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Last active August 29, 2015 14:22
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Generic implementation of affinely extended real number system in Scala using Spire.
package spire.math
import scala.{specialized => sp}
import spire.algebra._
import spire.math._
import spire.syntax.all._
* Implementation of extended real numbers.
* This type wraps an existing number type (A), adding three new values:
* - PosInf(): a value greater than all real numbers
* - MinusInf(): a value less than all real numbers
* - Undef(): an undefined value used for error-handling.
* These values may be familiar: they parallel the three sentinel
* values provided by floating point (+inf, -inf, and nan).
* The Finite(a) constructor wraps "normal" A values.
* Operations on Finite values behave as normal, except for division
* by zero which produces Undef() instead of an error. (Note that this
* is different behavior than in floating point, where division by
* zero will often produce infinities.)
* Operations involving Undef will always produce Undef.
* Here are the rules governing PosInf (+∞) and MinusInf (-∞),
* assuming that (x, y, z) are arbitrary Finite values:
* -(∞) = (-∞)
* ∞ + x = ∞
* ∞ + (-∞) = undef
* ∞ * x = ∞ if x > 0
* ∞ * x = -∞ if x < 0
* ∞ * 0 = undef
* ∞ * ±∞ = ±∞
* x / ∞ = 0
* ∞ / x = ∞ if x != 0
* ∞ / 0 = undef
* ∞ / ∞ = undef
* If other values are needed, methods such as .undefTo and .fold can
* be used to translate an Extended[A] value to another form. For
* example, if your domain requires (+∞) * 0 = 0, you could say:
* (x * y).undefToZero
* When ConvertableFrom[A] exists (i.e. if A can be converted to a
* Double) .toDouble can convert Extended[A] values to Doubles.
sealed abstract class Extended[A] { lhs =>
import Double.{PositiveInfinity, NegativeInfinity, NaN}
import Extended.{zero, one, minusOne, inf, PlusInf, Finite, MinusInf, Undef}
* Catamorphism for Extended[A].
* This method corresponds to a pattern-match on Extended[A]: the
* arguments to this method handle all the "cases" that would be
* covered.
def fold[B](undef: => B, neg: => B, f: A => B, pos: => B): B =
this match {
case Finite(n) => f(n)
case PlusInf() => pos
case MinusInf() => neg
case Undef() => undef
* Limited fold.
* This covers a common case of fold, where the result type is
* Extended[A] and the Undef() case remains undefined.
* TODO: Come up with a better name than fold_.
def fold_(neg: => Extended[A], f: A => Extended[A], pos: => Extended[A]): Extended[A] =
this match {
case Finite(n) => f(n)
case PlusInf() => pos
case MinusInf() => neg
case Undef() => this
* Return Some(a) for finite values, None otherwise.
def toOption: Option[A] =
fold(None, None, n => Some(n), None)
* Return a finite value, throw an exception otherwise.
def getOrError(): A =
this match {
case Finite(a) => a
case _ => throw new ArithmeticException(toString)
* Throw an exception on undefined values, return otherwise.
def undefToError(): Extended[A] =
this match {
case Undef() => throw new ArithmeticException(toString)
case x => x
* Replace undefined values with zeros.
def undefToZero(implicit ev: AdditiveMonoid[A]): Extended[A] =
this match {
case Undef() => zero
case x => x
* Replace undefined values with the given value.
def undefTo(ext: Extended[A]): Extended[A] =
this match {
case Undef() => ext
case x => x
* Convert an Extended[A] to a Double.
def toDouble(implicit ev: ConvertableFrom[A]): Double =
fold(NaN, NegativeInfinity, _.toDouble, PositiveInfinity)
* (Partial) comparator for Extended[A] values.
* Since Undef() is not a numeric value, it has no place in a total
* ordering. Thus, this is a partial ordering (it is almost total).
* As long as you have defined values, this method behaves exactly
* like a .compare method would.
def partialCompare(rhs: Extended[A])(implicit ev: PartialOrder[A]): Double =
lhs match {
case Finite(n1) => rhs.fold(NaN, -1.0, n1 partialCompare _, 1.0)
case PlusInf() => rhs.fold(NaN, 1.0, _ => 1.0, 0.0)
case MinusInf() => rhs.fold(NaN, 0.0, _ => -1.0, -1.0)
case Undef() => NaN
def <(rhs: Extended[A])(implicit ev: Order[A]): Boolean =
(lhs partialCompare rhs) < 0.0
def <=(rhs: Extended[A])(implicit ev: Order[A]): Boolean =
(lhs partialCompare rhs) <= 0.0
def >(rhs: Extended[A])(implicit ev: Order[A]): Boolean =
(lhs partialCompare rhs) > 0.0
def >=(rhs: Extended[A])(implicit ev: Order[A]): Boolean =
(lhs partialCompare rhs) >= 0.0
* Absolute value.
