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Type variables in patterns – figure source code
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# Haskell
%% The Stitch language
%% Metavariables %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
metavar x, y, z, f, g, h::= {{ com Term variables }}
metavar a, b ::= {{ com Type varaibles (internal) }}
metavar c ::= {{ com Type variables (user-specified) }}
metavar K {{ tex \mathrm K }} ::= {{ com Data constructors }}
metavar P {{ tex \mathrm P }} ::= {{ com Pattern synonyms }}
metavar T {{ tex \mathrm T }} ::= {{ com Type constructors }}
indexvar i, j, k, l, n ::= {{ com Index variables }}
%% Grammar %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
prog :: 'Prog_' ::= {{ com Programs }}
| empty :: :: Empty
| f = e , prog :: :: Bind
| f '::' sg '=' e , prog :: :: TypedBind
v {{ tex \nu }} :: 'Atom_' ::= {{ com Atoms }}
| x :: :: Var
| K :: :: DataCon
e :: 'Expr_' ::= {{ com Expressions }}
| v :: :: Atom
| P :: :: PatSyn
| \ x . e :: :: Lam
| \ @ c . e :: :: TyLam
| e1 e2 :: :: App
| case e of { alts } :: :: Case
| ( e ) :: M :: Parens
| let x '::' sg = e1 in e2 :: :: Let
{{ tex \keyword{let}\ [[x]] [[::]] [[sg]] = [[e1]]\ \keyword{in}\ [[e2]] }}
alts {{ tex \overline{\ottnt{p} \to \ottnt{e} } }} :: 'Alts_' ::= {{ com Case alternatives }}
| </ pi -> ei // i /> :: :: Patterns
p :: 'Pat_' ::= {{ com Patterns }}
| _ :: :: Underscore
| x :: :: Var
| p '::' sg :: :: Sig
| K ps :: :: DataCon
| K atts ps :: :: DataConWithTyApp
| P atts ps :: :: PatSyn
| ( p ) :: M :: Parens
ps {{ tex \overline{\ottnt{p} } }} :: 'Pats_' ::= {{ com Lists of patterns }}
| </ pi // i /> :: :: List
atts {{ tex \overline{\at \tau} }} :: 'AtTypes_' ::= {{ com Lists of visible type patterns }}
| @ t1 ... @ ti :: :: List
sg {{ tex \sigma }} :: 'SigTy_' ::= {{ com Type schemes }}
| forall as . Q => sg :: :: ForallQTy
{{ tex [[forall]] [[as]].\,[[Q]] [[=>]] [[sg]] }}
| forall as . sg :: M :: ForallTy
{{ tex [[forall]] [[as]].\,[[sg]] }}
| t :: :: MonoTy
| [ </ ai |-> ti // i /> ] sg :: M :: Subst
| theta ( sg ) :: M :: SubstVar
tvs {{ tex \overline{\ottnt{tv} } }}, as {{ tex \overline{\ottmv{a} } }}, bs {{ tex \overline{\ottmv{b} } }}, cs {{ tex \overline{\ottmv{c} } }} :: 'Vars_' ::= {{ com Lists of variables }}
| </ ai // i /> :: :: List
| </ ci // i /> :: :: UserList
| as bs :: :: Concat
Q, Qr {{ tex Q_r }}, Qp {{ tex Q_p }} :: 'Constraint_' ::= {{ com Constraints }}
| empty :: :: Empty
| Q1 /\ Q2 :: :: Conj
| t1 ~ t2 :: :: Eq
| [ </ ai |-> ti // i /> ] Q :: M :: Subst
| theta Q :: M :: SubstVar
{{ tex [[theta]] [[Q]] }}
| ( Q ) :: M :: Parens
