEnd(OperationId.constructor, vm);
vmBeingConstructed = vmBeingConstructedInception;
if (!isUndefined$3(error)) {
addErrorComponentStack(vm, error); // re-throwing the original error annotated after restoring the context
throw error; // eslint-disable-line no-unsafe-finally
function invokeComponentRenderMethod(vm) {
const {
def: {
} = vm;
const isRenderBeingInvokedInception = isInvokingRender;
const vmBeingRenderedInception = getVMBeingRendered();
let html;
let renderInvocationSuccessful = false;
runWithBoundaryProtection(vm, owner, () => {
// pre
isInvokingRender = true;
}, () => {
// job
vm.tro.observe(() => {
html = callHook(component, render);
renderInvocationSuccessful = true;
}, () => {
// post
isInvokingRender = isRenderBeingInvokedInception;
}); // If render() invocation failed, process errorCallback in boundary and return an empty template
return renderInvocationSuccessful ? evaluateTemplate(vm, html) : [];
function invokeComponentRenderedCallback(vm) {
const {
def: {
} = vm;
if (!isUndefined$3(renderedCallback)) {
runWithBoundaryProtection(vm, owner, () => {
if (profilerEnabled$1) {
logOperationStart(OperationId.renderedCallback, vm);
}, () => {
// job
callHook(component, renderedCallback);
}, () => {
// post
if (profilerEnabled$1) {
logOperationEnd(OperationId.renderedCallback, vm);
function invokeEventListener(vm, fn, thisValue, event) {
const {
} = vm;
runWithBoundaryProtection(vm, owner, noop$1, () => {
// job
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
assert.isTrue(isFunction$1(fn), `Invalid event handler for event '${event.type}' on ${vm}.`);
callHook(thisValue, fn, [event]);
}, noop$1);
* Copyright (c) 2018,, inc.
* All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* For full license text, see the LICENSE file in the repo root or
const signedTemplateMap = new Map();
* INTERNAL: This function can only be invoked by compiled code. The compiler
* will prevent this function from being imported by userland code.
function registerComponent(Ctor, {
}) {
signedTemplateMap.set(Ctor, tmpl); // chaining this method as a way to wrap existing assignment of component constructor easily,
// without too much transformation
return Ctor;
function getComponentRegisteredTemplate(Ctor) {
return signedTemplateMap.get(Ctor);
function createComponent(vm, Ctor) {
// create the component instance
invokeComponentConstructor(vm, Ctor);
if (isUndefined$3(vm.component)) {
throw new ReferenceError(`Invalid construction for ${Ctor}, you must extend LightningElement.`);
function getTemplateReactiveObserver(vm) {
return new ReactiveObserver(() => {
const {
} = vm;
if (isFalse$2(isDirty)) {
function renderComponent(vm) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
assert.invariant(vm.isDirty, `${vm} is not dirty.`);
const vnodes = invokeComponentRenderMethod(vm);
vm.isDirty = false;
vm.isScheduled = false;
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
assert.invariant(isArray$1(vnodes), `${vm}.render() should always return an array of vnodes instead of ${vnodes}`);
return vnodes;
function markComponentAsDirty(vm) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
const vmBeingRendered = getVMBeingRendered();
assert.isFalse(vm.isDirty, `markComponentAsDirty() for ${vm} should not be called when the component is already dirty.`);
assert.isFalse(isInvokingRender, `markComponentAsDirty() for ${vm} cannot be called during rendering of ${vmBeingRendered}.`);
assert.isFalse(isUpdatingTemplate, `markComponentAsDirty() for ${vm} cannot be called while updating template of ${vmBeingRendered}.`);
vm.isDirty = true;
const cmpEventListenerMap = new WeakMap();
function getWrappedComponentsListener(vm, listener) {
if (!isFunction$1(listener)) {
throw new TypeError(); // avoiding problems with non-valid listeners
let wrappedListener = cmpEventListenerMap.get(listener);
if (isUndefined$3(wrappedListener)) {
wrappedListener = function (event) {
invokeEventListener(vm, listener, undefined, event);
cmpEventListenerMap.set(listener, wrappedListener);
return wrappedListener;
* Copyright (c) 2018,, inc.
* All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* For full license text, see the LICENSE file in the repo root or
const Services = create$2(null);
const hooks = ['rendered', 'connected', 'disconnected'];
* EXPERIMENTAL: This function allows for the registration of "services"
* in LWC by exposing hooks into the component life-cycle. This API is
* subject to change or being removed.
function register(service) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
assert.isTrue(isObject(service), `Invalid service declaration, ${service}: service must be an object`);
for (let i = 0; i < hooks.length; ++i) {
const hookName = hooks[i];
if (hookName in service) {
let l = Services[hookName];
if (isUndefined$3(l)) {
Services[hookName] = l = [];
ArrayPush$, service[hookName]);
function invokeServiceHook(vm, cbs) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
assert.isTrue(isArray$1(cbs) && cbs.length > 0, `Optimize invokeServiceHook() to be invoked only when needed`);
const {
} = vm;
for (let i = 0, len = cbs.length; i < len; ++i) {
cbs[i].call(undefined, component, {}, def, context);
* Copyright (c) 2018,, inc.
