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Forked from mgttlinger/Demo.v
Last active January 8, 2018 18:47
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Self contained demonstration of behaviour
Require Import Vectors.Vector.
Section CT.
Context {F : Type -> Type}.
Record Functor__Dict := {
fmap__ {a b} : (a -> b) -> F a -> F b;
fmap_id__ {t} : forall ft, fmap__ (fun a : t => a) ft = ft;
fmap_fusion__ {a b c} : forall (f : a -> b) (g : b -> c) fa, fmap__ g (fmap__ f fa) = fmap__ (fun e => g (f e)) fa
Definition Functor := forall r, (Functor__Dict -> r) -> r.
Existing Class Functor.
Definition fmap `{f : Functor} {a b} : (a -> b) -> F a -> F b :=
f _ (fmap__) a b.
(* Class Functor := { fmap {a b : Set} : (a -> b) -> F a -> F b; *)
(* fmap_id {t : Set} : forall ft, fmap (fun a : t => a) ft = ft; *)
(* fmap_fusion {a b c : Set} : forall (f : a -> b) (g : b -> c) fa, fmap g (fmap f fa) = fmap (fun e => g (f e)) fa *)
(* }. *)
Record Pure__Dict := { pure__ {t} : t -> F t }.
Definition Pure := forall r , (Pure__Dict -> r) -> r.
Existing Class Pure.
Definition pure `{p : Pure} {t} : t -> F t :=
p _ (pure__) t.
Record Applicative__Dict := { _f__ :> Functor;
_p__ :> Pure;
zip__ {a b} : F a -> F b -> F (a * b)%type;
ap__ {a b} : F (a -> b) -> F a -> F b := fun ff fa => fmap (fun t => match t with (f, e) => f e end) (zip__ ff fa);
zipWith__ {a b c} : (a -> b -> c) -> F a -> F b -> F c := fun f fa fb => ap__ (fmap f fa) fb
Definition Applicative :=
forall r, (Applicative__Dict -> r) -> r.
Existing Class Applicative.
Definition zip `{A : Applicative} {a b} : F a -> F b -> F (a * b)%type :=
A _ (zip__) a b.
Definition ap `{A : Applicative} {a b} : F (a -> b) -> F a -> F b :=
A _ (ap__) a b.
Definition zipWith `{A : Applicative} {a b c} : (a -> b -> c) -> F a -> F b -> F c :=
A _ (zipWith__) a b c.
Definition _f `{A : Applicative} : Functor :=
A _ (_f__).
Definition _p `{A : Applicative} : Pure :=
A _ (_p__).
Record Pointed__Dict := { point__ {t} : F t }.
Definition Pointed := forall r, (Pointed__Dict -> r) -> r.
Existing Class Pointed.
Definition point `{P : Pointed} {t} : F t :=
P _ (point__) t.
(* Class Monad `{Pure} := { join {t} : F (F t) -> F t }. *)
(* Class MonadFilter `{Pointed} `{Monad} := { filter {t} (p : t -> bool) : F t -> F {e : t | p e = true }; *)
(* }. *)
End CT.
Section ExtCT.
Context {F : Type -> Type} {G : Type -> Type}.
Record Traversable__Dict := { t_f__ :> @Functor F;
sequence__ `{@Applicative G} {t} : F (G t) -> G (F t);
traverse__ `{@Applicative G} {t u} : (t -> G u) -> F t -> G (F u)
Definition Traversable := forall r, (Traversable__Dict -> r) -> r.
Existing Class Traversable.
Definition sequence `{T : Traversable} `{@Applicative G} {t} : F (G t) -> G (F t) :=
T _ (sequence__) _ _.
Definition traverse' `{T : Traversable} `{@Applicative G} {t u} : (t -> G u) -> F t -> G (F u) :=
T _ (traverse__) _ _ _.
Definition traverse `{T : Traversable} `{@Applicative G} {t u} : (t -> G u) -> F t -> G (F u) :=
let f := T _ (t_f__) in fun f ft => sequence (fmap f ft).
End ExtCT.
Section VectorU.
Import VectorNotations.
Program Definition vFunctor {n} : @Functor__Dict (fun t => Vector.t t n) := {| fmap__ := fun _ _ f => map f;
Next Obligation. induction ft; simpl; f_equal; auto. Defined.
Next Obligation. induction fa; simpl; f_equal; auto. Defined.
