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Forked from TheZoc/AppleWKRemapper.ahk
Last active December 2, 2021 02:05
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AutoHotKey script that allows Apple wireless keyboard work in Windows 10 with some layout changes. See header for details and credits to original authors and modders.
; Additional Modifications by nomand
; - fixed Media_Next functinality
; - moved Eject key screenshots to active window screenshot shortcut (Ctrl+F3)
; - restored Lctrl <> Fn swap
; - restored page up/down, home/end functinality
; - F12 Insert remap kept disabled
; - cleaned up code indentations and comments
; Windows interrupts lock up remapped keys (windows dialogue popup will interrupt AHK when crl, fn, eject etc. are held)
; Page Up/Page Down/to Start/to End text selections while holding Shift don't work
; Some applications (Ableton Live) don't respect AHK at all and talk to the keyboard only through apple designated keys (wtf)
; Alt and Command keys need to be remapped to put the "Windows" key where it should be
; Any remapping related to Ctrl and Fn swap is only done on the left of the spacebar
; Ctrl + Shift key combinations don't work with remapped keys (Fn + Shift) (for example unclose last tab with Ctrl + Shift + T)
; A bunch more bugs most likely
; - Previous header follows:
; Apple Wireless Keyboard Eject Key and Function kKey remapper for Windows.
; You can get the latest version of this file at:
; Please, if you make a significant change, fix or would like to improve this script,
; I'd really appreciate if you can contact me so we can merge both works :)
; This is a havily modified version of the script:
; This is a "hack" of the original script with was updated to support 64 bits Windows.
; With a file compare tool, it's easy to update the original script, if you prefer it's remaps.
; Changes from the original script:
; - Windows x64 support.
; - Eject key changed to take screenshots to <user>/Pictures/Screenshots
; - Added a "bootcampWindows" config variable, so users in bootcamp can disable some remappings (System volume changes) - untested.
; - Disabled fn key + arrow key remapping
; - Disabled F12 to Insert Key remapping
; - Disabled swapping of the fn key and left Ctrl key.
; Original script header follows
; AutoHotkey Version: 1.x
; Language.........: English
; Platform.........: NT/XP/Vista
; Author...........: mrBTK
; Script Function..: Make Apple Wireless Keyboard useful in MS Windows:
; - EJECT = Delete with repeat deleting on long pressing. Shift-DEL and other combinations works too.
; - Swap FN & left Control
; - FN-functions оn F3-F12 keys and arrow keys (use new-FN)
; - FN+EJECT = drive eject
; - F12 = INSERT (on your need, it simple to delete this feature: find in script "switch F12 to Insert" and delete the command)
; - AWK POWER button toggle script suspending. Place in script directory two any sound files "on.wav" & "off.wav" for notification
; Based on.........: DLLCall: Support for Human Interface devices: some keymapping code
; By...............: Micha
; URL..............:
; Based on.........: HID/Extended input devices (MS Natural Keyboard 4000 etc.): HID operations code
; By...............: Shaun
; URL..............:
; Use..............: Spread the word! Just be sure to credit the writer of the original config
; and the authors of this file.
