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Last active August 29, 2015 14:24
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package cats
import cats.implicits._
// this is translation of the work at:
// into Scala using the Cats library
object N {
* Explicit encoding of set operations in a monad, SetM.
* We are creating a normalized embedding of the monadic operations
* on a set, which defers the application of constraints until they
* are needed.
* (We are pretending that Order[A] is required to construct Set[A],
* which means that we can only "lower" a SetM back to a Set if we
* have the appropriate Order.)
// used to help be explicit about the "interface" of Set
def returnSet[A: Order](a: A): Set[A] =
def bindSet[A, B: Order](sa: Set[A], f: A => Set[B]): Set[B] =
sealed abstract class SetM[A] {
def flatMap[B](f: A => SetM[B]): SetM[B]
def lower(implicit ev: Order[A]): Set[A]
object SetM {
def lift[A](sa: Set[A]): SetM[A] =
FlatMapM[A, A](sa, PureM(_))
case class PureM[A](a: A) extends SetM[A] {
def flatMap[B](g: A => SetM[B]): SetM[B] = g(a)
def lower(implicit ev: Order[A]): Set[A] = returnSet(a)
case class FlatMapM[X, A](sx: Set[X], f: X => SetM[A]) extends SetM[A] {
def flatMap[B](g: A => SetM[B]): FlatMapM[X, B] =
FlatMapM(sx, x => f(x).flatMap(g))
def lower(implicit ev: Order[A]): Set[A] =
bindSet[X, A](sx, x => f(x).lower)
implicit val monadSetM: Monad[SetM] =
new Monad[SetM] {
def pure[A](a: A): SetM[A] = PureM(a)
def flatMap[A, B](sa: SetM[A])(f: A => SetM[B]): SetM[B] = sa.flatMap(f)
* Explicit encoding of quantum effects in a monad, VecM.
* Expresses uncertainty about a value as complex numbers across a
* finite enumeration of states. Presumably values should sum to 1.
* We require Eq[A] and Finite[A] at various points to ensure that
* we can represent a known value (PureM) as well as chained
* probabilities (FlatMapM).
trait Finite[A] {
def enumerate: Stream[A]
case class Complex(r: Double, i: Double) {
def +(that: Complex): Complex =
Complex(r + that.r, i + that.i)
def *(that: Complex): Complex =
Complex(r * that.r - i * that.i, r * that.i + i * that.r)
object Complex {
val zero = Complex(0.0, 0.0)
val one = Complex(1.0, 0.0)
def sum(zs: Iterable[Complex]): Complex = zs.foldLeft(zero)(_ + _)
type Vec[A] = A => Complex
// used to help be explicit about the "interface" of Vec
def returnVec[A: Eq](a: A): Vec[A] =
x => if (x === a) else
def bindVec[A, B](v: Vec[A], f: A => Vec[B])(implicit ev: Finite[A]): Vec[B] =
x => Complex.sum( => v(a) * f(a)(x)))
sealed abstract class VecM[A] {
def flatMap[B](f: A => VecM[B]): VecM[B]
def lower(implicit ev: Eq[A]): Vec[A]
object VecM {
def lift[A: Finite](sa: Vec[A]): VecM[A] =
FlatMapM[A, A](sa, PureM(_))
case class PureM[A](a: A) extends VecM[A] {
def flatMap[B](f: A => VecM[B]): VecM[B] = f(a)
def lower(implicit ev: Eq[A]): Vec[A] = returnVec(a)
case class FlatMapM[X: Finite, A](vx: Vec[X], f: X => VecM[A]) extends VecM[A] {
def flatMap[B](g: A => VecM[B]): VecM[B] = FlatMapM[X, B](vx, x => f(x).flatMap(g))
def lower(implicit ev: Eq[A]): Vec[A] = bindVec[X, A](vx, x => f(x).lower)
implicit val monadVecM: Monad[VecM] =
new Monad[VecM] {
def pure[A](a: A): VecM[A] = PureM(a)
def flatMap[A, B](sa: VecM[A])(f: A => VecM[B]): VecM[B] = sa.flatMap(f)
* NM is a generic encoding of normalized monadic embeddings.
* T[_] is the data type which is constrained, e.g. the rough
* flatMap signature is T[A] => (A => T[B]) => T[B].
* C[_] is the contraint on C[A] in the previous signature. If no
* constraint is needed (as in the case of Set), Unconstrained may
* be used.
* A is the concrete type we are starting with.
