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Created November 27, 2010 01:59
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Preliminary Hs interface to MurmurHash3
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
module Murmur3 where
import Data.Word ( Word32 )
import Data.Bits ( rotateL, xor, shiftR )
-- Same associativity as the proposed `mappend` operator for Data.Monoid
infixr 6 <>
-- MurmurHash3 uses 3 state variables, h1, c1, c2
-- some variations also use h1, h2 (i.e., a 64 bit hash)
-- MurmurHash3 is currently in beta, so the magic constants may change
bmix32 :: Word32 -- ^ Key
-> Word32 -- ^ Current Hash
-> Word32 -- ^ Current c1
-> Word32 -- ^ Current c2
-> (Word32 -> Word32 -> Word32 -> a)
-> a
bmix32 (!k1) !h1 !c1 !c2 kont =
let !k1' = rotateL (k1 * c1) 11 * c2
!h1' = (h1 `xor` k1') * 3 + 0x52dce729
!c1' = c1 * 5 + 0x7b7d159c
!c2' = c2 * 5 + 0x6bce6396
in kont h1' c1' c2'
{-# INLINE bmix32 #-}
fmix32 :: Word32 -> Word32
fmix32 (!h0) =
let !h1 = h0 `xor` (h0 `shiftR` 16)
!h2 = h1 * 0x85ebca6b
!h3 = h2 `xor` (h2 `shiftR` 13)
!h4 = h3 * 0xc2b2ae35
!h5 = h4 `xor` (h4 `shiftR` 16)
in h5
{-# INLINE fmix32 #-}
type Result = Word32
-- Analogous to the Builder for Binary and Text
newtype Hasher = Hasher
{ unHasher :: Word32 -> Word32 -> Word32
-> (Word32 -> Word32 -> Word32 -> Result)
-> Result }
class Hashable a where
hashAdd :: a -> Hasher
-- The Primitive
hashAddWord32 :: Word32 -> Hasher
hashAddWord32 k = Hasher (\h1 c1 c2 kont -> bmix32 k h1 c1 c2 kont)
{-# INLINE hashAddWord32 #-}
(<>) :: Hasher -> Hasher -> Hasher
Hasher f1 <> Hasher f2 =
Hasher (\h1 c1 c2 kont ->
f1 h1 c1 c2 (\h1' c1' c2' -> f2 h1' c1' c2' kont))
{-# INLINE (<>) #-}
makeHash :: Word32 -> Hasher -> Word32
makeHash seed (Hasher f) =
let !h1 = 0x971e137b `xor` seed
!c1 = 0x95543787
!c2 = 0x2ad7eb25
in f h1 c1 c2 (\h _ _ -> fmix32 h)
hash :: Hashable a => a -> Word32
hash a = makeHash 0xdeadbeef (hashAdd a)
test1 :: Word32
test1 = makeHash 0 (hashAddWord32 1 <> hashAddWord32 2)
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Instances (flavour)
instance Hashable Hasher where hashAdd = id -- for convenience
instance Hashable () where hashAdd _ = hashAddWord32 1
instance Hashable Int where hashAdd i = hashAddWord32 (fromIntegral i)
instance Hashable a => Hashable (Maybe a) where
hashAdd Nothing = hashAddWord32 1
hashAdd (Just a) = hashAddWord32 2 <> hashAdd a
-- these are hash collisions, but they are at different types
tests = and
[ hash one == 1636913742
, hash () == 1636913742
, hash (Nothing :: Maybe Int) == 1636913742
, hash (Just one) == 2796854847
, hash (hashAdd two <> hashAdd one) == 2796854847
where one = 1 :: Int
two = 2 :: Int
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