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Created March 17, 2014 15:25
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First pass at continued fractions in Scala. Still a lot left to be done.
package spire.math
import scala.annotation.tailrec
case class InvalidCFError(msg: String) extends Exception(msg)
object Xyz { type Z = SafeLong }
import Xyz.Z
object Eval {
def eval4(a: Z, b: Z, c: Z, d: Z, cf: CF): CF = {
@tailrec def loop4(a: Z, b: Z, c: Z, d: Z, cf: CF): CF = {
if (c == 0 && d == 0) return Infinity
if (c != 0 && d != 0) {
val q = a / c
if (q == b / d) return CF.construct(q, () => eval4(c, d, a - c*q, b - d*q, cf))
cf match {
case CF(n, f) => loop4(a*n + b, a, c*n + d, c, f())
case inf => loop4(a, a, c, c, inf)
loop4(a, b, c, d, cf)
def eval8(
breakout: Int, doneLeft: Boolean, doneRight: Boolean, lhs: CF, rhs: CF,
a: Z, b: Z, c: Z, d: Z, e: Z, f: Z, g: Z, h: Z): CF = {
@tailrec def loop8(
i: Int, doneLeft: Boolean, doneRight: Boolean, lhs: CF, rhs: CF,
a: Z, b: Z, c: Z, d: Z, e: Z, f: Z, g: Z, h: Z): CF = {
// FIXME: breakout is a hack to support approximately results
// that are exactly zero.
if (i >= breakout || (e == 0 && f == 0 && g == 0 && h == 0)) return Infinity
val ae = Extended(a) /~ Extended(e)
val bf = Extended(b) /~ Extended(f)
val cg = Extended(c) /~ Extended(g)
val dh = Extended(d) /~ Extended(h)
if (ae == bf && bf == cg && cg == dh) {
val q = ae.getOrError()
return CF.construct(q, () => eval8(
breakout, doneLeft, doneRight, lhs, rhs,
e, f, g, h,
a - e*q, b - f*q, c - g*q, d - h*q))
val xw = ((ae - cg).abs max (bf - dh).abs)
val yw = ((ae - bf).abs max (cg - dh).abs)
val takeLeft = doneRight || (!doneLeft && xw > yw)
if (takeLeft) {
lhs match {
case CF(n, ff) =>
loop8(i + 1, doneLeft, doneRight, ff(), rhs,
a*n + c, b*n + d, a, b,
e*n + g, f*n + h, e, f)
case inf =>
loop8(i + 1, true, doneRight, inf, rhs,
a, b, a, b,
e, f, e, f)
} else {
rhs match {
case CF(n, ff) =>
loop8(i + 1, doneLeft, doneRight, lhs, ff(),
a*n + b, a, c*n + d, c,
e*n + f, e, g*n + h, g)
case inf =>
loop8(i + 1, doneLeft, true, lhs, inf,
a, a, c, c,
e, e, g, g)
loop8(0, doneLeft, doneRight, lhs, rhs, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h)
sealed trait CF { lhs =>
import SafeLong.{zero, one}
// TODO: use implicit parameter to specify approximation
def signum: Int = {
// FIXME: i is a similar hack to above, to support breaking out if
// we somehow have a stream of zeros.
@tailrec def loop(i: Int, cf: CF): Int =
if (i > 10) 0 else cf match {
case LongTerm(n, f) => if (n != 0) n.signum else loop(i + 1, f())
case BigTerm(n, f) => if (n != 0) n.signum else loop(i + 1, f())
case _ => 0
loop(0, this)
// TODO: use implicit parameter to specify approximation
def compare(rhs: CF): Int = (lhs - rhs).signum
// TODO: use implicit parameter to specify approximation
override def equals(rhs: Any): Boolean =
rhs match {
case rhs: CF => (lhs compare rhs) == 0
case _ => false
def unary_- : CF =
this match {
case LongTerm(n, f) => LongTerm(-n, () => -f())
case BigTerm(n, f) => BigTerm(-n, () => -f())
case inf => inf
def abs: CF =
this match {
case LongTerm(Long.MinValue, f) =>
BigTerm(-BigInt(Long.MinValue), () => f().abs)
case LongTerm(n, f) =>
LongTerm(spire.math.abs(n), () => f().abs)
case BigTerm(n, f) =>
BigTerm(n.abs, () => f().abs)
case inf => inf
def +(rhs: Long): CF = {
val n = SafeLong(rhs)
Eval.eval4(one, n, zero, one, this)
def +(rhs: Rational): CF = {
val n = SafeLong(rhs.numerator)
val d = SafeLong(rhs.denominator)
Eval.eval4(d, n, zero, d, this)
def +(rhs: CF): CF =
Eval.eval8(100, false, false, lhs, rhs,
zero, one, one, zero,
zero, zero, zero, one)
def -(rhs: Long): CF =
Eval.eval4(one, -SafeLong(rhs), zero, one, this)
def -(rhs: Rational): CF = {
val n = SafeLong(rhs.numerator)
val d = SafeLong(rhs.denominator)
Eval.eval4(d, -n, zero, d, this)
def -(rhs: CF): CF =
