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Created November 16, 2020 14:54
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0% 0% 0% ImplicitPrelude
0% 0% 0% NoMonoLocalBinds
0% 0% 0% NoRebindableSyntax
0% 0% 0% NoMagicHash
0% 0% 0% NoOverloadedLists
0% 0% 0% StarIsType
0% 1% 0% RelaxedPolyRec
0% 4% 0% ForeignFunctionInterface
0% 4% 0% DoAndIfThenElse
0% 12% 0% PatternGuards
0% 14% 0% EmptyDataDecls
0% 0% 0% ParallelArrays
0% 0% 0% HexFloatLiterals
0% 0% 0% NoForeignFunctionInterface
0% 0% 0% NoDatatypeContexts
0% 0% 0% CUSKs
0% 0% 0% UnliftedNewtypes
0% 0% 0% TransformListComp
0% 0% 0% EmptyDataDeriving
0% 0% 0% NullaryTypeClasses
0% 0% 0% NumericUnderscores
0% 0% 0% StandaloneKindSignatures
0% 0% 0% InterruptibleFFI
0% 0% 0% UnboxedSums
0% 1% 0% NamedWildCards
0% 0% 0% StaticPointers
0% 0% 0% GHCForeignImportPrim
0% 0% 0% CApiFFI
0% 0% 0% GADTSyntax
0% 0% 0% PostfixOperators
0% 0% 0% JavaScriptFFI
0% 0% 0% AutoDeriveTypeable
0% 1% 0% NondecreasingIndentation
0% 1% 0% NumDecimals
0% 2% 0% MonadFailDesugaring
0% 0% 0% TemplateHaskellQuotes
0% 0% 0% ConstrainedClassMethods
0% 2% 0% NegativeLiterals
0% 0% 0% NoStarIsType
0% 1% 0% DisambiguateRecordFields
0% 1% 0% Strict
0% 0% 0% UnliftedFFITypes
0% 2% 0% BlockArguments
0% 3% 0% MonadComprehensions
0% 1% 1% QuantifiedConstraints
0% 1% 1% DerivingVia
1% 0% 1% ExplicitNamespaces
1% 2% 0% DeriveLift
1% 3% 0% BinaryLiterals
1% 1% 1% RoleAnnotations
1% 0% 1% UndecidableSuperClasses
1% 0% 1% ExtendedDefaultRules
1% 1% 1% MonoLocalBinds
1% 1% 1% ImpredicativeTypes
1% 1% 1% RebindableSyntax
1% 2% 0% OverloadedLabels
1% 1% 1% ExplicitForAll
1% 2% 1% ApplicativeDo
1% 2% 1% TypeFamilyDependencies
1% 3% 1% StrictData
1% 0% 1% IncoherentInstances
1% 2% 1% RecursiveDo
1% 1% 1% ImplicitParams
1% 1% 1% TypeInType
1% 3% 1% DerivingStrategies
1% 5% 1% EmptyCase
1% 9% 0% LiberalTypeSynonyms
1% 4% 2% DuplicateRecordFields
1% 1% 2% OverloadedLists
1% 6% 1% PartialTypeSignatures
1% 9% 0% ParallelListComp
2% 3% 1% PackageImports
2% 9% 0% Arrows
2% 0% 2% OverlappingInstances
2% 7% 0% UnicodeSyntax
3% 8% 1% UnboxedTuples
3% 2% 5% DeriveAnyClass
3% 3% 4% AllowAmbiguousTypes
3% 11% 2% InstanceSigs
3% 6% 4% PatternSynonyms
4% 17% 2% MultiWayIf
4% 11% 3% NoMonomorphismRestriction
4% 9% 2% MagicHash
5% 19% 2% DeriveFoldable
5% 10% 3% NamedFieldPuns
5% 19% 3% DeriveTraversable
5% 11% 4% PolyKinds
6% 19% 4% DefaultSignatures
6% 14% 5% TypeApplications
7% 7% 6% ExistentialQuantification
7% 14% 7% QuasiQuotes
7% 10% 6% ViewPatterns
7% 12% 4% KindSignatures
8% 30% 2% NoImplicitPrelude
9% 22% 6% FunctionalDependencies
9% 27% 7% ConstraintKinds
9% 25% 6% DeriveFunctor
10% 8% 7% TypeSynonymInstances
10% 26% 6% StandaloneDeriving
10% 27% 7% TupleSections
13% 25% 8% GADTs
13% 28% 8% DataKinds
13% 22% 7% BangPatterns
14% 7% 16% UndecidableInstances
14% 34% 5% LambdaCase
14% 28% 6% TypeOperators
17% 28% 9% RecordWildCards
17% 29% 12% DeriveGeneric
18% 19% 17% TemplateHaskell
19% 31% 14% GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
19% 23% 8% DeriveDataTypeable
21% 31% 12% RankNTypes
23% 10% 20% CPP
23% 33% 11% TypeFamilies
23% 37% 11% MultiParamTypeClasses
29% 41% 14% ScopedTypeVariables
29% 45% 14% FlexibleContexts
33% 46% 16% FlexibleInstances
37% 53% 12% OverloadedStrings
14734 packages total
13951 packages parsed
1614 packages with extensions in cabal file
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