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Created September 3, 2015 21:18
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{-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo #-}
import Reflex.Dom
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Monoid
import Control.Applicative
main = mainWidget $ el "div" $ do
(svg, ()) <- buildElementNS mns "svg" ("width" =: "300" <> "height" =: "300") $ mdo
circle <- wrapElement =<< buildEmptyElementNS mns "circle"
("cx" =: "100" <> "cy" =: "100" <> "r" =: "100" <> "fill" =: "red")
return ()
(bar,_) <- el' "hr" $ return ()
svg <- wrapElement svg
coords <- holdDyn (0,0) (traceEvent "down" (domEvent Mousedown bar))
txt <- mapDyn show coords
dynText txt
return ()
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