Eval.eval8(100, false, false, lhs, rhs,
zero, one, -one, zero,
zero, zero, zero, one)
def *(rhs: Long): CF =
Eval.eval4(SafeLong(rhs), zero, zero, one, this)
def *(rhs: Rational): CF = {
val n = SafeLong(rhs.numerator)
val d = SafeLong(rhs.denominator)
Eval.eval4(n, zero, zero, d, this)
def *(rhs: CF): CF =
Eval.eval8(100, false, false, lhs, rhs,
one, zero, zero, zero,
zero, zero, zero, one)
def /(rhs: Long): CF =
Eval.eval4(one, zero, zero, SafeLong(rhs), this)
def /(rhs: Rational): CF = {
val n = SafeLong(rhs.denominator)
val d = SafeLong(rhs.numerator)
Eval.eval4(d, zero, zero, n, this)
def /(rhs: CF): CF =
Eval.eval8(100, false, false, lhs, rhs,
zero, one, zero, zero,
zero, zero, one, zero)
def /~(rhs: CF): CF =
(lhs / rhs) match {
case LongTerm(n, _) => CF(n)
case BigTerm(n, _) => CF(n)
case inf => inf
def %(rhs: CF): CF =
(lhs / rhs) match {
case LongTerm(_, f) => LongTerm(0, f) * rhs
case BigTerm(_, f) => LongTerm(0, f) * rhs
case inf => inf
def /%(rhs: CF): (CF, CF) =
(lhs / rhs) match {
case LongTerm(n, f) => (CF(n), LongTerm(0, f) * rhs)
case BigTerm(n, f) => (CF(n), LongTerm(0, f) * rhs)
case inf => (inf, inf)
def reciprocal: CF =
this match {
case LongTerm(0L, f) => f()
case BigTerm(n, f) if n == 0 => f()
case cf => LongTerm(0L, () => cf)
def **(k: Int): CF = this pow k
def pow(k: Int): CF = {
def loop(b: CF, k: Int, extra: CF): CF =
if (k == 1) b * extra
else loop(b * b, k >>> 1, if ((k & 1) == 1) b * extra else extra)
if (k < 0) reciprocal.pow(-k)
else if (k == 0)
else if (k == 1) this
else loop(this, k - 1, this)
def sqrt: CF = ???
def nroot(k: Int): CF = ???
def toList: List[SafeLong] = {
def unroll(cf: CF, acc: List[SafeLong]): List[SafeLong] =
cf match {
case CF(n, f) => unroll(f(), n :: acc)
case _ => acc
unroll(this, Nil).reverse
def toStream: Stream[SafeLong] =
this match {
case CF(n, f) => n #:: f().toStream
case _ => Stream.empty
override def toString: String = getString(10)
def getString(t: Int): String = {
def loop(cf: CF, t: Int): List[String] =
if (t <= 0) "..." :: Nil else cf match {
case LongTerm(n, f) => n.toString :: loop(f(), t - 1)
case BigTerm(n, f) => n.toString :: loop(f(), t - 1)
case inf => Nil
loop(this, t) match {
case Nil => "{}"
case h :: Nil => "{" + h + "}"
case h :: t => "{" + h + "; " + t.mkString("", ", ", "}")
def take(t: Int): CF =
if (t <= 0) Infinity else this match {
case LongTerm(n, f) => LongTerm(n, () => f().take(t - 1))
case BigTerm(n, f) => BigTerm(n, () => f().take(t - 1))
case inf => inf
case object Infinity extends CF
case class LongTerm(n: Long, f: () => CF) extends CF
case class BigTerm(n: BigInt, f: () => CF) extends CF
object CF {
def unapply(cf: CF): Option[(SafeLong, () => CF)] = cf match {
case LongTerm(n, f) => Some((SafeLong(n), f))
case BigTerm(n, f) => Some((SafeLong(n), f))
case _ => None
implicit class CFSyntax(f: => CF) {
def ~:(lhs: Int): CF = LongTerm(lhs, f _)
def ~:(lhs: Long): CF = LongTerm(lhs, f _)
def ~:(lhs: BigInt): CF = BigTerm(lhs, f _)
def ~:(lhs: SafeLong): CF = lhs.fold(LongTerm(_, f _), BigTerm(_, f _))
val infinity: CF = Infinity
private val done: Function0[CF] = () => Infinity
def apply(n: Long): CF = LongTerm(n, done)
def apply(n: BigInt): CF = BigTerm(n, done)
def apply(n: SafeLong): CF = n.fold(apply(_), apply(_))
def construct(n: SafeLong, f: () => CF): CF =
n.fold(LongTerm(_, f), BigTerm(_, f))
val zero = 0 ~: Infinity
val one = 1 ~: Infinity
def apply(s: String): CF =
s match {
case "e" => CF.e
case "phi" => CF.phi
case s => CF(Rational(s))
def apply(n: Rational): CF = {
val p = n.toBigInt
val dd = n.numerator - p * n.denominator
val f = if (dd == 0) done else () => apply(Rational(n.denominator, dd))
BigTerm(p, f)
val e: CF = {
def loop(n: SafeLong): CF = n ~: 1 ~: 1 ~: loop(n + 2)
2 ~: 1 ~: loop(SafeLong(2))
lazy val phi: CF = 1 ~: phi
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