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Last active September 3, 2023 03:36
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Exception class for GameMaker 2023, allows custom message or wrapping runtime errors. Allows for error script to be loaded into memory
/// @function Exception(msg, args...)
/// @description A class containing error information for the exception being thrown
/// @argument {string | YYGMLException} msg - The message to store in the exception, or GM exception to wrap
/// @argument {any} [args...] - Variables used in template string
/// @returns {Exception}
/// @notes Enable EXCEPTION_EXTENDED to include the origin GML script's content in the exception
function Exception(msg) constructor {
if (is_struct(msg) && string_pos("YYGMLException", instanceof(msg)) != 0) {
self.message = msg.message;
self.longMessage = msg.longMessage;
self.stacktrace = msg.stacktrace;
self.script = msg.script;
self.line = msg.line;
} else {
var args = array_create(argument_count - 1);
for(var i = 0; i < array_length(args); i++) {
args[i] = argument[i + 1];
msg = string_ext(msg, args);
var callstack = array_filter(debug_get_callstack(), function(e, ind) { return ind > 0 && typeof(e) == "string"; });
for(var i = 0; i < array_length(callstack); i++) {
var call = callstack[i], ind = string_last_pos(":", call);
if (ind > 0) {
callstack[i] = string_copy(call, 1, ind - 1);
var line = -1;
try {
line = real(string_copy(call, ind + 1, string_length(call)));
} catch (_) {
line = -1;
if (i == 0) {
self.script = callstack[i];
self.line = line;
callstack[i] += " (line " + string(line) + ")";
self.message = msg;
self.longMessage = msg;
self.stacktrace = callstack;
if (GM_build_type == "run") {
var file = filename_dir(EXCEPTION_ROOT) + "\\";
if (!directory_exists(file)) {
show_debug_message($"Could not find directory \"{file}\" for extended exception data, returning early");
var copy = self.script;
while (true) {
var ind = string_pos("gml_", copy);
if (ind == 0) {
copy = string_copy(copy, ind + 4, string_length(copy));
if (string_starts_with(copy, "Script_")) {
copy = string_delete(copy, 1, 7);
file += $"scripts\\{copy}\\{copy}.gml";
} else if (string_starts_with(copy, "Room_")) {
copy = string_delete(copy, 1, 5);
copy = string_delete(copy, string_length(copy) - 7, 7);
file += $"rooms\\{copy}\\RoomCreationCode.gml";
} else if (string_starts_with(copy, "Object_")) {
copy = string_delete(copy, 1, 7);
var ind = string_last_pos("_", string_copy(copy, 1, string_last_pos("_", copy) - 1));
var event = string_copy(copy, ind + 1, string_length(copy));
copy = string_copy(copy, 1, ind - 1);
file += $"objects\\{copy}\\{event}.gml";
if (!file_exists(file)) {
show_debug_message($"Could not find script file \"{file}\" for extended exception data, returning early");
var buffer = buffer_load(file);
buffer_seek(buffer, buffer_seek_start, 0);
var data = buffer_read(buffer, buffer_text);
self.content = array_map(string_split(data, "\n"), function(line) {
return string_replace_all(line, " ", string_repeat(" ", 4));
#macro EXCEPTION_ROOT GM_project_filename
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