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Created March 27, 2020 10:22
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EventBus, question on KotlinLang Slack
import arrow.Kind
import arrow.fx.ForIO
import arrow.fx.IO
import arrow.fx.IOOf
import arrow.fx.Queue
import arrow.fx.extensions.fx
import arrow.fx.fix
import arrow.fx.typeclasses.Concurrent
import arrow.fx.typeclasses.milliseconds
import arrow.fx.typeclasses.seconds
import kotlin.reflect.KClass
private class Event(val event: Any)
interface EventBus<F> {
fun <T : Any> send(event: T): Kind<F, Unit>
fun <T : Any> listen(type: KClass<T>): Kind<F, T>
fun <F> EventBus(CF: Concurrent<F>): Kind<F, EventBus<F>> = {
Ref(emptyMap<KClass<*>, List<Queue<F, Event>>>()).map { ref ->
object : EventBus<F> {
override fun <T : Any> send(event: T): Kind<F, Unit> =
ref.get().map { it[event::class] }.flatMap { qs ->
qs?.map { queue ->
}?.parSequence()?.void() ?: unit()
override fun <T : Any> listen(type: KClass<T>): Kind<F, T> =
Queue.bounded<F, Event>(1, CF).flatMap { q ->
ref.update { types -> types.update(type) { it + q } }
.followedBy(q.take().map { event -> event.event as T })
private fun <F> Map<KClass<*>, List<Queue<F, Event>>>.update(
key: KClass<*>,
update: (List<Queue<F, Event>>) -> List<Queue<F, Event>>
): Map<KClass<*>, List<Queue<F, Event>>> {
val original = get(key) ?: emptyList()
val new = update(original)
return this + Pair(key, new)
class Request
class Producer(private val eventHandler: (Request) -> IOOf<Unit>) {
fun produce(): IO<Unit> = eventHandler(Request()).fix()
class Consumer {
suspend fun onRequest(request: Request): Unit =
println("Event consumed: $request.")
suspend fun main() = IO.fx {
val eventBus = !EventBus(IO.concurrent())
val consumer = Consumer()
!deliverEvents(eventBus, consumer).fork(IO.dispatchers().io()) // Fire & forget
!Producer { request ->
!effect { println("Event sent.") }
fun deliverEvents(
eventBus: EventBus<ForIO>,
consumer: Consumer
): IO<Unit> = IO.fx {
val event: Request = !eventBus.listen(Request::class)
val e = !effect { consumer.onRequest(event) }
!effect { println("e") }
!deliverEvents(eventBus, consumer)
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Refactor to Queue.unbounded instead of List<Queue<F, Event>>.

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