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Created November 26, 2012 10:25
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Prolog nonogram solver
% Succeeds if `Lines` represents the nonogram specified by `ColumnSpecs` and
% `LineSpecs`. For example:
% 1
% 2 1 2
% +------
% 1 | . # . ColumnSpecs = [[2], [1,1], [2]]
% 1 1 | # . # LineSpecs = [[1], [1,1], [3]]
% 3 | # # # Lines = [[0,1,0], [1,0,1], [1,1,1]]
nonogram(ColumnSpecs, LineSpecs, Lines) :-
length(ColumnSpecs, Width),
nonogram1(Width, LineSpecs, Lines),
valid_columns(ColumnSpecs, Lines, 1),
nonogram1(_, [], []).
nonogram1(Width, [LineSpec | LineSpecs], [Line | Lines]) :-
length(Line, Width),
valid_seq(LineSpec, Line),
nonogram1(Width, LineSpecs, Lines).
valid_columns([], _, _).
valid_columns([ColumnSpec | ColumnSpecs], Lines, FirstColumn) :-
valid_column(FirstColumn, ColumnSpec, Lines),
FirstColumnPlusOne is FirstColumn + 1,
valid_columns(ColumnSpecs, Lines, FirstColumnPlusOne).
valid_column(Index, ColumnSpec, Lines) :-
extract(Index, Lines, Column),
valid_seq(ColumnSpec, Column),
debug(['Possible column', Index, '(', ColumnSpec, '):', Column]).
valid_seq(BlockLengths, [0 | Seq]) :-
valid_seq(BlockLengths, Seq).
valid_seq([BlockLength | BlockLengths], [1 | SeqRest]) :-
BlockLength > 0,
BlockLengthMinusOne is BlockLength - 1,
valid_seq_rest([BlockLengthMinusOne | BlockLengths], SeqRest).
valid_seq([], Seq) :-
valid_seq([0], Seq).
valid_seq([0], []).
valid_seq_rest([0], Seq) :-
valid_seq([0], Seq).
valid_seq_rest([0 | BlockLengths], [0 | SeqRest]) :-
valid_seq(BlockLengths, SeqRest).
valid_seq_rest([BlockLength | BlockLengths], [1 | SeqRest]) :-
BlockLength > 0,
BlockLengthMinusOne is BlockLength - 1,
valid_seq_rest([BlockLengthMinusOne | BlockLengths], SeqRest).
extract(_, [], []).
extract(Index, [List], [Result]) :-
nth(Index, List, Result),!.
extract(Index, [List | Lists], [Result | Results]) :-
extract(Index, [List], [Result]),
extract(Index, Lists, Results).
print_nonogram(N) :-
nl,write('Found nonogram:'),nl,
print_nonogram1([Line | Lines]) :-
print_line([Head | Tail]) :-
Head = 1,
write('# '),
print_line([Head | Tail]) :-
Head = 0,
write('. '),
debug(Terms) :-
write(Time), write(': '),
debug1([]) :- nl.
debug1([Term | Terms]) :-
write(Term), write(' '),
% nonogram([[2,1],[2,1],[3],[1],[1]], [[2],[2,1],[1,1],[1],[3]]).
% nonogram([[1,2],[1,1,2],[1,8],[1,1,2],[1,2],[1,1],[1,1],[3,1],[1],[3]], [[1,2,1],[1,1,1,3],[1,2,1],[5],[1],[1,1],[1],[1,1,2],[5],[3]], N).
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