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Created April 25, 2015 21:18
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CodinGame „There is no Spoon“ World Cup entry
import System.IO
import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Text.Printf
import Data.List
type Node = (Int,Int)
type Link = (Node, Node)
main :: IO ()
main = do
hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering -- DO NOT REMOVE
-- The machines are gaining ground. Time to show them what we're really made of...
input_line <- getLine
let width = read input_line :: Int -- the number of cells on the X axis
input_line <- getLine
let height = read input_line :: Int -- the number of cells on the Y axis
lines <- replicateM height getLine
let m :: M.Map (Int, Int) Int
m = M.fromList [ ((x,y),n)
| x <- [0..width-1], y <-[0..height-1],
let c = lines !! y !! x, c /= '.', let n = read [c]]
-- hPrint stderr m
let possible_links = [ (from,to) |
from <- M.keys m, to <- M.keys m, from < to,
fst from == fst to || snd from == snd to,
all (not . between from to) (M.keys m)
-- hPrint stderr possible_links
let links_of_node :: M.Map Node [Link]
links_of_node = M.fromListWith (++) [ (from, [link]) |
from <- M.keys m,
link <- possible_links,
fst link == from || snd link == from
-- hPrint stderr links_of_node
let lower_cap, upper_cap0, upper_cap1 :: M.Map Link Int
lower_cap = M.fromList [ (l,0) | l <- possible_links ]
upper_cap0 = M.fromList [ (l,2) | l <- possible_links ]
upper_cap1 | M.size m <= 2 = upper_cap0
| otherwise = flip M.mapWithKey upper_cap0 $ \l c ->
if m M.! fst l == 1 && m M.! snd l == 1 then 0 else
if m M.! fst l == 2 && m M.! snd l == 2 then 1 else c
Just solution <- go m links_of_node lower_cap upper_cap1
forM_ solution $ \((x1,y1),(x2,y2)) ->
printf "%d %d %d %d 1\n" x1 y1 x2 y2
go nodes links_of_node lower_cap upper_cap'
| not connectable = do
hPutStrLn stderr $ "Not connectable"
return Nothing
| all (\(n,m) -> m == 0) (M.toList missing) =
if connected then return $ Just $ concat [ replicate n l | (l,n) <- M.toList lower_cap]
else return $ Nothing
| not (null single_neighbor) = do
hPutStrLn stderr $ "Single neighbor: " ++ show single_neighbor
go nodes links_of_node (add single_neighbor lower_cap) upper_cap
| not (null full) = do
hPutStrLn stderr $ "Full: " ++ show single_neighbor
go nodes links_of_node (add full lower_cap) upper_cap
| otherwise = do
hPutStrLn stderr $ "Guessing"
--hPutStrLn stderr $ show (lower_cap)
--hPutStrLn stderr $ show (upper_cap)
-- hPutStrLn stderr $ show missing
-- hPutStrLn stderr $ show (available_links_of_node)
-- hPutStrLn stderr $ show guessable_links
tryList guessable_links
tryList [] = do
hPutStrLn stderr $ "Giving up"
return Nothing
tryList (l:ls) = do
hPutStrLn stderr $ "Trying " ++ show l
r <- go nodes links_of_node (add [l] lower_cap) upper_cap
case r of Nothing -> tryList ls
Just r -> return (Just r)
missing :: M.Map Node Int
missing = M.fromList
[(n,c - there) | (n,c) <- M.toList nodes,
let there = sum [ lc | l <- links_of_node M.! n, let lc = lower_cap M.! l]
upper_cap =
M.mapWithKey (\l c -> if any (crosses l) [l' | (l',c) <- M.toList lower_cap, c > 0, l' /= l] then 0 else c) $
M.mapWithKey (\l c -> c `min` (missing M.! fst l + lower_cap M.! l) `min` (missing M.! snd l + lower_cap M.! l)) $
available_links_of_node = (filter (\l -> upper_cap M.! l > lower_cap M.! l)) links_of_node
guessable_links = [ l |
(l,lb) <- M.toList lower_cap,
let ub = upper_cap M.! l, lb < ub
single_neighbor = nub [ l |
(from, n) <- M.toList missing,
[l] <- return $ available_links_of_node M.! from
-- if snd l == from then m M.! fst l /= 1 else True
full = nub $ concat [ links |
(from, n) <- M.toList missing,
n > 0,
let links = available_links_of_node M.! from,
not (null links),
let available_but_one = sum $ tail $ sort [upper_cap M.! l - lower_cap M.! l | l <- links],
n > available_but_one
connected = go S.empty (S.singleton (head (M.keys nodes)))
go seen todo
| S.null todo = S.size seen == M.size nodes
| (t,odo) <- S.deleteFindMin todo, t `S.member` seen = go seen odo
| (t,odo) <- S.deleteFindMin todo
= go (S.insert t seen)
(todo `S.union` S.fromList (concat [ [fst l, snd l] | l <- links_of_node M.! t, lower_cap M.! l > 0]))
connectable = go S.empty (S.singleton (head (M.keys nodes)))
go seen todo
| S.null todo = S.size seen == M.size nodes
| (t,odo) <- S.deleteFindMin todo, t `S.member` seen = go seen odo
| (t,odo) <- S.deleteFindMin todo
= go (S.insert t seen)
(todo `S.union` S.fromList (concat [ [fst l, snd l] | l <- links_of_node M.! t, upper_cap M.! l > 0]))
add1 m l = M.adjust (+1) l m
add l m = foldl add1 m l
crosses :: Link -> Link -> Bool
crosses ((x1,y1),(x2,y2)) ((x3,y3),(x4,y4))
= x1 == x2 && y3 == y4 && between' y1 y2 y3 && between' x3 x4 x1
|| y1 == y2 && x3 == x4 && between' x1 x2 x3 && between' y3 y4 y1
between' a b c = a < c && c < b || b < c && c < a
between (x1,y1) (x2,y2) (x3,y3) =
x1 == x2 && x2 == x3 && between' y1 y2 y3 ||
y1 == y2 && y2 == y3 && between' x1 x2 x3
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nomeata commented Apr 25, 2015

Obviously, this is not the best Haskell code. The loop is in IO for no good reason but diagnostic output; the data structures could be made more suitable now that the algorithm is fixed. But it was a time-bound competition, so that’s an excuse, I hope :-)

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Haskell is a great imperative language.

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