| < Q > :: M :: Many
{{ tex \overline{[[Q]]} }}
tv :: 'TyVar_' ::= {{ com Any type variable }}
| a :: :: Var
| c :: :: ExplVar
theta {{ tex \theta }} :: 'Subst_' ::= {{ com Type substitution }}
| [ </ tvi |-> ti // i /> ] :: :: SubstList
| [< tv |-> t >] :: :: Overline
{{ tex [\overline{[[tv]] [[|->]] [[t]]}] }}
| theta1 theta2 :: :: Concat
t {{ tex \tau }}, u {{ tex \upsilon }} :: 'Ty_' ::= {{ com Monotypes }}
| a :: :: Var
| c :: :: ExplVar
| sg -> t :: :: Fun
| sgs -> t :: M :: Funs
| T ts :: :: ConApp
| theta t :: M :: Subst
{{ tex [[theta]] [[t]] }}
| ( t ) :: M :: Parens
| Int :: M :: Int
{{ tex \conid{Int} }}
ts {{ tex \overline{\tau} }} :: 'Tys_' ::= {{ com Lists of monotypes }}
| </ ti // i /> :: :: List
| as :: :: Vars
sgs {{ tex \overline{\sigma} }} :: 'Sigmas_' ::= {{ com Lists of polytypes }}
| </ sgi // , // i /> :: :: List
G {{ tex \Gamma }} :: 'TyEnv_' ::= {{ com Type environments }}
| G1 , .. , Gn :: :: Empty
| v : sg :: :: Var
| P : sg :: :: PatSyn
| Q :: :: Constraint
| tv : type :: :: TyVar
| < tv : type > :: :: TyVars
{{ tex \overline{ [[tv]] : [[type]] } }}
| ( G ) :: MS :: Parens {{ tex [[G]] }}
| Giminus_one :: M :: GIHack
kbind :: 'KBind_' ::= {{ com Data constructor binding }}
| K : sg :: :: DataCon
obj :: 'SynObj' ::= {{ com Syntactic object }}
| sgs :: :: TypeScheme
| Q :: :: Constraint
| G :: :: Context
% This is less typed that it could be
tvexpr :: 'TyVarExpr_' ::= {{ com Type variable set expressions }}
| emptyset :: :: Emptyset
| ftv ( obj ) :: :: FTV {{ com Free type variables }}
| dom( G ) :: :: CtxtDmo
{{ tex \mathit{dom} ([[G]]) }}
| tvexpr \ tvexpr' :: :: subtract
{{ tex [[tvexpr]] \mathop{\backslash} [[tvexpr']] }}
| as :: :: VarListNoBraces
tvrel :: 'TyVarRel_' ::= {{ com Type variable set relation }}
| tvexpr (= tvexpr' :: :: subset
| tvexpr = tvexpr' :: :: eq
| tvexpr # tvexpr' :: :: fresh
%% Terminals %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
terminals :: 'terminals_' ::=
| \ :: :: Lam {{ tex \lambda }}
| -> :: :: Arrow {{ tex \to }}
| => :: :: ThickArrow {{ tex \Rightarrow }}
| <= :: :: LE {{ tex \le }}
| |-> :: :: Mapsto {{ tex \mapsto }}
| empty :: :: empty {{ tex \epsilon }}
| emptyset :: :: emptyset {{ tex \emptyset }}
| forall :: :: Forall {{ tex \forall }}
| /\ :: :: And {{ tex \wedge }}
| ~ :: :: Eq {{ tex \sim }}
| |- :: :: VDash1 {{ tex \vdash }}
| ||- :: :: VDash2 {{ tex \Vdash }}
| |-p :: :: VDashp {{ tex \vdash_{\!\mathsf p} }}
| |-p* :: :: VDashpstar {{ tex \vdash_{\!\mathsf p}^{\!\ast} }}
| |-sb* :: :: VDashsbstar {{ tex \vdash_{\!\mathsf sb}^{\!\ast} }}
| := :: :: Def {{ tex \coloneqq }}
| in :: :: In {{ tex \in }}
