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Created March 24, 2012 15:59
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using SIP-15 value classes to encode complex numbers
import scala.math._
object Main {
def main(args:Array[String]) {
val a = LongComplex(13, 0)
val b = LongComplex(6, 2)
val c = a + b
//println(a - b)
//println(a * b)
//println(a / b)
println(if (c == "zero" else "not-zero")
object LongComplex {
@inline final def f2i(n:Float):Int = java.lang.Float.floatToRawIntBits(n)
@inline final def i2f(n:Int):Float = java.lang.Float.intBitsToFloat(n)
final val i = LongComplex(0.0F, 1.0F)
final val one = LongComplex(1.0F, 0.0F)
final val zero = LongComplex(0.0F, 0.0F)
def apply(real:Float, imag:Float) = {
val u = (f2i(imag).toLong << 32) + f2i(real).toLong
new LongComplex(u)
def polar(magnitude:Float, angle:Float) = {
apply(magnitude * cos(angle).toFloat, magnitude * sin(angle).toFloat)
class LongComplex(val u:Long) extends AnyVal {
def real = LongComplex.i2f((u & 0xffffffff).toInt)
def imag = LongComplex.i2f((u >> 32).toInt)
override def toString = "LongComplex(%s, %s)" format (real, imag)
def unary_- = LongComplex(-real, -imag)
def +(rhs:LongComplex) = LongComplex(real + rhs.real, imag + rhs.imag)
def -(rhs:LongComplex) = LongComplex(real - rhs.real, imag - rhs.imag)
def *(rhs:LongComplex) = {
val re1 = real
val im1 = imag
val re2 = rhs.real
val im2 = rhs.imag
LongComplex(re1 * re2 - im1 * im2, im1 * re2 + re1 * im2)
def /(rhs:LongComplex) = {
val re1 = real
val im1 = imag
val re2 = rhs.real
val im2 = rhs.imag
val abs_re2 = math.abs(re2)
val abs_im2 = math.abs(im2)
if (abs_re2 >= abs_im2) {
if (abs_re2 == 0.0F) sys.error("/0")
val ratio = im2 / re2
val denom = re2 + im2 * ratio
LongComplex((re1 + im1 * ratio) / denom, (im1 - re1 * ratio) / denom)
} else {
if (abs_im2 == 0.0F) sys.error("/0")
val ratio = re2 / im2
val denom = re2 * ratio + im2
LongComplex((re1 * ratio + im1) / denom, (im1 * ratio - re1) / denom)
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