* All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* For full license text, see the LICENSE file in the repo root or
var VMState;
(function (VMState) {
VMState[VMState["created"] = 0] = "created";
VMState[VMState["connected"] = 1] = "connected";
VMState[VMState["disconnected"] = 2] = "disconnected";
})(VMState || (VMState = {}));
let profilerEnabled = false;
trackProfilerState(t => profilerEnabled = t);
let idx = 0;
/** The internal slot used to associate different objects the engine manipulates with the VM */
const ViewModelReflection = createHiddenField('ViewModel', 'engine');
function callHook(cmp, fn, args = []) {
return fn.apply(cmp, args);
function setHook(cmp, prop, newValue) {
cmp[prop] = newValue;
function getHook(cmp, prop) {
return cmp[prop];
function rerenderVM(vm) {
function connectRootElement(elm) {
const vm = getAssociatedVM(elm);
startGlobalMeasure(GlobalMeasurementPhase.HYDRATE, vm); // Usually means moving the element from one place to another, which is observable via
// life-cycle hooks.
if (vm.state === VMState.connected) {
endGlobalMeasure(GlobalMeasurementPhase.HYDRATE, vm);
function disconnectRootElement(elm) {
const vm = getAssociatedVM(elm);
function appendVM(vm) {
} // just in case the component comes back, with this we guarantee re-rendering it
// while preventing any attempt to rehydration until after reinsertion.
function resetComponentStateWhenRemoved(vm) {
const {
} = vm;
if (state !== VMState.disconnected) {
const {
} = vm; // Making sure that any observing record will not trigger the rehydrated on this vm
tro.reset(); // Making sure that any observing accessor record will not trigger the setter to be reinvoked
for (const key in oar) {
runDisconnectedCallback(vm); // Spec: (step 14-15)
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
} // this method is triggered by the diffing algo only when a vnode from the
// old vnode.children is removed from the DOM.
function removeVM(vm) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
assert.isTrue(vm.state === VMState.connected || vm.state === VMState.disconnected, `${vm} must have been connected.`);
function createVM(elm, def, options) {
const {
} = options;
const vm = {
idx: idx++,
state: VMState.created,
isScheduled: false,
isDirty: true,
children: EmptyArray,
aChildren: EmptyArray,
velements: EmptyArray,
cmpProps: create$2(null),
cmpFields: create$2(null),
cmpSlots: create$2(null),
oar: create$2(null),
cmpTemplate: null,
context: {
hostAttribute: undefined,
shadowAttribute: undefined,
styleVNode: null,
tplCache: EmptyObject,
wiredConnecting: EmptyArray,
wiredDisconnecting: EmptyArray
tro: null,
component: null,
cmpRoot: null,
vm.tro = getTemplateReactiveObserver(vm);
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
vm.toString = () => {
return `[object:vm ${} (${vm.idx})]`;
} // Create component instance associated to the vm and the element.
createComponent(vm, def.ctor); // Initializing the wire decorator per instance only when really needed
if (isFalse$2(renderer.ssr) && hasWireAdapters(vm)) {
return vm;
function assertIsVM(obj) {
if (isNull(obj) || !isObject(obj) || !('cmpRoot' in obj)) {
throw new TypeError(`${obj} is not a VM.`);
function associateVM(obj, vm) {
setHiddenField(obj, ViewModelReflection, vm);
function getAssociatedVM(obj) {
const vm = getHiddenField(obj, ViewModelReflection);
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
return vm;
function getAssociatedVMIfPresent(obj) {
const maybeVm = getHiddenField(obj, ViewModelReflection);
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
if (!isUndefined$3(maybeVm)) {
return maybeVm;
function rehydrate(vm) {
if (isTrue$2(vm.isDirty)) {
const children = renderComponent(vm);
patchShadowRoot(vm, children);
function patchShadowRoot(vm, newCh) {
const {
children: oldCh
} = vm; // caching the new children collection
vm.children = newCh;
if (newCh.length > 0 || oldCh.length > 0) {
// patch function mutates vnodes by adding the element reference,
// however, if patching fails it contains partial changes.
if (oldCh !== newCh) {
const fn = hasDynamicChildren(newCh) ? updateDynamicChildren : updateStaticChildren;
runWithBoundaryProtection(vm, vm, () => {
// pre
if (profilerEnabled) {
logOperationStart(OperationId.patch, vm);
}, () => {
// job
fn(cmpRoot, oldCh, newCh);
}, () => {
// post
if (profilerEnabled) {
logOperationEnd(OperationId.patch, vm);
if (vm.state === VMState.connected) {
// If the element is connected, that means connectedCallback was already issued, and
// any successive rendering should finish with the call to renderedCallback, otherwise
// the connectedCallback will take care of calling it in the right order at the end of
// the current rehydration process.
function runRenderedCallback(vm) {
if (isTrue$2(vm.renderer.ssr)) {
const {
} = Services;
if (rendered) {
invokeServiceHook(vm, rendered);
let rehydrateQueue = [];
function flushRehydrationQueue() {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
assert.invariant(rehydrateQueue.length, `If rehydrateQueue was scheduled, it is because there must be at least one VM on this pending queue instead of ${rehydrateQueue}.`);
const vms = rehydrateQueue.sort((a, b) => a.idx - b.idx);
rehydrateQueue = []; // reset to a new queue
for (let i = 0, len = vms.length; i < len; i += 1) {
const vm = vms[i];
try {
} catch (error) {
if (i + 1 < len) {
// pieces of the queue are still pending to be rehydrated, those should have priority
if (rehydrateQueue.length === 0) {
ArrayUnshift.apply(rehydrateQueue,, i + 1));
} // we need to end the measure before throwing.
endGlobalMeasure(GlobalMeasurementPhase.REHYDRATE); // re-throwing the original error will break the current tick, but since the next tick is
// already scheduled, it should continue patching the rest.