| '//' :: :: spacer {{ tex \; }}
| type :: :: type {{ tex \ast }}
| (= :: :: subseteq {{ tex \subseteq }}
| without :: :: setminus {{ tex \setminus }}
| Giminus_one :: :: Giminus_one {{ tex \Gamma_{i-1} }}
| ftv :: :: ftv {{ tex \mathit{ftv}\! }}
| # :: :: fresh {{ tex \mathrel{\#} }}
| @ :: :: at {{ tex \at }}
%% Formulae %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
formula :: formula_ ::=
| judgement :: :: judgement
| formula1 '//' .. '//' formulan :: :: dots
| ( v : sg ) in G :: :: ctxtlookup
| ( P : sg ) in G :: :: patsynlookup
| theta1 = theta2 :: :: substdef
| G = G' :: :: ctxtdef
| tvrel :: :: tvrel
| obj1 = obj2 :: :: objeq
% | x : t \in G :: :: ctx_in
% {{ tex [[x]] : [[t]] \in [[G]] }}
%% Defined functions %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% funs
% Util ::=
% fun
% result ( op ) :: t :: arith_result
% {{ tex [[result]]([[op]]) }}
% by
% result(+) === Int
% result(-) === Int
% result(*) === Int
% result(/) === Int
% result(\%) === Int
% result(>) === Bool
% result(>=) === Bool
% result(<) === Bool
% result(<=) === Bool
% result(==) === Bool
% fun
% e1 [ e2 / x ] :: e :: theta
% by
%% Subrules %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
tv <:: t
PAPER = tyvars-in-pats-haskell18
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.PHONY: all ott clean code
\title{Type variables in patterns}
%include polycode.fmt
%format (at x) = "@" x
%if style == poly
%format ! = "\mathop{}\tick"
%format nil = "\tick" []
%format !: = "\mathop{\tick{:}}"
%format !:~> = "\mathop{\tick{{:}{\rightsquigarrow}}}"
%format !-> = "\mathop{\tick{\to}}"
%format !=> = "\mathop{\tick{\Rightarrow}}"
%format !++ = "\mathop{\tick{" ++ "}}"
%format :~> = "\mathop{{:}{\rightsquigarrow}}"
%format :~: = "\mathop{{:}{\sim}{:}}"
%format :~~: = "\mathop{{:}{\approx}{:}}"
%subst conid a = "\conid{" a "}"
%subst varid a = "\varid{" a "}"
%subst keyword a = "\keyword{" a "}"
%format ^^ = "\;"
%format ^^^ = "\,"
%format ## = "\!"
%format (FromNat x) = x
%format BOX = "\square"
%format ~ = "\,\sim\,"
%format qquad = "\qquad"
%format com = "\text{-}\text{-}"
%format bang = "!"
%format family = "\keyword{family}"
%format pattern = "\keyword{pattern}"
%format COMPLETE = "\keyword{complete}"
%format RULES = "\keyword{rules}"
%format NOINLINE = "\keyword{noinline}"
%format LANGUAGE = "\keyword{language}"
%format /~ = "\not\sim"
%format * = "\star"
%format \* = "*"
%format =-> = "\mapsto"
%format dollar = $
%format ~> = "\twoheadrightarrow"
%format th_d_open = "[\id{d}|\;"
%format th_d_close = |]
% the above one is unnecessary, but included for completeness
%format ghci = "\lambda\!"
