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Last active August 10, 2022 08:41
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Either-Syntax for SqlDelight transactions
import arrow.continuations.Effect
import arrow.continuations.generic.DelimitedScope
import arrow.core.Either
import arrow.core.right
import com.squareup.sqldelight.TransactionWithReturn
import kotlin.coroutines.RestrictsSuspension
* Either-Syntax for SqlDelight transactions.
* Upon encountering a [Either.Left] value it requests a rollback and returns the encountered [Either.Left] value.
* Otherwise it returns the returned value wrapped in [Either.Right].
* ```kotlin
* object Error
* fun operations(): List<Either<Error, Int>> =
* listOf(Either.Right("test-1"), Either.Left(Error), Either.Right("test-3"))
* fun saveOperations(db: Database, operations: List<Either<Error, String>>): Either<Error, Int> =
* db.transactionEither {
* { throwableOrString ->
* val string = throwableOrString.bind()
* db.table.insertString(string)
* db.table.selectIdForString(string)
* }
* }
* ```
* The above snippet will first insert `test-1` into `table` since `bind` can unwrap it from `Either.Right`,
* when it encounters `Left(Error)` it will rollback the transaction, thus the previous insert, and return `Left(Error)` from `transactionEither`.
* If `operations` was `listOf(Either.Right("test-1"), Either.Right("test-2"), Either.Right("test-3"))`
* it would insert all 3 values into the `table` and select their ids return `Right(listOf(1, 2, 3))`.
fun <E, A> Database.transactionEither(f: suspend RestrictedEitherEffect<E, *>.() -> A): Either<E, A> =
transactionWithResult {
when (val res =
Effect.restricted<RestrictedEitherEffect<E, A>, Either<E, A>, A>(eff = { RestrictedEitherEffect(this, it) },
f = f,
just = { it.right() })) {
is Either.Left -> rollback(res)
is Either.Right -> res
class RestrictedEitherEffect<E, A>(
db: TransactionWithReturn<Either<E, A>>,
private val scope: DelimitedScope<Either<E, A>>
) : Effect<Either<E, A>>, TransactionWithReturn<Either<E, A>> by db {
override fun control(): DelimitedScope<Either<E, A>> = scope
suspend fun <B> Either<E, B>.bind(): B =
when (this) {
is Either.Right -> value
is Either.Left -> control().shift(this@bind)
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