Print vFunctor.
Global Instance vector_Functor {n} : @Functor (fun t => Vector.t t n) := fun r f => f {|
fmap__ := fun (a b : Type) (f : a -> b) => map f;
fmap_id__ := (fun (n0 : nat) (t0 : Type) (ft : t t0 n0) =>
vFunctor_obligation_1 n0 t0 ft) n;
fmap_fusion__ := (fun (n0 : nat) (a b c : Type) (f : a -> b) (g : b -> c)
(fa : t a n0) => vFunctor_obligation_2 n0 a b c f g fa) n |}.
Global Instance vector_Pointed : @Pointed (fun t => Vector.t t 0) := fun r f => f {| point__ := nil |}.
Global Instance vector_Pure : @Pure (fun t => Vector.t t 1) := fun r f => f {| pure__ := fun _ x => [x] |}.
Definition vSequence {G} {n} `{Applicative G} : forall T, Vector.t (G T) n -> G (Vector.t T n).
intros. induction X; pose proof _f as f; pose proof _p as p. apply pure; trivial. apply (@point (fun f => Vector.t f 0) _ _). eapply ap. apply (fmap (fun a b => a :: b) h). exact IHX.
Global Instance vector_Traversable {n} {G} : @Traversable (fun t => Vector.t t n) G :=
fun r f => f ({| sequence__ := fun _ => vSequence;
traverse__ := fun _ _ _ => fun f ft => vSequence _ (fmap f ft)
End VectorU.
Section ListU.
Require Import Lists.List.
Import ListNotations.
Global Instance list_Functor : @Functor list := fun r f => f {| fmap__ := map;
fmap_id__ := map_id;
fmap_fusion__ := map_map
Global Instance list_Pointed : @Pointed list := fun r f => f {| point__ := @nil |}.
Global Instance list_Pure : @Pure list := fun r f => f {| pure__ := fun _ a => [a] |}.
Global Instance list_Applicative : @Applicative list := fun r f => f {| zip__ := @combine |}.
End ListU.
Section Demo.
Import ListNotations.
Inductive t1 : Set :=
| a1 : t1
| a2 {n} : Vector.t t1 n -> t1
| a3 {n} : Vector.t t2 n -> t1
with t2 : Set :=
| b1 : t2
| b2 {n} : Vector.t t1 n -> t2
| b3 {n} : Vector.t t2 n -> t2.
Inductive t3 : Set :=
| c1 : t3 -> t3 -> t3
| c2 {n} : Vector.t t1 n -> t3
| c3 {n} : Vector.t t2 n -> t3.
Inductive t4 : Set :=
| d1 : t4
| d2 : t4 -> t4 -> t4
| d3 {n} : Vector.t t4 n -> t4
| d4 {n} : Vector.t t4 n -> t4.
(** works *)
Fixpoint f1 f : list t1 :=
match f with
| d1 => [a1]
| d2 x x0 => f1 x ++ f1 x0
| d3 x => map a2 (sequence ( f1 x))
| d4 x => map a3 (sequence ( f2 x))
with f2 f : list t2 :=
match f with
| d1 => [b1]
| d2 x x0 => f2 x ++ f2 x0
| d3 x => map b2 (sequence ( f1 x))
| d4 x => map b3 (sequence ( f2 x))
(** should ideally work *)
Fixpoint f1' f : list t1 :=
match f with
| d1 => [a1]
| d2 x x0 => f1' x ++ f1' x0
| d3 x => map a2 (traverse f1' x)
| d4 x => map a3 (traverse f2' x)
with f2' f : list t2 :=
match f with
| d1 => [b1]
| d2 x x0 => f2' x ++ f2' x0
| d3 x => map b2 (traverse f1' x)
| d4 x => map b3 (traverse f2' x)
(** should alternatively work *)
Fixpoint f1'' f : list t1 :=
match f with
| d1 => [a1]
| d2 x x0 => f1'' x ++ f1'' x0
| d3 x => map a2 (traverse' f1'' x)
| d4 x => map a3 (traverse' f2'' x)
with f2'' f : list t2 :=
match f with
| d1 => [b1]
| d2 x x0 => f2'' x ++ f2'' x0
| d3 x => map b2 (traverse' f1'' x)
| d4 x => map b3 (traverse' f2'' x)
End Demo.
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