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
#MaxHotkeysPerInterval 1000
#SingleInstance force ; Replace any previous instance
DetectHiddenWindows, on
OnMessage(0x00FF, "InputMessage")
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
; Set screen title, to set the HWND
Gui, Show, x0 y0 h0 w0, AppleWKHelper
HWND := WinExist("AppleWKHelper")
hidMessage := 0
isSuspend := 0
; Variable for the modifier key
fnPressed := 0
fnPrevState := 0
ejPressed := 0
ejPrevState := 0
pwrPressed := 0
pwrPrevState := 0
; Variable for Fn <> Lctrl
lctrlPressed := 0
lctrlPrevState := 0
; set this to 0 if you're not running windows on Bootcamp (aka: Normal PC)
bootcampWindows := 0
; handle HID input, set global vars, call modKeysProcessing
; List all of the "Raw Input" devices available for use and allow
; capture of output
; There may be more than one 'raw' device per device actually attached
; to the system. This is because these devices generally represent
; "HID Collections", and there may be more than one HID collection per
; USB device. For example, the Natural Keyboard 4000 supports a normal
; keyboard HID collection, plus an additional HID collection that can
; be used for the zoom slider and other important buttons
SizeofRawInputDeviceList := A_PtrSize * 2
SizeofRawInputDevice := 8 + A_PtrSize
RIDI_DEVICENAME := 0x20000007
RIDI_DEVICEINFO := 0x2000000b
RIDEV_INPUTSINK := 0x00000100
RID_INPUT := 0x10000003
DoCapture := 0
;;get count of HID devices
Res := DllCall("GetRawInputDeviceList", "Ptr", 0, "UInt*", Count, UInt, SizeofRawInputDeviceList)
VarSetCapacity(RawInputList, SizeofRawInputDeviceList * Count)
;;get list of HID devices
Res := DllCall("GetRawInputDeviceList", "Ptr", &RawInputList, "UInt*", Count, "UInt", SizeofRawInputDeviceList)
rimHIDregistered := 0
Loop %Count% ;for all HID devices
Handle := NumGet(RawInputList, (A_Index - 1) * SizeofRawInputDeviceList, "UInt")
Type := NumGet(RawInputList, ((A_Index - 1) * SizeofRawInputDeviceList) + A_PtrSize, "UInt")
else if (Type = RIM_TYPEKEYBOARD)
else if (Type = RIM_TYPEHID)
TypeName := "RIM_TYPEHID"
TypeName := "RIM_OTHER"
; get HID device name length
Res := DllCall("GetRawInputDeviceInfo", "Ptr", Handle, "UInt", RIDI_DEVICENAME, "Ptr", 0, "UInt *", nLength)
VarSetCapacity(Name, (nLength + 1) * 2)
; get HID device name
Res := DllCall("GetRawInputDeviceInfo", "Ptr", Handle, "UInt", RIDI_DEVICENAME, "Str", Name, "UInt*", nLength)
; get HID device info
Res := DllCall("GetRawInputDeviceInfo", "Ptr", Handle, "UInt", RIDI_DEVICEINFO, "Ptr", 0, "UInt *", iLength)
VarSetCapacity(Info, iLength)
NumPut(iLength, Info, 0, "UInt") ;Put length in struct RIDI_DEVICEINFO
Res := DllCall("GetRawInputDeviceInfo", "Ptr", Handle, "UInt", RIDI_DEVICEINFO, "UInt", &Info, "UInt *", iLength)
; Keyboards are always Usage 6, Usage Page 1, Mice are Usage 2, Usage Page 1,
; HID devices specify their top level collection in the info block
; AWK modifier buttons is separate TYPEHID (rather keyboard standard buttons)
if (Type = RIM_TYPEHID)
Vendor := NumGet(Info, 4 * 2, "UShort")
Product := NumGet(Info, 4 * 3, "UShort")
Version := NumGet(Info, 4 * 4, "UShort")
UsagePage := NumGet(Info, (4 * 5), "UShort")
Usage := NumGet(Info, (4 * 5) + 2, "UShort")
VarSetCapacity(RawDevice, SizeofRawInputDevice, 0)
NumPut(RIDEV_INPUTSINK, RawDevice, 4)
NumPut(HWND, RawDevice, 8)
if (Type = RIM_TYPEHID && Vendor = 1452 && rimHIDregistered = 0) ; AWK Vendor number
rimHIDregistered := 1
NumPut(UsagePage, RawDevice, 0, "UShort")
NumPut(Usage, RawDevice, 2, "UShort")
; Register AWK modifier buttons HID
Res := DllCall("RegisterRawInputDevices", "UInt", &RawDevice, UInt, 1, UInt, SizeofRawInputDevice)
if (Res = 0)
MsgBox, Failed to register for AWK device!