throw error; // eslint-disable-line no-unsafe-finally
function runConnectedCallback(vm) {
const {
} = vm;
if (state === VMState.connected) {
return; // nothing to do since it was already connected
vm.state = VMState.connected; // reporting connection
const {
} = Services;
if (connected) {
invokeServiceHook(vm, connected);
if (hasWireAdapters(vm)) {
const {
} = vm.def;
if (!isUndefined$3(connectedCallback)) {
if (profilerEnabled) {
logOperationStart(OperationId.connectedCallback, vm);
invokeComponentCallback(vm, connectedCallback);
if (profilerEnabled) {
logOperationEnd(OperationId.connectedCallback, vm);
function hasWireAdapters(vm) {
return getOwnPropertyNames$2(vm.def.wire).length > 0;
function runDisconnectedCallback(vm) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
assert.isTrue(vm.state !== VMState.disconnected, `${vm} must be inserted.`);
if (isFalse$2(vm.isDirty)) {
// this guarantees that if the component is reused/reinserted,
// it will be re-rendered because we are disconnecting the reactivity
// linking, so mutations are not automatically reflected on the state
// of disconnected components.
vm.isDirty = true;
vm.state = VMState.disconnected; // reporting disconnection
const {
} = Services;
if (disconnected) {
invokeServiceHook(vm, disconnected);
if (hasWireAdapters(vm)) {
const {
} = vm.def;
if (!isUndefined$3(disconnectedCallback)) {
if (profilerEnabled) {
logOperationStart(OperationId.disconnectedCallback, vm);
invokeComponentCallback(vm, disconnectedCallback);
if (profilerEnabled) {
logOperationEnd(OperationId.disconnectedCallback, vm);
function runShadowChildNodesDisconnectedCallback(vm) {
const {
velements: vCustomElementCollection
} = vm; // Reporting disconnection for every child in inverse order since they are
// inserted in reserved order.
for (let i = vCustomElementCollection.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) {
const {
} = vCustomElementCollection[i]; // There are two cases where the element could be undefined:
// * when there is an error during the construction phase, and an error
// boundary picks it, there is a possibility that the VCustomElement
// is not properly initialized, and therefore is should be ignored.
// * when slotted custom element is not used by the element where it is
// slotted into it, as a result, the custom element was never
// initialized.
if (!isUndefined$3(elm)) {
const childVM = getAssociatedVMIfPresent(elm); // The VM associated with the element might be associated undefined
// in the case where the VM failed in the middle of its creation,
// eg: constructor throwing before invoking super().
if (!isUndefined$3(childVM)) {
function runLightChildNodesDisconnectedCallback(vm) {
const {
aChildren: adoptedChildren
} = vm;
* The recursion doesn't need to be a complete traversal of the vnode graph,
* instead it can be partial, when a custom element vnode is found, we don't
* need to continue into its children because by attempting to disconnect the
* custom element itself will trigger the removal of anything slotted or anything
* defined on its shadow.
function recursivelyDisconnectChildren(vnodes) {
for (let i = 0, len = vnodes.length; i < len; i += 1) {
const vnode = vnodes[i];
if (!isNull(vnode) && isArray$1(vnode.children) && !isUndefined$3(vnode.elm)) {
// vnode is a VElement with children
if (isUndefined$3(vnode.ctor)) {
// it is a VElement, just keep looking (recursively)
} else {
// it is a VCustomElement, disconnect it and ignore its children
} // This is a super optimized mechanism to remove the content of the shadowRoot without having to go
// into snabbdom. Especially useful when the reset is a consequence of an error, in which case the
// children VNodes might not be representing the current state of the DOM.
function resetShadowRoot(vm) {
const {
} = vm;
for (let i = 0, len = children.length; i < len; i++) {
const child = children[i];
if (!isNull(child) && !isUndefined$3(child.elm)) {
renderer.remove(child.elm, cmpRoot);
vm.children = EmptyArray;
vm.velements = EmptyArray;
function scheduleRehydration(vm) {
if (isTrue$2(vm.renderer.ssr) || isTrue$2(vm.isScheduled)) {
vm.isScheduled = true;
if (rehydrateQueue.length === 0) {
ArrayPush$, vm);
function getErrorBoundaryVM(vm) {
let currentVm = vm;
while (!isNull(currentVm)) {
if (!isUndefined$3(currentVm.def.errorCallback)) {
return currentVm;
currentVm = currentVm.owner;
} // slow path routine
// NOTE: we should probably more this routine to the synthetic shadow folder
// and get the allocation to be cached by in the elm instead of in the VM
function allocateInSlot(vm, children) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
assert.invariant(isObject(vm.cmpSlots), `When doing manual allocation, there must be a cmpSlots object available.`);
const {
cmpSlots: oldSlots
} = vm;
const cmpSlots = vm.cmpSlots = create$2(null);
for (let i = 0, len = children.length; i < len; i += 1) {
const vnode = children[i];
if (isNull(vnode)) {
const {
} = vnode;
const slotName = data.attrs && data.attrs.slot || '';
const vnodes = cmpSlots[slotName] = cmpSlots[slotName] || []; // re-keying the vnodes is necessary to avoid conflicts with default content for the slot
// which might have similar keys. Each vnode will always have a key that
// starts with a numeric character from compiler. In this case, we add a unique
// notation for slotted vnodes keys, e.g.: `@foo:1:1`
if (!isUndefined$3(vnode.key)) {
vnode.key = `@${slotName}:${vnode.key}`;
ArrayPush$, vnode);
if (isFalse$2(vm.isDirty)) {
// We need to determine if the old allocation is really different from the new one
// and mark the vm as dirty
const oldKeys = keys$1(oldSlots);
if (oldKeys.length !== keys$1(cmpSlots).length) {
