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Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
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{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
module SeqCP where
import Data.Sequence
import Prelude hiding (drop, take, length, splitAt)
import Test.QuickCheck ((===), (==>), Property, Positive(..))
data CPs x y =
Empty |
SingleCP x (Seq y) |
CPs (Seq x) (Seq y) !Int {- beginning column -} !Int {- last column -}
deriving Show
createCPs :: Seq x -> Seq y -> CPs x y
createCPs xs ys = CPs xs ys 0 (length ys - 1)
lengthCPs :: CPs x y -> Int
lengthCPs Empty = 0
lengthCPs (SingleCP x ys) = length ys
lengthCPs (CPs xs ys fc lc) = (length xs - 1) * length ys - fc + lc + 1
-- Smart constructor
mkCPs :: Seq x -> Seq y -> Int -> Int -> CPs x y
mkCPs xs ys fc lc
| length xs == 0 || length ys == 0
= Empty
| length xs == 1
= SingleCP (xs `index` 0) (drop fc $ take (lc+1) $ ys)
| otherwise
= CPs xs ys fc lc
splitCPs:: Int -> CPs x y -> (CPs x y, CPs x y)
splitCPs n cps | n <= 0
= ( Empty, cps )
splitCPs n (CPs xs ys fc lc) | length xs == 0 || length ys == 0
= ( Empty, Empty )
splitCPs n cp | n >= lengthCPs cp
= ( cp, Empty )
splitCPs n (SingleCP x ys)
= ( SingleCP x ys1, SingleCP x ys2 )
where (ys1, ys2) = splitAt n ys
splitCPs n (CPs xs ys fc lc)
= ( mkCPs (take r_end xs) ys fc c_end
, mkCPs (drop r_begin xs) ys c_begin lc
-- Coordinates of the beginning of the second chunk
r_begin = (n + fc) `div` length ys -- number of rows that do not go into the second chunk
c_begin = (n + fc) `mod` length ys
-- Coordinates of the end of the first chunk
r_end | c_begin == 0 = r_begin -- cut nicely along rows, keep the other rows
| otherwise = r_begin + 1 -- we need to keep one row in both chunks
c_end = (c_begin - 1) `mod` length ys
getSingletonCPs :: CPs x y -> (x, Seq y)
getSingletonCPs (SingleCP x ys) = (x, ys)
pairsCP :: CPs x y -> Seq (x,y)
pairsCP Empty
= empty
pairsCP (SingleCP x ys)
= fmap (x,) ys
pairsCP (CPs xs ys fc lc)
= (fmap (xs `index` 0,) $ drop fc $ ys) >< pairsCP (mkCPs (drop 1 xs) ys 0 lc)
test_splitCPs :: [Int] -> [Char] -> Positive Int -> Positive Int -> Positive Int -> Property
test_splitCPs xs ys (Positive n) (Positive m) (Positive k)
= n < length ys' ==>
m < length ys' ==>
(if length xs' == 1 then n < m else True) ==>
pairsCP cp === (pairsCP cp1 >< pairsCP cp2)
xs' = fromList xs
ys' = fromList ys
cp = mkCPs xs' ys' n m
(cp1, cp2) = splitCPs k cp
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