Count := 1
InputMessage(wParam, lParam, msg, hwnd)
global hidMessage
global isSuspend
global RID_INPUT
; get HID input
Res := DllCall("GetRawInputData", "UInt", lParam, "UInt", RID_INPUT, "Ptr", 0, "UInt *", Size, "UInt", 8 + A_PtrSize * 2)
VarSetCapacity(Buffer, Size)
Res := DllCall("GetRawInputData", "UInt", lParam, "UInt", RID_INPUT, "Ptr", &Buffer, "UInt *", Size, "UInt", 8 + A_PtrSize * 2)
Type := NumGet(Buffer, 0, "UInt")
if (Type = RIM_TYPEHID)
SizeHid := NumGet(Buffer, (8+A_PtrSize*2), "UInt")
InputCount := NumGet(Buffer, (12+A_PtrSize*2), "UInt")
Loop %InputCount% {
Addr := &Buffer + (16+A_PtrSize*2) + ((A_Index - 1) * SizeHid)
hidMessage := Mem2Hex(Addr, SizeHid)
ProcessHIDData(wParam, lParam)
Mem2Hex( pointer, len )
multiply := 0x100
Hex := 0
Loop, %len%
Hex := Hex * multiply
Hex := Hex + *Pointer+0
Pointer ++
Return Hex
; set global vars for further handling
ProcessHIDData(wParam, lParam)
global hidMessage
global isSuspend
global fnPressed
global fnPrevState
global ejPressed
global ejPrevState
global pwrPressed
global pwrPrevState
SetTimer, SendDelete, Off
; Filter bit 5 (Fn key)
Transform, FnValue, BitAnd, 0xFF10, hidMessage
if (FnValue = 0x1110) ; Fn is pressed
fnPrevState := fnPressed
fnPressed := 1
else ; Fn is released
fnPrevState := fnPressed
fnPressed := 0
; Filter bit 4 (Eject key)
Transform, FnValue, BitAnd, 0xFF08, hidMessage
if (FnValue = 0x1108) ; Eject is pressed
ejPrevState := ejPressed
ejPressed := 1
else ; Eject is Released
ejPrevState := ejPressed
ejPressed := 0
; Filter bit 1 fnd 2 (Power key)
Transform, FnValue, BitAnd, 0xFF03, hidMessage
if (FnValue = 0x1303) ; Power is pressed
pwrPrevState := 0
pwrPressed := 1
chkSuspend() ; Toggle Suspend of this script.
if (fnValue = 0x1302) ; Power is released
pwrPrevState := 1
pwrPressed := 0
; no anything doing оn power button release
if (isSuspend = 0)
modKeysProcessing() ; handle keypressing for modifier keys
global fnPressed
global ejPressed
global ejPrevState
global fnPrevState
global lctrlPressed
global lctrlPrevState
; Eject = delete with delay and repeat
if(lctrlPressed = 0) ; eject only pressed
if(ejPressed = 1 and ejPrevState = 0)
if(GetKeyState("Shift") or GetKeyState("Alt") or GetKeyState("Control"))
SendInput {Blind}{Delete} ; Edit::Cut and other w|o repeating
else if(fnPressed = 1)
SendInput {Ctrl}{Delete} ; ctrl - del
{ ; No modifiers = Del with repeating
SendInput {Delete}
SetTimer, SendDelete, -700 ; Delay for start repeating
; fn = rCtrl
if (ejPressed = 0) ; fn only pressed
if (fnPressed = 1 and fnPrevState = 0) ; fn down
SendInput {rCtrl Down}
if (fnPressed = 0 and fnPrevState = 1) ; fn up
SendInput {rCtrl Up}
; Send Delete keystroke repeatedly while Eject still pressed
; repeating del while Eject still down
if (ejPressed = 1)
SendInput {delete}
SetTimer, SendDelete, -40
global fnPressed
global fnPrevState
global ejPressed
global ejPrevState
global lctrlPressed
global lctrlPrevState
global pwrPressed
global pwrPrevState
global isSuspend
if (isSuspend = 0)
isSuspend := 1
fnPressed := 0
fnPrevState := 0
ejPressed := 0
ejPrevState := 0
pwrPressed := 0
pwrPrevState := 0