for (let i = 0, len = oldKeys.length; i < len; i += 1) {
const key = oldKeys[i];
if (isUndefined$3(cmpSlots[key]) || oldSlots[key].length !== cmpSlots[key].length) {
const oldVNodes = oldSlots[key];
const vnodes = cmpSlots[key];
for (let j = 0, a = cmpSlots[key].length; j < a; j += 1) {
if (oldVNodes[j] !== vnodes[j]) {
function runWithBoundaryProtection(vm, owner, pre, job, post) {
let error;
try {
} catch (e) {
error = Object(e);
} finally {
if (!isUndefined$3(error)) {
addErrorComponentStack(vm, error);
const errorBoundaryVm = isNull(owner) ? undefined : getErrorBoundaryVM(owner);
if (isUndefined$3(errorBoundaryVm)) {
throw error; // eslint-disable-line no-unsafe-finally
resetShadowRoot(vm); // remove offenders
if (profilerEnabled) {
logOperationStart(OperationId.errorCallback, vm);
} // error boundaries must have an ErrorCallback
const errorCallback = errorBoundaryVm.def.errorCallback;
invokeComponentCallback(errorBoundaryVm, errorCallback, [error, error.wcStack]);
if (profilerEnabled) {
logOperationEnd(OperationId.errorCallback, vm);
function forceRehydration(vm) {
// if we must reset the shadowRoot content and render the template
// from scratch on an active instance, the way to force the reset
// is by replacing the value of old template, which is used during
// to determine if the template has changed or not during the rendering
// process. If the template returned by render() is different from the
// previous stored template, the styles will be reset, along with the
// content of the shadowRoot, this way we can guarantee that all children
// elements will be throw away, and new instances will be created.
vm.cmpTemplate = () => [];
if (isFalse$2(vm.isDirty)) {
// forcing the vm to rehydrate in the next tick
* Copyright (c) 2018,, inc.
* All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* For full license text, see the LICENSE file in the repo root or
const DeprecatedWiredElementHost = '$$DeprecatedWiredElementHostKey$$';
const DeprecatedWiredParamsMeta = '$$DeprecatedWiredParamsMetaKey$$';
const WireMetaMap = new Map();
function noop() {}
class WireContextRegistrationEvent extends CustomEvent {
constructor(adapterToken, {
}) {
super(adapterToken, {
bubbles: true,
composed: true
defineProperties$1(this, {
setNewContext: {
value: setNewContext
setDisconnectedCallback: {
value: setDisconnectedCallback
function createFieldDataCallback(vm, name) {
const {
} = vm;
return value => {
if (value !== vm.cmpFields[name]) {
// storing the value in the underlying storage
cmpFields[name] = value;
componentValueMutated(vm, name);
function createMethodDataCallback(vm, method) {
return value => {
// dispatching new value into the wired method
runWithBoundaryProtection(vm, vm.owner, noop, () => {
// job, value);
}, noop);
function createConfigWatcher(component, configCallback, callbackWhenConfigIsReady) {
let hasPendingConfig = false; // creating the reactive observer for reactive params when needed
const ro = new ReactiveObserver(() => {
if (hasPendingConfig === false) {
hasPendingConfig = true; // collect new config in the micro-task
Promise.resolve().then(() => {
hasPendingConfig = false; // resetting current reactive params
ro.reset(); // dispatching a new config due to a change in the configuration
const computeConfigAndUpdate = () => {
let config;
ro.observe(() => config = configCallback(component)); // eslint-disable-next-line lwc-internal/no-invalid-todo
// TODO: dev-mode validation of config based on the adapter.configSchema
// @ts-ignore it is assigned in the observe() callback
return {
function createContextWatcher(vm, wireDef, callbackWhenContextIsReady) {
const {
} = wireDef;
const adapterContextToken = getAdapterToken(adapter);
if (isUndefined$3(adapterContextToken)) {
return; // no provider found, nothing to be done
const {
context: {
} = vm; // waiting for the component to be connected to formally request the context via the token
ArrayPush$, () => {
// This event is responsible for connecting the host element with another
// element in the composed path that is providing contextual data. The provider
// must be listening for a special dom event with the name corresponding to the value of
// `adapterContextToken`, which will remain secret and internal to this file only to
// guarantee that the linkage can be forged.
const contextRegistrationEvent = new WireContextRegistrationEvent(adapterContextToken, {
setNewContext(newContext) {
// eslint-disable-next-line lwc-internal/no-invalid-todo
// TODO: dev-mode validation of config based on the adapter.contextSchema
setDisconnectedCallback(disconnectCallback) {
// adds this callback into the disconnect bucket so it gets disconnected from parent
// the the element hosting the wire is disconnected
ArrayPush$, disconnectCallback);
renderer.dispatchEvent(elm, contextRegistrationEvent);
function createConnector(vm, name, wireDef) {
const {
} = wireDef;
const dataCallback = isUndefined$3(method) ? createFieldDataCallback(vm, name) : createMethodDataCallback(vm, method);
let context;
let connector; // Workaround to pass the component element associated to this wire adapter instance.
defineProperty$1(dataCallback, DeprecatedWiredElementHost, {
value: vm.elm
defineProperty$1(dataCallback, DeprecatedWiredParamsMeta, {
value: dynamic
runWithBoundaryProtection(vm, vm, noop, () => {
// job
connector = new adapter(dataCallback);
}, noop);
const updateConnectorConfig = config => {
// every time the config is recomputed due to tracking,
// this callback will be invoked with the new computed config
runWithBoundaryProtection(vm, vm, noop, () => {
// job
connector.update(config, context);
}, noop);
}; // Computes the current wire config and calls the update method on the wire adapter.
