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Created May 6, 2009 23:00
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{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
data Exp = Var String | Lit Int | Add Exp Exp
| Mul Exp Exp | Neg Exp
| Do Stm
deriving Show
data Stm = Decl Typ String | Assign String Exp | Return Exp | Block [Stm]
deriving Show
data Typ = T_int | T_float
deriving Show
data MyLangAlg f = MyLangAlg
{ aExp :: Exp -> f Exp
, aStm :: Stm -> f Stm
, aTyp :: Typ -> f Typ
-- , aList :: forall a. Compos MyLangAlg a => [a] -> f [a]
composStm :: (forall a. a -> f a)
-> (forall a b. f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b)
-> MyLangAlg f
-> Stm -> f Stm
composStm pure ap alg stm = case stm of
Decl t v -> pure Decl `ap` aTyp alg t `ap` pure v
Assign v e -> pure Assign `ap` pure v `ap` aExp alg e
Block stms -> pure Block `ap` mapF (aStm alg) stms
Return e -> pure Return `ap` aExp alg e
mapF f [] = pure []
mapF f (x:xs) = pure (:) `ap` f x `ap` mapF f xs
{-# INLINE composStm #-}
-- composList :: Compos alg a =>
-- (forall a. a -> f a)
-- -> (forall a b. f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b)
-- -> alg f
-- -> [a] -> f [a]
-- composList pure ap alg lst = go lst
-- where go [] = pure []
-- go (x:xs) = pure (:) `ap` f x `ap` go xs
-- {-# INLINE composList #-}
composExp :: (forall a. a -> f a)
-> (forall a b. f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b)
-> MyLangAlg f
-> Exp -> f Exp
composExp pure ap alg exp = case exp of
Add e1 e2 -> pure Add `ap` aExp alg e1 `ap` aExp alg e2
Mul e1 e2 -> pure Mul `ap` aExp alg e1 `ap` aExp alg e2
Neg e -> pure Neg `ap` aExp alg e
Do stm -> pure Do `ap` aStm alg stm
_ -> pure exp
{-# INLINE composExp #-}
composTyp :: (forall a. a -> f a)
-> (forall a b. f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b)
-> MyLangAlg f
-> Typ -> f Typ
composTyp pure _ap _alg typ = pure typ
{-# INLINE composTyp #-}
class Compos alg t where
compos :: (forall a. a -> f a)
-> (forall a b. f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b)
-> alg f
-> t
-> f t
run :: alg f -> t -> f t
ext :: (t -> f t) -> alg f -> alg f
instance Compos MyLangAlg Stm where
compos = composStm; run = aStm; ext f a = a { aStm = f }
instance Compos MyLangAlg Exp where
compos = composExp; run = aExp; ext f a = a { aExp = f }
-- instance Compos MyLangAlg a => Compos MyLangAlg [a] where
-- compos pure ap alg = composList pure ap (compos pure ap alg)
-- run = aList
-- ext (f :: forall b. Compos MyLangAlg b => [b] -> f [b]) alg = alg { aList = f }
instance Compos MyLangAlg Typ where
compos = composTyp; run = aTyp; ext f a = a { aTyp = f }
myLangCompos :: (forall a. a -> f a)
-> (forall a b. f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b)
-> (MyLangAlg f -> MyLangAlg f) -> MyLangAlg f
myLangCompos pure ap mod = self
self0 = MyLangAlg { aExp = composExp pure ap self
, aStm = composStm pure ap self
, aTyp = composTyp pure ap self
self = mod self0
main = print ()
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