* For negative values, this method returns their positive
* equivalent.
def abs(implicit ev: AdditiveGroup[A], s: Signed[A]): Extended[A] =
fold_(PlusInf(), n => Finite(n.abs), lhs)
* Return the maximum of the given values.
* If either value is undefined, Undef() is returned.
def max(rhs: Extended[A])(implicit ev: Order[A]): Extended[A] =
lhs match {
case Finite(n1) => rhs.fold_(lhs, n2 => Finite(n1 max n2), rhs)
case PlusInf() => rhs.fold_(lhs, n2 => lhs, lhs)
case MinusInf() => rhs
case Undef() => lhs
* Return the minimum of the given values.
* If either value is undefined, Undef() is returned.
def min(rhs: Extended[A])(implicit ev: Order[A]): Extended[A] =
lhs match {
case Finite(n1) => rhs.fold_(rhs, n2 => Finite(n1 min n2), lhs)
case MinusInf() => rhs.fold_(lhs, n2 => lhs, lhs)
case PlusInf() => rhs
case Undef() => lhs
* Negate the given value.
* Extended behavior:
* -(undef) = undef
* -(∞) = (-∞)
* -(-∞) = ∞
def unary_-(implicit ev: AdditiveGroup[A]): Extended[A] =
fold_(PlusInf(), n => Finite(-n), MinusInf())
* Return the sign of the number as a Double.
* For undefined values, NaN is returned.
def signum(implicit s: Signed[A]): Double =
fold(NaN, -1.0, _.signum.toDouble, 1.0)
* Return true if the value is zero, false otherwise.
def isZero(implicit s: Signed[A]): Boolean =
fold(false, false, _.signum == 0, false)
def isDefined: Boolean =
this != Undef()
def isUndefined: Boolean =
this == Undef()
* Add two values together.
* Extended behavior:
* undef + _ = undef
* ∞ + x = ∞
* ∞ + (-∞) = undef
def +(rhs: Extended[A])(implicit ev: AdditiveMonoid[A]): Extended[A] =
lhs match {
case Finite(n1) =>
rhs.fold_(rhs, n2 => Finite(n1 + n2), rhs)
case PlusInf() =>
rhs.fold_(Undef(), _ => lhs, lhs)
case MinusInf() =>
rhs.fold_(lhs, _ => lhs, Undef())
case Undef() =>
* Subtract one value from another.
* (x - y) is equivalent to (x + (-y)).
def -(rhs: Extended[A])(implicit ev: AdditiveGroup[A]): Extended[A] =
lhs + (-rhs)
* Subtract one value from another.
* Extended behavior:
* undef * _ = undef
* ∞ * x = ∞ if x > 0
* ∞ * x = -∞ if x < 0
* ∞ * 0 = undef
* ∞ * ±∞ = ±∞
def *(rhs: Extended[A])(implicit ev: MultiplicativeSemigroup[A], s: Signed[A]): Extended[A] =
lhs match {
case Finite(n1) =>
rhs.fold_(inf(-n1.signum), n2 => Finite(n1 * n2), inf(n1.signum))
case PlusInf() =>
rhs.fold_(rhs, n2 => inf(n2.signum), lhs)
case MinusInf() =>
rhs.fold_(PlusInf(), n2 => inf(-n2.signum), lhs)
case Undef() =>
* Quotient operator.
* Extended behavior:
* undef /~ _ = undef
* _ /~ undef = undef
* ∞ /~ x = ∞ if x > 0
* ∞ /~ x = -∞ if x < 0
* ∞ /~ 0 = undef
* ∞ /~ ∞ = undef
def /~(rhs: Extended[A])(implicit ev: EuclideanRing[A], s: Signed[A]): Extended[A] =
rhs match {
case Finite(n2) =>
val x = n2.signum
if (x == 0) Undef() else lhs.fold_(inf(-x), n1 => Finite(n1 /~ n2), inf(x))
case Undef() =>
case _ =>
lhs.fold_(Undef(), _ => zero, Undef())
* Reciprocal operator.