// If it has params, we will need to observe changes in the next tick.
const {
} = createConfigWatcher(vm.component, configCallback, updateConnectorConfig); // if the adapter needs contextualization, we need to watch for new context and push it alongside the config
if (!isUndefined$3(adapter.contextSchema)) {
createContextWatcher(vm, wireDef, newContext => {
// every time the context is pushed into this component,
// this callback will be invoked with the new computed context
if (context !== newContext) {
context = newContext; // Note: when new context arrives, the config will be recomputed and pushed along side the new
// context, this is to preserve the identity characteristics, config should not have identity
// (ever), while context can have identity
if (vm.state === VMState.connected) {
return {
// @ts-ignore the boundary protection executes sync, connector is always defined
resetConfigWatcher: () => ro.reset()
const AdapterToTokenMap = new Map();
function getAdapterToken(adapter) {
return AdapterToTokenMap.get(adapter);
function setAdapterToken(adapter, token) {
AdapterToTokenMap.set(adapter, token);
function storeWiredMethodMeta(descriptor, adapter, configCallback, dynamic) {
// support for callable adapters
if (adapter.adapter) {
adapter = adapter.adapter;
const method = descriptor.value;
const def = {
WireMetaMap.set(descriptor, def);
function storeWiredFieldMeta(descriptor, adapter, configCallback, dynamic) {
// support for callable adapters
if (adapter.adapter) {
adapter = adapter.adapter;
const def = {
WireMetaMap.set(descriptor, def);
function installWireAdapters(vm) {
const {
def: {
} = vm;
const wiredConnecting = context.wiredConnecting = [];
const wiredDisconnecting = context.wiredDisconnecting = [];
for (const fieldNameOrMethod in wire) {
const descriptor = wire[fieldNameOrMethod];
const wireDef = WireMetaMap.get(descriptor);
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
assert.invariant(wireDef, `Internal Error: invalid wire definition found.`);
if (!isUndefined$3(wireDef)) {
const {
} = createConnector(vm, fieldNameOrMethod, wireDef);
const hasDynamicParams = wireDef.dynamic.length > 0;
ArrayPush$, () => {
if (hasDynamicParams) {
} else {
ArrayPush$, () => {
function connectWireAdapters(vm) {
const {
} = vm.context;
for (let i = 0, len = wiredConnecting.length; i < len; i += 1) {
function disconnectWireAdapters(vm) {
const {
} = vm.context;
runWithBoundaryProtection(vm, vm, noop, () => {
// job
for (let i = 0, len = wiredDisconnecting.length; i < len; i += 1) {
}, noop);
* Copyright (c) 2018,, inc.
* All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* For full license text, see the LICENSE file in the repo root or
function createContextProvider(adapter) {
let adapterContextToken = getAdapterToken(adapter);
if (!isUndefined$3(adapterContextToken)) {
throw new Error(`Adapter already has a context provider.`);
adapterContextToken = guid();
setAdapterToken(adapter, adapterContextToken);
const providers = new WeakSet();
return (elm, options) => {
if (providers.has(elm)) {
throw new Error(`Adapter was already installed on ${elm}.`);
const {
} = options;
elm.addEventListener(adapterContextToken, evt => {
const {
} = evt;
const consumer = {
provide(newContext) {
const disconnectCallback = () => {
if (!isUndefined$3(consumerDisconnectedCallback)) {
* Copyright (c) 2018,, inc.
* All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* For full license text, see the LICENSE file in the repo root or
* EXPERIMENTAL: This function allows you to create a reactive readonly
* membrane around any object value. This API is subject to change or
* being removed.
function readonly(obj) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
// TODO [#1292]: Remove the readonly decorator
if (arguments.length !== 1) {'@readonly cannot be used as a decorator just yet, use it as a function with one argument to produce a readonly version of the provided value.');
return reactiveMembrane.getReadOnlyProxy(obj);
/* version: 2.0.0-rc.0 */
* Copyright (c) 2018,, inc.
* All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* For full license text, see the LICENSE file in the repo root or
const globalStylesheets = create$3(null);
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {
// @ts-ignore
window.__lwcResetGlobalStylesheets = () => {
for (const key of Object.keys(globalStylesheets)) {
delete globalStylesheets[key];
const globalStylesheetsParentElement = document.head || document.body || document;
let getCustomElement, defineCustomElement, HTMLElementConstructor;
function isCustomElementRegistryAvailable() {
if (typeof customElements === 'undefined') {
return false;
try {
// dereference HTMLElement global because babel wraps globals in compat mode with a
// _wrapNativeSuper()
// This is a problem because LWCUpgradableElement extends renderer.HTMLElement which does not
// get wrapped by babel.
const HTMLElementAlias = HTMLElement; // In case we use compat mode with a modern browser, the compat mode transformation
// invokes the DOM api with an .apply() or .call() to initialize any DOM api sub-classing,
// which are not equipped to be initialized that way.