lctrlPressed := 0
lctrlPrevState := 0
Suspend , On
SetTimer, SendDelete, Off
SendInput {rCtrl Up}
TrayTip, AWK Helper, Suspended, 1, 1
Soundplay , off.wav
isSuspend := 0
Suspend , Off
TrayTip, AWK Helper, Restored, 1, 1
Soundplay , on.wav
; switch F12 to Insert
;*F12::sendInput {Blind}{Insert}
; lctrl = fn
; get up and down Lcontrol, sets global variables
$*lControl up::LCtrlUp()
global lctrlPressed
global lctrlPrevState
lctrlPrevState := 1
lctrlPressed := 0
SendInput {F24 up} ; previously {LCtrl up}
global lctrlPressed
global lctrlPrevState
lctrlPrevState := 0
lctrlPressed := 1
SetTimer, SendDelete, Off
SendInput {F24 down} ; previously {LCtrl down}
; Fn modifier: PrintScreen, Task Manager
; lctrl uses as fn
; fn+alt F3 = PrtScr for Active Window
global ejPressed
global fnPressed
if(fnPressed = 1 and ejPressed = 0)
SendInput !{PrintScreen} ; print screen to clipboard
SendInput #{PrintScreen} ; print screen to <user>/Pictures/Screenshots
SendInput !{F3}
; fn+F3 = PrtScr
global ejPressed
global fnPressed
if(fnPressed = 1 and ejPressed = 0)
SendInput {PrintScreen}
SendInput {F3}
; fn+F4 = Run TM
global ejPressed
global fnPressed
if(fnPressed = 1 and ejPressed = 0)
SendInput +^{Esc}
SendInput {F4}
; Fn modifier: Audio hotkeys, specified for WMP
; WinMPlayer: Previous
global ejPressed
global fnPressed
if(fnPressed = 1 and ejPressed = 0)
SendInput {Media_Prev}
SendInput {F7}
; WinMPlayer: Pause/Unpause
global ejPressed
global fnPressed
if(fnPressed = 1 and ejPressed = 0)
SendInput {Media_Play_Pause}
SendInput {F8}
; WinMPlayer: Next
global ejPressed
global fnPressed
if(fnPressed = 1 and ejPressed = 0)
SendInput {Media_Next}
SendInput {F9}
; Fn modifier: Audio hotkeys, system volume
if (bootcampWindows = 0)
; System volume: Mute/Unmute
hotkeyF10() {
global ejPressed
global fnPressed
if(fnPressed = 1 and ejPressed = 0)
SendInput {Volume_Mute} ; Mute/unmute the master volume.
SendInput {F10}
; System volume: Volume Down
global ejPressed
global fnPressed
if(fnPressed = 1 and ejPressed = 0)
SendInput {Volume_Down} ; Lower the master volume by 1 interval (typically 5%)
SendInput {F11}
; System volume: Volume Down
global ejPressed
global fnPressed
if(fnPressed = 1 and ejPressed = 0)
SendInput {Volume_Up} ; Raise the master volume by 1 interval (typically 5%).
SendInput {F12}
; Fn modifier: Arrow keys
; Page Up
global ejPressed
global fnPressed
if(fnPressed = 1 and ejPressed = 0)
if (GetKeyState("Shift"))
SendInput {rCtrl Up}+{PgUp}
SendInput {rCtrl Up}{PgUp}
} else
SendInput {UP}
; Page Down
global fnPressed
global ejPressed
global ejPrevState
global fnPrevState
global fnPressed
if(fnPressed = 1 and ejPressed = 0)
SendInput {rCtrl Up}{PgDn}
SendInput {Down}
; Home
global ejPressed
global fnPressed
if(fnPressed = 1 and ejPressed = 0)
SendInput {rCtrl Up}{Home}
SendInput {Left}
; End
global ejPressed
global fnPressed
if(fnPressed = 1 and ejPressed = 0)
SendInput {rCtrl Up}{End}
SendInput {Right}
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arjpeg commented Aug 22, 2020

Any way can disable the Random window?

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