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Created July 4, 2015 22:12
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Simple external score parser for Angband.
# by Erik Osheim
# External score parser/printer for Angband. It hardcores some
# values from p_races.txt and classes.txt for simplicitly.
# Should basically mimic the built-in format.
# One caveat: does not currently display the current (living)
# character, since this character's information is not in the
# score file.
# Seems to work as of 2014-07-04 (1aba7a8).
import os, sys
races = {
0: 'Human',
1: 'Half-Elf',
2: 'Elf',
3: 'Hobbit',
4: 'Gnome',
5: 'Dwarf',
6: 'Half-Orc',
7: 'Half-Troll',
8: 'Dunadan',
9: 'High-Elf',
10: 'Kobold',
classes = {
0: 'Warrior',
1: 'Mage',
2: 'Priest',
3: 'Rogue',
4: 'Ranger',
5: 'Paladin',
# remove trailing nulls/spaces
def trim(s):
i = len(s) - 1
while s[i] == '\0' or s[i] == ' ':
i -= 1
return i + 1
# parse a (decimal) integer
def parse_int(s):
i = trim(s)
return int(s[:i])
# parse a string
def parse_str(s):
i = trim(s)
return str(s[:i])
# parse a date. input format is @YYYYMMDD?
def parse_date(s):
return s[1:5] + '-' + s[5:7] + '-' + s[7:9]
# display a player dictionary
def display(p):
race = races.get(p['raceid'], 'Unknown')
cls = classes.get(p['classid'], 'Unknown')
if p['max_clvl'] == p['clvl']:
clvl = p['clvl']
clvl = '%s (Max %s)' % (p['clvl'], p['max_clvl'])
if p['dlvl'] > 0:
dlvl = 'on dungeon level %s' % p['dlvl']
dlvl = 'in the town'
if p['max_dlvl'] != p['dlvl']:
dlvl = '%s (Max %s)' % (dlvl, p['max_dlvl'])
print "%10d %s the %s %s, level %s" % (p['pts'], p['name'], race, cls, clvl)
print "%10s Killed by %s %s" % ('', p['how'], dlvl)
print "%10s (User %d, Date %s, Gold %d, Turn %d)" % ('', p['uid'], p['date'], p['gold'], p['turns'])
# mighty main method
def main():
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print 'usage: %s SAVEFILE' % sys.argv[0]
print ' (e.g. lib/scores/scores.raw)'
path = sys.argv[1]
if not os.path.exists(path):
print 'error: %r was not found' % path
with open(path, 'rb') as f:
players = []
while True:
data =
if data == "": break
p = {
'pts': parse_int(data[8:18]),
'gold': parse_int(data[18:28]),
'turns': parse_int(data[28:38]),
'date': parse_date(data[38:48]),
'name': parse_str(data[48:64]),
'uid': parse_int(data[64:72]),
'raceid': parse_int(data[72:75]),
'classid': parse_int(data[75:78]),
'clvl': parse_int(data[78:82]),
'dlvl': parse_int(data[82:86]),
'max_clvl': parse_int(data[86:90]),
'max_dlvl': parse_int(data[90:94]),
'how': parse_str(data[94:126]),
print ''
for p in players:
print ''
if __name__ == "__main__":
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