* Equivalent to (1/x).
def reciprocal(implicit ev: Field[A], s: Signed[A]): Extended[A] =
lhs match {
case Finite(n) => if (n.signum == 0) Undef() else Finite(n.reciprocal)
case Undef() => this
case _ => zero
* Division operator.
* Extended behavior:
* undef / _ = undef
* _ / undef = undef
* ∞ / x = ∞ if x > 0
* ∞ / x = -∞ if x < 0
* ∞ / 0 = undef
* ∞ / ∞ = undef
def /(rhs: Extended[A])(implicit ev: Field[A], s: Signed[A]): Extended[A] =
rhs match {
case Finite(n2) =>
val x = n2.signum
if (x == 0) Undef() else lhs.fold_(inf(-x), n1 => Finite(n1 / n2), inf(x))
case Undef() =>
case _ =>
lhs.fold_(Undef(), _ => zero, Undef())
* Exponentiation operator.
* Extended behavior:
* undef ** k = undef
* ±∞ ** 0 = undef
* ∞ ** k = ∞
* (-∞) ** k = -∞ if k is odd
* (-∞) ** k = ∞ if k > 0 and k is even
* (-∞) ** k = undef if k < 0 and k is even
def **(k: Int)(implicit ev: NRoot[A], r: Ring[A]): Extended[A] =
lhs match {
case Finite(n) =>
if (k > 1) Finite(n pow k)
else if (k == 0) one
else if (k == 1) lhs
else if (k == Int.MinValue) throw new ArithmeticException(s"invalid exponent: $k")
else Finite(n nroot -k)
case PlusInf() =>
if (k != 0) lhs else Undef()
case MinusInf() =>
if (k == 0) Undef()
else if ((k & 1) == 1) lhs
else if (k > 0) PlusInf()
else Undef()
case Undef() =>
* Alias for **.
def pow(k: Int)(implicit ev: NRoot[A], r: Ring[A]): Extended[A] =
this ** k
* Find the kth-root.
* Equivalent to (x ** -k), ignoring the Int.MinValue case.
def nroot(k: Int)(implicit ev: NRoot[A], r: Ring[A]): Extended[A] =
lhs match {
case Finite(n) =>
if (k > 1) Finite(n nroot k)
else if (k == 0) one
else if (k == 1) lhs
else if (k == Int.MinValue) throw new ArithmeticException(s"invalid exponent: $k")
else Finite(n pow -k)
case PlusInf() =>
if (k != 0) lhs else Undef()
case Undef() =>
case MinusInf() =>
if (k == 0) Undef()
else if ((k & 1) == 1) lhs
else if (k < 0) PlusInf()
else Undef()
* Display the extended value as a String.
override def toString: String =
fold("∅", "-∞", _.toString, "+∞")
object Extended {
case class Undef[A]() extends Extended[A]
case class PlusInf[A]() extends Extended[A]
case class Finite[A](a: A) extends Extended[A]
case class MinusInf[A]() extends Extended[A]
def zero[A](implicit ev: AdditiveMonoid[A]): Extended[A] =
def one[A](implicit ev: MultiplicativeMonoid[A]): Extended[A] =
def minusOne[A](implicit ev: Ring[A]): Extended[A] =
* Construct a finite Extended[A] value.
def apply[A](a: A): Finite[A] =
* Construct an "infinite" Extended[A] value with the appropriate
* sign:
* sign > 0: PlusInf()
* sign < 0: MinusInf()
* sign = 0: Undef()
def inf[A](sign: Int): Extended[A] =
if (sign > 0) PlusInf() else if (sign < 0) MinusInf() else Undef()
// type class instances
def partialOrder[A: Order]: PartialOrder[Extended[A]] =
new PartialOrder[Extended[A]] {
def partialCompare(x: Extended[A], y: Extended[A]): Double =
x partialCompare y
def partialField[A: Field: Signed]: Field[Extended[A]] =
new Field[Extended[A]] {
def zero: Extended[A] =
def one: Extended[A] =
def negate(x: Extended[A]): Extended[A] = -x
def plus(x: Extended[A], y: Extended[A]): Extended[A] = x + y
def times(x: Extended[A], y: Extended[A]): Extended[A] = x * y
def div(x: Extended[A], y: Extended[A]): Extended[A] = x / y
def quot(x: Extended[A], y: Extended[A]): Extended[A] = x /~ y
def mod(x: Extended[A], y: Extended[A]): Extended[A] = ???
def gcd(x: Extended[A], y: Extended[A]): Extended[A] = ???
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