class clazz extends HTMLElementAlias {}
customElements.define('lwc-test-' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000), clazz);
new clazz();
return true;
} catch (_a) {
return false;
if (isCustomElementRegistryAvailable()) {
getCustomElement = customElements.get.bind(customElements);
defineCustomElement = customElements.define.bind(customElements);
HTMLElementConstructor = HTMLElement;
} else {
const registry = create$3(null);
const reverseRegistry = new WeakMap();
defineCustomElement = function define(name, ctor) {
if (name !== StringToLowerCase$ || registry[name]) {
throw new TypeError(`Invalid Registration`);
registry[name] = ctor;
reverseRegistry.set(ctor, name);
getCustomElement = function get(name) {
return registry[name];
HTMLElementConstructor = function HTMLElement() {
if (!(this instanceof HTMLElement)) {
throw new TypeError(`Invalid Invocation`);
const {
} = this;
const name = reverseRegistry.get(constructor);
if (!name) {
throw new TypeError(`Invalid Construction`);
const elm = document.createElement(name);
setPrototypeOf$2(elm, constructor.prototype);
return elm;
HTMLElementConstructor.prototype = HTMLElement.prototype;
} // TODO [#0]: Evaluate how we can extract the `$shadowToken$` property name in a shared package
// to avoid having to synchronize it between the different modules.
const useSyntheticShadow = hasOwnProperty$, '$shadowToken$');
const renderer = {
ssr: false,
syntheticShadow: useSyntheticShadow,
createElement(tagName, namespace) {
return isUndefined$4(namespace) ? document.createElement(tagName) : document.createElementNS(namespace, tagName);
createText(content) {
return document.createTextNode(content);
insert(node, parent, anchor) {
parent.insertBefore(node, anchor);
remove(node, parent) {
nextSibling(node) {
return node.nextSibling;
attachShadow(element, options) {
return element.attachShadow(options);
setText(node, content) {
node.nodeValue = content;
getProperty(node, key) {
return node[key];
setProperty(node, key, value) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
if (node instanceof Element && !(key in node)) {
// TODO [#1297]: Move this validation to the compiler
assert$`Unknown public property "${key}" of element <${node.tagName}>. This is likely a typo on the corresponding attribute "${htmlPropertyToAttribute$1(key)}".`);
node[key] = value;
getAttribute(element, name, namespace) {
return isUndefined$4(namespace) ? element.getAttribute(name) : element.getAttributeNS(namespace, name);
setAttribute(element, name, value, namespace) {
return isUndefined$4(namespace) ? element.setAttribute(name, value) : element.setAttributeNS(namespace, name, value);
removeAttribute(element, name, namespace) {
if (isUndefined$4(namespace)) {
} else {
element.removeAttributeNS(namespace, name);
addEventListener(target, type, callback, options) {
target.addEventListener(type, callback, options);
removeEventListener(target, type, callback, options) {
target.removeEventListener(type, callback, options);
dispatchEvent(target, event) {
return target.dispatchEvent(event);
getClassList(element) {
return element.classList;
setCSSStyleProperty(element, name, value) {
// TODO [#0]: How to avoid this type casting? Shall we use a different type interface to
// represent elements in the engine?, value);
getBoundingClientRect(element) {
return element.getBoundingClientRect();
querySelector(element, selectors) {
return element.querySelector(selectors);
querySelectorAll(element, selectors) {
return element.querySelectorAll(selectors);
getElementsByTagName(element, tagNameOrWildCard) {
return element.getElementsByTagName(tagNameOrWildCard);
getElementsByClassName(element, names) {
return element.getElementsByClassName(names);
isConnected(node) {
return node.isConnected;
insertGlobalStylesheet(content) {
if (!isUndefined$4(globalStylesheets[content])) {
globalStylesheets[content] = true;
const elm = document.createElement('style');
elm.type = 'text/css';
elm.textContent = content;
assertInstanceOfHTMLElement(elm, msg) {
assert$1.invariant(elm instanceof HTMLElement, msg);
HTMLElement: HTMLElementConstructor
* Copyright (c) 2018,, inc.
* All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* For full license text, see the LICENSE file in the repo root or
* This function builds a Web Component class from a LWC constructor so it can be
* registered as a new element via customElements.define() at any given time.
* @deprecated since version 1.3.11
* @example
* ```
* import { buildCustomElementConstructor } from 'lwc';
* import Foo from 'ns/foo';
* const WC = buildCustomElementConstructor(Foo);
* customElements.define('x-foo', WC);
* const elm = document.createElement('x-foo');
* ```
function deprecatedBuildCustomElementConstructor(Ctor) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
/* eslint-disable-next-line no-console */
console.warn('Deprecated function called: "buildCustomElementConstructor" function is deprecated and it will be removed.' + `Use "${}.CustomElementConstructor" static property of the component constructor to access the corresponding custom element constructor instead.`);
return Ctor.CustomElementConstructor;
function buildCustomElementConstructor(Ctor) {
const def = getComponentInternalDef(Ctor);
return class extends def.bridge {
constructor() {
createVM(this, def, {
mode: 'open',
owner: null,
tagName: this.tagName,
connectedCallback() {
disconnectedCallback() {
* Copyright (c) 2018,, inc.