%format /\ = "\Lambda"
%format |> = "\triangleright"
%format pi = "\Pi"
%format tau = "\tau"
%format taus = "\overline\tau"
%format upsilon = "\upsilon"
%format upsilons = "\overline\upsilon"
%format sigma = "\sigma"
%format alpha = "\alpha"
%format alphas = "\overline\alpha"
%format beta = "\beta"
%format <$> = "\mathop{{\langle}{\$}{\rangle}}"
%format <*> = "\mathop{{\langle}{*}{\rangle}}"
%format ^ = "\string^"
%format bottom = "\bot"
%format prag_begin = "\{-{\#}"
%format prag_end = "{\#}{-}\}"
%format k1
%format k2
% suppress some built-in formatting of lhs2TeX:
%format not = "\varid{not}"
%format == = "\mathop{==}"
%format /= = "\mathop{{/}{=}}"
%format && = "\mathop{\&\&}"
%format undefined = "\varid{undefined}"
%format KK = k
%format ^^ =
%format ^^^ =
%format ## =
%format qquad =
%format com = --
%format \* = *
%format ! = "TICK "
%format !: = TICK :
%format !:~> = TICK :~>
%format nil = TICK []
%format dollar = $
%format begin_comment = "{-"
%format end_comment = "-}"
%format th_d_open = "[d|"
%format prag_begin = "{-#"
%format prag_end = "#-}"
%format ... = "undefined"
%if False
% forall.fmt
% Semi-automatic formatting of the . as either function
% composition (normally) or a period (when used after a
% forall).
% Permission is granted to include this file (or parts of this file)
% literally into other documents, regardless of the conditions or
% license applying to these documents.
% Andres Loeh, November 2005, ver 1.1
%if not lhs2tex_forall_fmt_read
%let lhs2tex_forall_fmt_read = True
%include lhs2TeX.fmt
%if style /= newcode
% First, let's redefine the forall, and the dot.
%format forall = forall_ "\hsforall "
%format exists = exists_ "\hsexists "
%format . = "\hsdot{" `comp_` "}{" period_ "}"
%format `comp_` = "\circ "
%format period_ = ".\,"
%format forall_ = "\keyword{$\forall$}\!\! "
%format exists_ = "\keyword{$\exists$}\!\! "
% This is made in such a way that after a forall, the next
% dot will be printed as a period, otherwise the formatting
% of `comp_` is used. By redefining `comp_`, as suitable
% composition operator can be chosen. Similarly, period_
% is used for the period.
% The HaskellResetHook is a list to which things can
% be added that reset the Haskell state to the beginning.
% This is to recover from states where the hacked intelligence
% is not sufficient.
% In the beginning, we should reset Haskell once.
Ty :: '' ::=
isTyVar ( t ) :: :: IsTyVar :: '' {{ com Type variable check }}
----------- :: IsTyVar
isTyVar ( a )
G |- e : t :: :: Ty :: '' {{ com Expression typing }}
(v : forall tvs . u) in G
------------ :: VarCon
G |- v : [<tv |-> t>]u
(v : forall as . Q => u) in G
G ||- [< a |-> t >]Q
-------------------------- :: VarConQ
G |- v : [< a |-> t >] u
(P : forall as. Qr => forall bs. Qp => u) in G
theta = [< a |-> t >][< b |-> t' >]
G ||- theta(Qr /\ Qp)
------------------------ :: Syn
G |- P : theta(u)
G |- e : t1
G ||- t1 ~ t2
--------------------------------- :: Eq
G |- e : t2
G |- e1 : t1 -> t2 // G |- e2 : t2
--------------------------------- :: App
G |- e1 e2 : t2
G, (x : t1) |- e : t2
--------------------------------- :: Abs
G |- \x.e : t1 -> t2
G |- e : u // </ G |-p pi : u => Gi' // Gi' |- ei : t // i />
--------------------------------- :: Case
