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Created August 16, 2008 23:13
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> {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fdicts-cheap -fbang-patterns #-}
> {-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types, ExistentialQuantification#-}
> module StreamCont where
> data Stream a = forall s. Stream (s -> Step a s) s
> data Step a s = Done
> | Yield a s
> | Skip s
> data Stream' a
> = forall s. Stream'
> !(forall ans.
> s
> -> (a -> s -> ans) -- yield continuation
> -> (s -> ans) -- skip continuation
> -> ans -- answer for Done
> -> ans)
> !s
> stream :: [a] -> Stream a
> stream xs_0 = Stream next xs_0
> where
> {-# INLINE next #-}
> next [] = Done
> next (x:xs) = Yield x xs
> {-# INLINE [0] stream #-}
> unstream :: Stream a -> [a]
> unstream (Stream next_0 s_0) = unfold s_0
> where unfold !s = case next_0 s of
> Done -> []
> Skip s' -> unfold s'
> Yield x s' -> x : unfold s'
> {-# INLINE [0] unstream #-}
> stream' :: [a] -> Stream' a
> stream' xs_0 = Stream' next xs_0
> where
> {-# INLINE next #-}
> next [] yield skip done = done
> next (x:xs) yield skip done = yield x xs
> {-# INLINE [0] stream' #-}
> unstream' :: Stream' a -> [a]
> unstream' (Stream' next_0 s_0) = unfold s_0
> where
> unfold !s =
> next_0 s (\a s' -> a : unfold s')
> (\s' -> unfold s')
> []
> {-# INLINE [0] unstream' #-}
> test1 = unstream' (stream' [1,2,3])
> test2 = unstream' . stream' . unstream' . stream' $ [1,2,3,4,5]
-- > map_s' :: (a -> b) -> Stream' a -> Stream' b
-- > map_s' (Stream' next s_0) =
-- > Stream' (\s yield skip done -> ) s_0
> map_s :: (a -> b) -> Stream a -> Stream b
> map_s f (Stream next_0 s_0) = Stream next s_0
> where
> {-# INLINE next #-}
> next !s = case next_0 s of
> Done -> Done
> Skip s' -> Skip s'
> Yield x s' -> Yield (f x) s'
> {-# INLINE [0] map_s #-}
> map_s' :: (a -> b) -> Stream' a -> Stream' b
> map_s' f (Stream' next_0 s_0) = Stream' next s_0
> where
> {-# INLINE next #-}
> next !s yield skip done =
> next_0 s (\x s' -> yield (f x) s')
> skip
> done
> {-# INLINE [0] map_s' #-}
> test3 = unstream' . map_s' succ . stream' $ ['a'..'i']
> test4 = unstream' . map_s' (*3) . map_s' (+7) . stream' $ [1..5]
> filter_s' :: (a -> Bool) -> Stream' a -> Stream' a
> filter_s' p (Stream' next_0 s_0) = (Stream' next s_0)
> where
> next s yield skip done =
> next_0 s (\x s' -> if p x then yield x s' else skip s')
> skip
> done
> return_s' :: a -> Stream' a
> return_s' x = Stream' next True
> where next True yield _ _ = yield x False
> next False _ _ done = done
> enumFromTo_s' :: (Ord a, Enum a) => a -> a -> Stream' a
> enumFromTo_s' l h = Stream' next l
> where
> next n yield _ done
> | n > h = done
> | otherwise = yield n (succ n)
> foldr_s' :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Stream' a -> b
> foldr_s' f z (Stream' next_0 s_0) = go s_0
> where
> go !s = next_0 s (\x s' -> f x (go s'))
> (\s' -> go s')
> z
> test5 = foldr_s' (+) 0 . stream' $ [1..10]
> test5' = foldr_s' (+) 0 (enumFromTo_s' 1 10)
> foldl_s :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Stream a -> b
> foldl_s f z_0 (Stream next s_0) = go z_0 s_0
> where
> go z !s = case next s of
> Done -> z
> Skip s' -> go z s'
> Yield x s' -> go (f z x) s'
> {-# INLINE [0] foldl_s #-}
> foldl_s' :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Stream' a -> b
> foldl_s' f z_0 (Stream' next_0 s_0) = go z_0 s_0
> where
> go z !s = next_0 s (\x s' -> go (f z x) s')
> (\s' -> go z s')
> z
> {-# INLINE [0] foldl_s' #-}
> test6 = foldl_s' (+) 0 . stream' $ [1..10]
and so on ...
> append_s :: Stream a -> Stream a -> Stream a
> append_s (Stream next_a s_a0) (Stream next_b s_b0) = Stream next (Left s_a0)
> where
> {-# INLINE next #-}
> next (Left s_a) =
> case next_a s_a of
> Done -> Skip (Right s_b0)
> Skip s'_a -> Skip (Left s'_a)
> Yield x s'_a -> Yield x (Left s'_a)
> next (Right s_b) =
> case next_b s_b of
> Done -> Done
> Skip s'_b -> Skip (Right s'_b)
> Yield x s'_b -> Yield x (Right s'_b)
> {-# INLINE [0] append_s #-}
> test7 = unstream $ append_s (stream [1..4]) (stream [8..10])
> append_s' :: Stream' a -> Stream' a -> Stream' a
> append_s' (Stream' next_a0 s_a0) (Stream' next_b0 s_b0) =
> Stream' next (Left s_a0)
> where
> {-# INLINE next #-}
> next (Left s_a) yield skip done =
> next_a0 s_a (\x s'_a -> yield x (Left s'_a))
> (\s'_a -> skip (Left s'_a))
> (skip (Right s_b0))
> next (Right s_b) yield skip done =
> next_b0 s_b (\x s'_b -> yield x (Right s'_b))
> (\s'_b -> skip (Right s'_b))
> done
> {-# INLINE [0] append_s' #-}
> test8 :: [Int] -> [Int] -> Int
> test8 xs ys = foldl_s (+) 0 (append_s (stream xs) (stream ys))
> test8' :: [Int] -> [Int] -> Int
> test8' xs ys = foldl_s' (+) 0 (append_s' (stream' xs) (stream' ys))
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