* All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* For full license text, see the LICENSE file in the repo root or
const ConnectingSlot = createHiddenField$1('connecting', 'engine');
const DisconnectingSlot = createHiddenField$1('disconnecting', 'engine');
function callNodeSlot(node, slot) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
assert$1.isTrue(node, `callNodeSlot() should not be called for a non-object`);
const fn = getHiddenField$1(node, slot);
if (!isUndefined$4(fn)) {
return node; // for convenience
} // Monkey patching Node methods to be able to detect the insertions and removal of root elements
// created via createElement.
const {
} = Node.prototype;
assign$2(Node.prototype, {
appendChild(newChild) {
const appendedNode =, newChild);
return callNodeSlot(appendedNode, ConnectingSlot);
insertBefore(newChild, referenceNode) {
const insertedNode =, newChild, referenceNode);
return callNodeSlot(insertedNode, ConnectingSlot);
removeChild(oldChild) {
const removedNode =, oldChild);
return callNodeSlot(removedNode, DisconnectingSlot);
replaceChild(newChild, oldChild) {
const replacedNode =, newChild, oldChild);
callNodeSlot(replacedNode, DisconnectingSlot);
callNodeSlot(newChild, ConnectingSlot);
return replacedNode;
* EXPERIMENTAL: This function is almost identical to document.createElement with the slightly
* difference that in the options, you can pass the `is` property set to a Constructor instead of
* just a string value. The intent is to allow the creation of an element controlled by LWC without
* having to register the element as a custom element.
* @example
* ```
* const el = createElement('x-foo', { is: FooCtor });
* ```
function createElement(sel, options) {
if (!isObject$1(options) || isNull$1(options)) {
throw new TypeError(`"createElement" function expects an object as second parameter but received "${toString$2(options)}".`);
const Ctor =;
if (!isFunction$2(Ctor)) {
throw new TypeError(`"createElement" function expects an "is" option with a valid component constructor.`);
const UpgradableConstructor = getUpgradableConstructor(sel, renderer);
let wasComponentUpgraded = false; // the custom element from the registry is expecting an upgrade callback
* Note: if the upgradable constructor does not expect, or throw when we new it
* with a callback as the first argument, we could implement a more advanced
* mechanism that only passes that argument if the constructor is known to be
* an upgradable custom element.
const element = new UpgradableConstructor(elm => {
const def = getComponentInternalDef(Ctor);
createVM(elm, def, {
tagName: sel,
mode: options.mode !== 'closed' ? 'open' : 'closed',
owner: null,
setHiddenField$1(elm, ConnectingSlot, connectRootElement);
setHiddenField$1(elm, DisconnectingSlot, disconnectRootElement);
wasComponentUpgraded = true;
if (!wasComponentUpgraded) {
/* eslint-disable-next-line no-console */
console.error(`Unexpected tag name "${sel}". This name is a registered custom element, preventing LWC to upgrade the element.`);
return element;
* Copyright (c) 2018,, inc.
* All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* For full license text, see the LICENSE file in the repo root or
* EXPERIMENTAL: This function provides access to the component constructor, given an HTMLElement.
* This API is subject to change or being removed.
function getComponentConstructor(elm) {
let ctor = null;
if (elm instanceof HTMLElement) {
const vm = getAssociatedVMIfPresent(elm);
if (!isUndefined$4(vm)) {
ctor = vm.def.ctor;
return ctor;
* Copyright (c) 2018,, inc.
* All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* For full license text, see the LICENSE file in the repo root or
* EXPERIMENTAL: This function detects whether or not a Node is controlled by a LWC template. This
* API is subject to change or being removed.
function isNodeFromTemplate(node) {
if (isFalse$3(node instanceof Node)) {
return false;
} // TODO [#1250]: skipping the shadowRoot instances itself makes no sense, we need to revisit
// this with locker
if (node instanceof ShadowRoot) {
return false;
if (useSyntheticShadow) {
// TODO [#1252]: old behavior that is still used by some pieces of the platform,
// specifically, nodes inserted manually on places where `lwc:dom="manual"` directive is not
// used, will be considered global elements.
if (isUndefined$4(node.$shadowResolver$)) {
return false;
const root = node.getRootNode();
return root instanceof ShadowRoot;
* Copyright (c) 2018,, inc.
* All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* For full license text, see the LICENSE file in the repo root or
const ComponentConstructorToCustomElementConstructorMap = new Map();
function getCustomElementConstructor(Ctor) {
if (Ctor === LightningElement) {
throw new TypeError(`Invalid Constructor. LightningElement base class can't be claimed as a custom element.`);
let ce = ComponentConstructorToCustomElementConstructorMap.get(Ctor);
if (isUndefined$4(ce)) {
ce = buildCustomElementConstructor(Ctor);
ComponentConstructorToCustomElementConstructorMap.set(Ctor, ce);
return ce;
* This static getter builds a Web Component class from a LWC constructor so it can be registered
* as a new element via customElements.define() at any given time. E.g.:
* import Foo from 'ns/foo';
* customElements.define('x-foo', Foo.CustomElementConstructor);
* const elm = document.createElement('x-foo');
defineProperty$2(LightningElement, 'CustomElementConstructor', {