G |- case e of {</ pi -> ei // i />} : t
</ G |-p pi : u => Gi' // Gi' |- ei : t // i />
G |- e : u // ftv(t) (= dom(G)
--------------------------------- :: CaseTv
G |- case e of {</ pi -> ei // i />} : t
G |- e : u // cs = ftv(u)
G, x : forall cs.u |- e2 : t
----------------------------- :: Let
G |- let x :: u = e in e2 : t
G, <a : type> |- e : [<c |-> a>]u
cs = ftv(u) // as # dom(G)
G, x : forall cs.u |- e2 : t
----------------------------- :: LetTv
G |- let x :: u = e in e2 : t
sg = forall cs. Q => u // ftv(sg) (= dom(G)
G, <c : type>, Q |- e : u // G, x : sg |- e2 : t
----------------------------- :: LetForall
G |- let x :: sg = e in e2 : t
G ||- Q' :: :: ConImpl :: 'ConImpl_' {{ com Constraint implication }}
G ||- sg <= sg' :: :: Subtype :: 'SubType_' {{ com Subtyping relation}}
G |-p p : sg => G' :: :: Pat :: 'Pat' {{ com Pattern typing }}
-------------------------------- :: Var
G |-p x : sg => G, (x : sg)
(K : forall </ ai // i /> . </ sgk // k /> -> T </ ai // i />) in G // G |-p* </ pk : [</ ai |-> ti // i />]sgk // k /> => G'
-------------------------------- :: Con98
G |-p K </ pk // k /> : T </ ti // i /> => G'
(K : forall as. Q => </ sgi // i /> -> T </ uj // j />) in G // as # dom(G)
G, < a : type >, (</ uj ~ tj // j />), Q |-p* </ pi : sgi // i /> => G'
-------------------------------- :: Con
G |-p K </ pi // i /> : T </ tj // j /> => G'
(P : forall </ ai // i />. Qr => forall </ bj // j />. Qp => </ sgk // k /> -> u) in G
G' = G, (</ ai : type // i />), (</ ai ~ u'i // i />) // </ ai // i /> # dom(G)
G' ||- (u ~ t) /\ Qr
</ cl // l /> = ftv(</ t'i // i />,</ t''j // j />) \ dom(G) // </ bj // j /> # dom(G)
G'' = G',(</ bj : type // j />),(</ cl : type // l />),(</ cl ~ b'l // l />),Qp
</ G'' ||- t'i ~ ai // i />
</ G'' ||- t''j ~ bj // j />
G'' |-p* </ pk : theta(sgk) // k /> => G'''
-------------------------------- :: Syn
G |-p P </ @ t'i // i /> </ @ t''j // j /> </ pk // k /> : t => G'''
(K : forall </ aj // j /> . Q => </ sgk // k /> -> T </ ui // i />) in G
</ cl // l /> = ftv(</ t'j // j />) \ dom(G) // </ aj // j /> # dom(G)
G' = G,(</ aj : type // j />),(</ cl : type // l />),(</ cl ~ bl // l />),(</ ui ~ ti // i />),Q
</ G' ||- t'j ~ aj // j />
G' |-p* </ pk : sgk // k /> => G''
-------------------------------- :: ConTyApp
G |-p K </ @ t'j // j /> </ pk // k /> : T </ ti // i /> => G''
ftv(sg') = emptyset // G ||- sg <= sg' // G |-p p : sg' => G'
-------------------------------- :: Sig
G |-p (p :: sg') : sg => G'
cs = ftv(sg') \ dom(G) // G' = G, <c : type>, < c ~ b >
G' ||- sg <= sg' // G' |-p p : sg' => G''
-------------------------------- :: SigTv
G |-p (p :: sg') : sg => G''
G |-p* </ pi : sgi // i /> => G' :: :: PatSeq :: '' {{ com Pattern squence typing }}
% help, how do I typeset that with G_{i-1}
</ Giminus_one |-p pi : sgi => Gi // i IN 1 .. n />
----------------------------- :: PatSeq
G0 |-p* </ pi : sgi // i IN 1 .. n /> => Gn
G |-sb* e <= sg :: :: Check :: '' {{ com Checking against specified polytypes }}
{{ tex [[G]] [[|-sb*]] [[e]] \Leftarrow [[sg]] }}
G, c : type |-sb* e <= [a |-> c]sg
--------------------------------- :: SB_DTyAbs
G |-sb* \ @c . e <= forall a. sg
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