// used when no constraint is needed
trait Unconstrained[A]
object Unconstrained {
implicit def apply[A]: Unconstrained[A] = new Unconstrained[A] {}
// Polymorphic constrained fold
// The idea here is that we can call this function with any type X
// that satisfies the C[X] constraint. It is more sophisticated than
// a regular Function2 in that one of the types (X) is applied later
// than all the others (C, T, R).
// This definition is tightly-bound to the definition of FlatMapM.
trait PCF[C[_], T[_], R] {
def apply[X: C](tx: T[X], f: X => R): R
sealed abstract class NM[C[_], T[_], A] {
def flatMap[B](f: A => NM[C, T, B]): NM[C, T, B]
def fold[R](ret: A => R, bin: PCF[C, T, R]): R
object NM {
def lift[C[_], T[_], A: C](ta: T[A]): NM[C, T, A] =
FlatMapM[C, T, A, A](ta, PureM[C, T, A](_))
case class PureM[C[_], T[_], A](a: A) extends NM[C, T, A] {
def flatMap[B](f: A => NM[C, T, B]): NM[C, T, B] =
def fold[R](ret: A => R, bin: PCF[C, T, R]): R =
case class FlatMapM[C[_], T[_], X: C, A](tx: T[X], f: X => NM[C, T, A]) extends NM[C, T, A] {
def flatMap[B](g: A => NM[C, T, B]): NM[C, T, B] =
FlatMapM(tx, (x: X) => f(x).flatMap(g))
def fold[R](ret: A => R, bin: PCF[C, T, R]): R =
bin[X](tx, x => f(x).fold(ret, bin))
implicit def monadNM[C[_], T[_]]: Monad[NM[C, T, ?]] =
new Monad[NM[C, T, ?]] {
def pure[A](a: A): NM[C, T, A] =
def flatMap[A, B](sa: NM[C, T, A])(f: A => NM[C, T, B]): NM[C, T, B] =
type SetM2[A] = NM[Unconstrained, Set, A]
def liftSet[A](set: Set[A]): SetM2[A] = NM.lift(set)
val sm1: SetM2[(Int, Char)] = for {
n <- liftSet(Set(3, 2, 1, 2))
c <- liftSet(Set('a', 'b'))
} yield (n, c)
def setPcf2[A: Order]: PCF[Unconstrained, Set, Set[A]] =
new PCF[Unconstrained, Set, Set[A]] {
def apply[X: Unconstrained](tx: Set[X], f: X => Set[A]): Set[A] =
bindSet(tx, f)
implicit val o: Order[(Int, Char)] = null
def lowerSetM2[A: Order](setm: SetM2[A]): Set[A] =
setm.fold[Set[A]](returnSet, setPcf2)
val s1: Set[(Int, Char)] = lowerSetM2(sm1)
* Use the novel example of arrays-with-classtags.
* Unlike Vec and Set, this is an exmample that has constraints at
* both the "beginning" and the "end" of the embedding.
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
type ArrayM2[A] = NM[ClassTag, Array, A]
def liftArray[A: ClassTag](array: Array[A]): ArrayM2[A] =
NM.lift[ClassTag, Array, A](array)
val arrm1: ArrayM2[(Int, Char)] = for {
n <- liftArray(Array(3, 2, 1, 2))
c <- liftArray(Array('a', 'b'))
} yield (n, c)
def arrayPcf2[A: ClassTag]: PCF[ClassTag, Array, Array[A]] =
new PCF[ClassTag, Array, Array[A]] {
def apply[X: ClassTag](tx: Array[X], f: X => Array[A]): Array[A] =
def lowerArrayM2[A: ClassTag](arraym: ArrayM2[A]): Array[A] =
arraym.fold(Array(_), arrayPcf2)
val arr1: Array[(Int, Char)] = lowerArrayM2(arrm1)
* Final thoughts:
* One thing that I don't love is that lowering from the embedding
* will usually be expensive. For example, if we have lifted a Set
* with 1000 elements and immediately lower it, we will create
* 1000 Sets (each of 1 item) and then merge them.
* It might be nice to have a MapM(tx, f) in addition to PureM(a)
* and FlatMapM(tx, f). This would have two advantage:
* 1. It would parallel Scala's use of flatMap/map to avoid this
* same problem in for-comprehensions.
* 2. It would make map operations much more efficient,
* especially the case where .map class are composed.
* Disadvantages to that include increased complexity, deviating
* from the strict relationship to the monad laws, and an
* additional polymoprhic function we'd need to create that would
* parallel the existing PCF but for MapM.
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