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Last active November 4, 2023 07:56
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Lua script for wrk2 to count response code and a particular header
wrk.method = "POST"
local f ="data.json", "r")
wrk.body = f:read("*all")
wrk.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json"
wrk.headers["Host"] = ""
local counter = 1
local threads = {}
function setup(thread)
thread:set("id", counter)
table.insert(threads, thread)
counter = counter + 1
function init(args)
requests = 0
responses = 0
count_2xx = 0
count_3xx = 0
count_400 = 0
count_404 = 0
count_429 = 0
count_4xx = 0
count_500 = 0
count_503 = 0
count_5xx = 0
count_xxx = 0
count_echo1 = 0
count_echo2 = 0
local msg = "thread %d created"
function request()
requests = requests + 1
return wrk.request()
function response(status, headers, body)
responses = responses + 1
local nstatus = tonumber(status)
if nstatus < 300 then count_2xx = count_2xx + 1
elseif nstatus < 400 then count_3xx = count_3xx + 1
elseif nstatus == 400 then count_400 = count_400 + 1
elseif nstatus == 404 then count_404 = count_404 + 1
elseif nstatus == 429 then count_429 = count_429 + 1
elseif nstatus < 500 then count_4xx = count_4xx + 1
elseif nstatus == 500 then count_500 = count_500 + 1
elseif nstatus == 503 then count_503 = count_503 + 1
elseif nstatus < 600 then count_5xx = count_5xx + 1
else count_xxx = count_xxx + 1
local foo = 0
local srv_id = tonumber(headers["Echo_server_version"])
if srv_id == 1 then count_echo1 = count_echo1 + 1
elseif srv_id == 2 then count_echo2 = count_echo2 + 1
else foo = foo + 1
function done(summary, latency, requests)
total_requests = 0
total_responses = 0
total_2xx = 0
total_3xx = 0
total_400 = 0
total_404 = 0
total_4xx = 0
total_500 = 0
total_503 = 0
total_5xx = 0
total_xxx = 0
total_echo1 = 0
total_echo2 = 0
for index, thread in ipairs(threads) do
local id = thread:get("id")
local requests = thread:get("requests")
local responses = thread:get("responses")
if requests == responses then
local msg = "thread %d made %d requests and got %d responses"
print(msg:format(id, requests, responses))
local msg = "thread %d made %d requests and got %d responses, %d request(s) do(es) not see response"
print(msg:format(id, requests, responses, requests-responses))
total_requests = total_requests + requests
total_responses = total_responses + responses
total_2xx = total_2xx + thread:get("count_2xx")
total_3xx = total_3xx + thread:get("count_3xx")
total_400 = total_400 + thread:get("count_400")
total_404 = total_404 + thread:get("count_404")
total_4xx = total_4xx + thread:get("count_4xx")
total_500 = total_500 + thread:get("count_500")
total_503 = total_503 + thread:get("count_503")
total_5xx = total_5xx + thread:get("count_5xx")
total_xxx = total_xxx + thread:get("count_xxx")
total_echo1 = total_echo1 + thread:get("count_echo1")
total_echo2 = total_echo2 + thread:get("count_echo2")
local msg_missing = "Request = %d; Responses = %d; Missing requests: %d"
print(msg_missing:format(total_requests, total_responses, total_requests - total_responses))
local msg_status = "HTTP Status %s Count: %d"
print(msg_status:format("2xx", total_2xx))
print(msg_status:format("3xx", total_3xx))
print(msg_status:format("400", total_400))
print(msg_status:format("404", total_404))
print(msg_status:format("4xx", total_4xx))
print(msg_status:format("500", total_500))
print(msg_status:format("503", total_503))
print(msg_status:format("5xx", total_5xx))
print(msg_status:format("xxx", total_xxx))
print("Response from Echo1: ", total_echo1)
print("Response from Echo2: ", total_echo2)
for _, p in pairs({ 50, 90, 95, 99, 99.9 }) do
n = latency:percentile(p)
print(string.format("%g%%,%d\n", p, n))
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