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Created May 23, 2022 15:50
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Console Effect handler
import arrow.core.continuations.EffectScope
import arrow.core.continuations.effect
object EndOfLine
interface Console {
suspend fun read(): String
suspend fun String.write(): Unit
suspend fun String.writeLine(): Unit
companion object Default : Console {
override suspend fun read(): String = readlnOrNull() ?: shift(EndOfLine)
override suspend fun String.write() = print(this)
override suspend fun String.writeLine() = println(this)
context(Console, EffectScope<EndOfLine>, EffectScope<String>)
tailrec suspend fun program(): Unit {
"what is your name?".writeLine()
val res = read()
return if (res.isBlank()) {
"empty name".writeLine()
} else if (res == "me") {
"wrong name!".writeLine()
shift("wrong name")
} else println("Hello $res")
suspend fun main() {
with(Console.Default) {
effect<String, Unit> {
effect<EndOfLine, Unit> {
}.fold({ println(it) }, { println(it) })
}.fold({ println(it) }, { println(it) })
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