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Last active November 19, 2018 19:19
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pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
contract IdeaRegistry {
function registerIdea(uint hash) public;
contract IdeaValidator {
address owner;
address registryAddress;
mapping (address => bool) validators;
mapping (uint => Idea) pendingIdeas;
struct Idea {
address owner;
bool isValid;
modifier ownerOnly() {
require(msg.sender == owner);
modifier validatorOnly(address user) {
require(validators[user] == true);
constructor() public {
owner = msg.sender;
function addRegistryAddress(address _registryAddress) public ownerOnly {
registryAddress = _registryAddress;
function submitIdea(uint hash) public {
// Ensure idea hasn't been submitted already
require(pendingIdeas[hash].owner == address(0));
// Check that idea isn't already registered in the official IdeaRegistry
require(registryAddress != address(0));
contract registry = IdeaRegistry(registryAddress);
require(registry.getIdea(hash).owner == address(0));
pendingIdeas[hash] = Idea(msg.sender, false);
function acceptIdea(uint hash, bool isValid) public validatorOnly(msg.sender) {
pendingIdeas[hash].isValid = isValid;
// go to the other contract and add this idea to it
if (isValid == true) {
require(registryAddress != address(0))
contract registry = IdeaRegistry(registryAddress);
function addValidator(address newValidator) public ownerOnly {
validators[newValidator] = true;
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