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Last active July 19, 2023 13:03
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A Kotlin DSL for AutoCloseable
import arrow.atomic.Atomic
import arrow.atomic.update
* AutoClose offers DSL style API for creating parent-child relationships of AutoCloseable dependencies
interface AutoClose : AutoCloseable {
fun <A : AutoCloseable> autoClose(autoCloseable: A): A
/** DSL method to use AutoClose */
fun <A> autoClose(block: AutoClose.() -> A): A =
* Constructor for AutoClose to be use for interface delegation of already scoped classes.
fun AutoClose(): AutoClose =
object : AutoClose {
private val finalizers: Atomic<List<() -> Unit>> = Atomic(emptyList())
fun <A : AutoCloseable> autoClose(autoCloseable: A): A {
finalizers.update { prev -> prev + autoCloseable::close }
return autoCloseable
fun close() {
finalizers.get().fold<() -> Unit, Throwable?>(null) { acc, function ->
acc.add(runCatching { function.invoke() }.exceptionOrNull())
}?.let { throw it }
private fun Throwable?.add(other: Throwable?): Throwable? =
this?.apply {
other?.let { addSuppressed(it) }
} ?: other
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