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Created May 5, 2009 23:53
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{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
import Control.Applicative
newtype Identity a = Identity { runIdentity :: a }
instance Functor Identity where
fmap f (Identity x) = Identity (f x)
instance Applicative Identity where
pure x = Identity x
Identity f <*> Identity x = Identity (f x)
-- * Data Types
data Stm
= SDecl Typ Var
| SAss Var Exp
| SBlock [Stm]
| SReturn Exp
-- deriving (Eq, Show)
data Exp
= EStm Stm
| EAdd Exp Exp
| EVar Var
| EInt Int
-- deriving (Eq, Show)
data Var = V String
-- deriving (Eq, Show)
data Typ = T_int | T_float
-- deriving (Eq, Show)
t1 :: Stm
t1 = SBlock [ SDecl T_int (V "x")
, SAss (V "x") (EAdd (EAdd (EInt 2) (EInt 4))
(EAdd (EVar (V "x")) (EInt 3)))
, SReturn (EVar (V "x")) ]
data LangAlg f = LangAlg
{ aStm :: Stm -> f Stm
, aExp :: Exp -> f Exp
, aVar :: Var -> f Var
, aTyp :: Typ -> f Typ
--type LangFold a = LangAlg (Const a)
-- * Core Compos Stuff
class Compos alg t where
compos :: (forall a. a -> f a)
-> (forall a b. f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b)
-> alg f
-> t
-> f t
entry :: alg f -> t -> f t
ext :: (t -> f t) -> alg f -> alg f
instance Compos LangAlg Stm where
compos = composStm; entry = aStm; ext f a = a { aStm = f }
instance Compos LangAlg Exp where
compos = composExp; entry = aExp; ext f a = a { aExp = f }
instance Compos LangAlg Var where
compos = composVar; entry = aVar; ext f a = a { aVar = f }
instance Compos LangAlg Typ where
compos = composTyp; entry = aTyp; ext f a = a { aTyp = f }
composStm :: (forall a. a -> f a)
-> (forall a b. f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b)
-> LangAlg f
-> Stm -> f Stm
composStm pure ap alg stm = case stm of
SDecl t v -> pure SDecl `ap` aTyp alg t `ap` aVar alg v
SAss v exp -> pure SAss `ap` aVar alg v `ap` aExp alg exp
SBlock stms -> pure SBlock `ap` mapMf (aStm alg) stms
SReturn exp -> pure SReturn `ap` aExp alg exp
mapMf _ [] = pure []
mapMf g (x:xs) = pure (:) `ap` g x `ap` mapMf g xs
{-# INLINE mapMf #-}
{-# INLINE composStm #-}
composExp :: (forall a. a -> f a)
-> (forall a b. f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b)
-> LangAlg f
-> Exp -> f Exp
composExp pure ap alg exp = case exp of
EStm stm -> pure EStm `ap` aStm alg stm
EAdd e1 e2 -> pure EAdd `ap` aExp alg e1 `ap` aExp alg e2
EVar v -> pure EVar `ap` aVar alg v
_ -> pure exp
{-# INLINE composExp #-}
composVar :: (forall a. a -> f a)
-> (forall a b. f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b)
-> LangAlg f
-> Var -> f Var
composVar pure _ap _alg var = pure var
{-# INLINE composVar #-}
composTyp :: (forall a. a -> f a)
-> (forall a b. f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b)
-> LangAlg f
-> Typ -> f Typ
composTyp pure _ap _alg typ = pure typ
{-# INLINE composTyp #-}
genericLangAlg :: (forall t alg. Compos alg t => alg f -> t -> f t)
-> (LangAlg f -> LangAlg f) -> LangAlg f
genericLangAlg op mod = self
self0 = LangAlg { aStm = op self
, aExp = op self
, aVar = op self
, aTyp = op self
self = mod self0
{-# INLINE genericLangAlg #-}
-- * Helpers
{- Requires RankNTypes:
mkFold :: b -> (b -> b -> b)
-> (forall f.
