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Created April 30, 2017 18:25
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Quick hack for loading seq2seq model and inference via feed_dict.
from pydoc import locate
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
from seq2seq import tasks, models
from import utils as training_utils
from seq2seq.tasks.inference_task import InferenceTask, unbatch_dict
class DecodeOnce(InferenceTask):
Similar to tasks.DecodeText, but for one input only.
Source fed via features.source_tokens and features.source_len
def __init__(self, params, callback_func):
super(DecodeOnce, self).__init__(params)
def default_params():
return {}
def before_run(self, _run_context):
fetches = {}
fetches["predicted_tokens"] = self._predictions["predicted_tokens"]
fetches["features.source_tokens"] = self._predictions["features.source_tokens"]
return tf.train.SessionRunArgs(fetches)
def after_run(self, _run_context, run_values):
fetches_batch = run_values.results
for fetches in unbatch_dict(fetches_batch):
# Convert to unicode
fetches["predicted_tokens"] = np.char.decode(
fetches["predicted_tokens"].astype("S"), "utf-8")
predicted_tokens = fetches["predicted_tokens"]
# If we're using beam search we take the first beam
# TODO: beam search top k
if np.ndim(predicted_tokens) > 1:
predicted_tokens = predicted_tokens[:, 0]
fetches["features.source_tokens"] = np.char.decode(
fetches["features.source_tokens"].astype("S"), "utf-8")
source_tokens = fetches["features.source_tokens"]
self.callback_func(source_tokens, predicted_tokens)
# TODO: pass via args
MODEL_DIR = "model/sms_large"
checkpoint_path = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(MODEL_DIR)
# Load saved training options
train_options = training_utils.TrainOptions.load(MODEL_DIR)
# Create the model
model_cls = locate(train_options.model_class) or \
getattr(models, train_options.model_class)
model_params = train_options.model_params
model = model_cls(
# first dim is batch size
source_tokens_ph = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.string, shape=(1, None))
source_len_ph = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.int32, shape=(1,))
"source_tokens": source_tokens_ph,
"source_len": source_len_ph
"vocab_source": "data/vocab/sms",
"vocab_target": "data/vocab/sms"
saver = tf.train.Saver()
def _session_init_op(_scaffold, sess):
saver.restore(sess, checkpoint_path)"Restored model from %s", checkpoint_path)
scaffold = tf.train.Scaffold(init_fn=_session_init_op)
session_creator = tf.train.ChiefSessionCreator(scaffold=scaffold)
def _tokens_to_str(tokens):
return " ".join(tokens).split("SEQUENCE_END")[0].strip()
# A hacky way to retrieve prediction result from the task hook...
prediction_dict = {}
def _save_prediction_to_dict(source_tokens, predicted_tokens):
prediction_dict[_tokens_to_str(source_tokens)] = _tokens_to_str(predicted_tokens)
sess = tf.train.MonitoredSession(
hooks=[DecodeOnce({}, callback_func=_save_prediction_to_dict)])
# The main API exposed
def query_once(source_tokens):
source_tokens = source_tokens.split() + ["SEQUENCE_END"][], {
source_tokens_ph: [source_tokens],
source_len_ph: [len(source_tokens)]
return prediction_dict.pop(_tokens_to_str(source_tokens))
if __name__ == "__main__":
# current prediction time ~20ms
samples = [
u"^ 下 班 | h o u y i q i c h i f a n",
u"^ … 还 以 为 你 关 机 | s h u i z h a o l e",
u"^ 你 带 钥 匙 | m e i y o u a"
for sample_in in samples:
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