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Created January 25, 2015 16:52
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Basic encoding of Transducers with a little fanciness
import spire.algebra._
import spire.implicits._
object Transducer {
type RF[R, A] = (R, A) => R
def apply[A, B](f: A => B) =
new Transducer[B, A] {
def apply[R](rf: RF[R, B]): RF[R, A] = (r, a) => rf(r, f(a))
object Skip extends Exception with scala.util.control.NoStackTrace
object Halt extends Exception with scala.util.control.NoStackTrace
trait TransducedOps[A, B] {
def fold[R](init: R)(rf: RF[R, B]): R
import scala.collection.generic.CanBuildFrom
def to[CC[_]](implicit cbf: CanBuildFrom[CC[B], B, CC[B]]): CC[B] =
fold(cbf())(_ += _).result
def reduce(implicit B: Monoid[B]): B =
fold( |+| _)
def sum(implicit B: AdditiveMonoid[B]): B =
fold( + _)
def product(implicit B: MultiplicativeMonoid[B]): B =
fold( * _)
class Transduced[A, B](as: TraversableOnce[A], t: Transducer[B, A]) extends TransducedOps[A, B] {
def fold[R](init: R)(rf: RF[R, B]): R =
class TransducedC[A, B](as: TraversableOnce[A], t: Transducer[B, A]) extends TransducedOps[A, B] {
def fold[R](init: R)(rf: RF[R, B]): R = {
val it = as.toIterator
val f: RF[R, A] = t(rf)
var res: R = init
while (it.hasNext) {
try {
res = f(res,
} catch {
case _: Skip.type => ()
case _: Halt.type => return res
implicit class TransducerOps[A](val as: TraversableOnce[A]) extends AnyVal {
def transduce[B](t: Transducer[B, A]) = new Transduced(as, t)
def transduceC[B](t: Transducer[B, A]) = new TransducedC(as, t)
import Transducer.{RF, Halt, Skip, TransducerOps}
trait Transducer[A, B] { self =>
def apply[R](f: RF[R, A]): RF[R, B]
def andThen[C](that: Transducer[B, C]): Transducer[A, C] =
that compose this
def ∘[Z](that: Transducer[Z, A]): Transducer[Z, B] =
this compose that
def compose[Z](that: Transducer[Z, A]): Transducer[Z, B] =
new Transducer[Z, B] {
def apply[R](rf: RF[R, Z]): RF[R, B] = self(that(rf))
def map1[Z](f: A => Z): Transducer[Z, B] =
new Transducer[Z, B] {
def apply[R](rf: RF[R, Z]): RF[R, B] =
self((r, a) => rf(r, f(a)))
def contramap2[C](f: C => B): Transducer[A, C] =
new Transducer[A, C] {
def apply[R](rf: RF[R, A]): RF[R, C] = {
val g = self(rf)
(r, c) => g(r, f(c))
object Test {
val parseI = Transducer((s: String) => s.toInt)
val reversed = Transducer((s: String) => s.reverse)
val root2 = Transducer((n: Int) => math.pow(2.0, 1.0 / n))
def lessThan(x: Int) = Transducer { (n: Int) =>
if (n < x) n else throw Skip
def until(x: Int) = Transducer { (n: Int) =>
if (n != x) n else throw Halt
def repeat[A] =
new Transducer[A, A] {
def apply[R](rf: (R, A) => R): (R, A) => R =
(r, a) => rf(rf(r, a), a)
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val lst = List("1","2","3")
println(lst.transduce(parseI ∘ repeat ∘ root2).sum)
println(lst.transduce(repeat ∘ repeat).reduce)
val nil = List.empty[Int]
println((1 to 10).transduceC(lessThan(5)).to[List])
println((1 to 10).transduceC(lessThan(5)).sum)
val ns = List(1,3,5,3,1,3,5,3,1)
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