(forall t alg. Compos alg t => alg f -> t -> f t)
-> (alg f -> alg f) -> alg f)
-> (alg (Const b) -> alg (Const b))
-> alg (Const b)
mkFold z c genAlg mod = genAlg (opFold z c) mod
langFold' z c mod = mkFold z c genericLangAlg mod
-- -}
-- ** Folds
opFold :: Compos alg t => b -> (b -> b -> b) -> alg (Const b) -> t -> Const b t
opFold z c alg t =
compos (\_ -> Const z) (\(Const x) (Const y) -> Const (x `c` y)) alg t
{-# INLINE opFold #-}
langFold :: b -> (b -> b -> b)
-> (LangAlg (Const b) -> LangAlg (Const b)) -> LangAlg (Const b)
langFold z c mod = genericLangAlg (opFold z c) mod
{-# INLINE langFold #-}
composFold :: Compos alg t =>
b -> (b -> b -> b) -> alg (Const b) -> t -> b
composFold z c alg t = getConst $ opFold z c alg t
{-# INLINE composFold #-}
runFold :: Compos alg c => alg (Const b) -> c -> b
runFold alg c = getConst (entry alg c)
{-# INLINE runFold #-}
addFold :: Compos alg t => (t -> b) -> alg (Const b) -> alg (Const b)
addFold f = ext (Const . f)
{-# INLINE addFold #-}
-- *** Example
literals :: Compos LangAlg c => c -> [Int]
literals = runFold alg
alg = langFold [] (++) $ addFold goExp
goExp (EInt n) = [n]
goExp exp = composFold [] (++) alg exp
-- ** mapA
langMapA :: Applicative f => (LangAlg f -> LangAlg f) -> LangAlg f
langMapA mod = genericLangAlg opA mod
{-# INLINE langMapA #-}
opA :: (Compos alg t, Applicative f) => alg f -> t -> f t
opA alg t = compos pure (<*>) alg t
{-# INLINE opA #-}
runMapA :: Compos alg c => alg f -> c -> f c
runMapA alg c = entry alg c
{-# INLINE runMapA #-}
composMapA :: (Compos alg t, Applicative f) => alg f -> t -> f t
composMapA alg c = opA alg c
{-# INLINE composMapA #-}
addMapA :: Compos alg t => (t -> f t) -> alg f -> alg f
addMapA f = ext f
{-# INLINE addMapA #-}
logAndRename :: Compos LangAlg c => c -> IO c
logAndRename = runMapA alg
alg = langMapA $ addMapA goVar
goVar (V x) = do putStrLn $ "Renaming: " ++ x
return (V $ "_" ++ x)
-- ** map
langMap :: (LangAlg Identity -> LangAlg Identity) -> LangAlg Identity
langMap mod = genericLangAlg op mod
{-# INLINE langMap #-}
op :: Compos alg t => alg Identity -> t -> Identity t
op alg t = opA alg t
{-# INLINE op #-}
runMap :: Compos alg c => alg Identity -> c -> c
runMap alg c = runIdentity $ entry alg c
{-# INLINE runMap #-}
composMap :: Compos alg t => alg Identity -> t -> t
composMap alg c = runIdentity $ op alg c
{-# INLINE composMap #-}
addMap :: Compos alg t => (t -> t) -> alg Identity -> alg Identity
addMap f = ext (Identity . f)
{-# INLINE addMap #-}
-- *** Example
constantFold :: Compos LangAlg c => c -> c
constantFold = runMap alg
alg = langMap $ addMap goExp
goExp (EAdd x y) =
case (constantFold x, constantFold y) of
-- With enough INLINE pragmas calling 'constantFold' here instead
-- of goExp is actually not a problem
(EInt n, EInt m) -> EInt (n + m)
(x', y') -> EAdd x' y'
goExp e = composMap alg e
opA_ :: (Compos alg t, Applicative f) =>
alg (Const (f ())) -> t -> Const (f ()) t
opA_ alg t = opFold (pure ()) (*>) alg t
langMapA_ mod = genericLangAlg opA_
main = do
print (literals t1)
t1' <- logAndRename t1
print (literals (constantFold t1'))
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