get() {
return getCustomElementConstructor(this);
/* version: 2.0.0-rc.0 */
exports.LightningElement = LightningElement;
exports.__unstable__ProfilerControl = profilerControl;
exports.api = api$1;
exports.buildCustomElementConstructor = deprecatedBuildCustomElementConstructor;
exports.createContextProvider = createContextProvider;
exports.createElement = createElement;
exports.getComponentConstructor = getComponentConstructor;
exports.getComponentDef = getComponentDef;
exports.isComponentConstructor = isComponentConstructor;
exports.isNodeFromTemplate = isNodeFromTemplate;
exports.readonly = readonly;
exports.register = register;
exports.registerComponent = registerComponent;
exports.registerDecorators = registerDecorators;
exports.registerTemplate = registerTemplate;
exports.sanitizeAttribute = sanitizeAttribute;
exports.setFeatureFlag = setFeatureFlag;
exports.setFeatureFlagForTest = setFeatureFlagForTest;
exports.swapComponent = swapComponent;
exports.swapStyle = swapStyle;
exports.swapTemplate = swapTemplate;
exports.track = track;
exports.unwrap = unwrap;
exports.wire = wire;
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
return exports;
(function (lwc) {
'use strict';
function stylesheet$3(hostSelector, shadowSelector, nativeShadow) {
return ["div", shadowSelector, " {margin-left: 10px;}"].join('');
var _implicitStylesheets$3 = [stylesheet$3];
function tmpl$4($api, $cmp, $slotset, $ctx) {
const {t: api_text, h: api_element} = $api;
return [api_element("div", {
key: 0
}, [api_text("I am in child")])];
var _tmpl$3 = lwc.registerTemplate(tmpl$4);
tmpl$4.stylesheets = [];
tmpl$4.stylesheetTokens = {
hostAttribute: "x-child_child-host",
shadowAttribute: "x-child_child"
class Child extends lwc.LightningElement {}
var _xChild = lwc.registerComponent(Child, {
tmpl: _tmpl$3
function tmpl$3($api, $cmp, $slotset, $ctx) {
const {t: api_text, h: api_element, c: api_custom_element} = $api;
return [api_element("div", {
key: 0
}, [api_text("I am in parent")]), api_custom_element("x-child", _xChild, {
key: 1
}, [])];
var _tmpl$2 = lwc.registerTemplate(tmpl$3);
tmpl$3.stylesheets = [];
if (_implicitStylesheets$3) {
tmpl$3.stylesheets.push.apply(tmpl$3.stylesheets, _implicitStylesheets$3);
tmpl$3.stylesheetTokens = {
hostAttribute: "x-parent_parent-host",
shadowAttribute: "x-parent_parent"
class Parent extends lwc.LightningElement {}
var Parent$1 = lwc.registerComponent(Parent, {
tmpl: _tmpl$2
function stylesheet$2(hostSelector, shadowSelector, nativeShadow) {
return [(nativeShadow ? ":host {display: block;margin-left: 10px;}" : [hostSelector, " {display: block;margin-left: 10px;}"].join('')), (nativeShadow ? ":host([data-styled]) {margin-left: 20px;}" : [hostSelector, "[data-styled] {margin-left: 20px;}"].join(''))].join('');
var _implicitStylesheets$2 = [stylesheet$2];
function tmpl$2($api, $cmp, $slotset, $ctx) {
const {t: api_text} = $api;
return [api_text("I am a host")];
var _tmpl$1 = lwc.registerTemplate(tmpl$2);
tmpl$2.stylesheets = [];
if (_implicitStylesheets$2) {
tmpl$2.stylesheets.push.apply(tmpl$2.stylesheets, _implicitStylesheets$2);
tmpl$2.stylesheetTokens = {
hostAttribute: "x-host_host-host",
shadowAttribute: "x-host_host"
class Host extends lwc.LightningElement {}
lwc.registerComponent(Host, {
tmpl: _tmpl$1
var _tmpl = void 0;
function stylesheet$1(hostSelector, shadowSelector, nativeShadow) {
return ["div", shadowSelector, " {margin-left: 10px;}"].join('');
var _implicitStylesheets$1 = [stylesheet$1];
function tmpl$1($api, $cmp, $slotset, $ctx) {
const {t: api_text, h: api_element} = $api;
return [api_element("div", {
key: 0
}, [api_text("A")])];
var tmplA = lwc.registerTemplate(tmpl$1);
tmpl$1.stylesheets = [];
if (_implicitStylesheets$1) {
tmpl$1.stylesheets.push.apply(tmpl$1.stylesheets, _implicitStylesheets$1);
tmpl$1.stylesheetTokens = {
hostAttribute: "x-multiTemplates_a-host",
shadowAttribute: "x-multiTemplates_a"
function stylesheet(hostSelector, shadowSelector, nativeShadow) {
return ["div", shadowSelector, " {margin-right: 10px;}"].join('');
var _implicitStylesheets = [stylesheet];
function tmpl($api, $cmp, $slotset, $ctx) {
const {t: api_text, h: api_element} = $api;
return [api_element("div", {
key: 0
}, [api_text("B")])];
var tmplB = lwc.registerTemplate(tmpl);
tmpl.stylesheets = [];
if (_implicitStylesheets) {
tmpl.stylesheets.push.apply(tmpl.stylesheets, _implicitStylesheets);
tmpl.stylesheetTokens = {
hostAttribute: "x-multiTemplates_b-host",
shadowAttribute: "x-multiTemplates_b"
class MultiTemplates extends lwc.LightningElement {
constructor(...args) {
this.tmpl = tmplA;
toggleTemplate() {
this.tmpl = this.tmpl === tmplA ? tmplB : tmplA;
render() {
return this.tmpl;
lwc.registerDecorators(MultiTemplates, {
publicMethods: ["toggleTemplate"],
track: {
tmpl: 1
var MultiTemplates$1 = lwc.registerComponent(MultiTemplates, {
tmpl: _tmpl
const elm = lwc.createElement('x-parent', {
is: Parent$1
const elm2 = lwc.createElement('x-multi-template', {
is: MultiTemplates$1
const div = elm2.shadowRoot.querySelector('div');
log('margin-left: ' + window.getComputedStyle(div).marginLeft)
log('margin-right: ' + window.getComputedStyle(div).marginRight)
return Promise.resolve().then(() => {
const div = elm2.shadowRoot.querySelector('div');
log('margin-left: ' + window.getComputedStyle(div).marginLeft)
log('margin-right: ' + window.getComputedStyle(div).marginRight)
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