# Download ova
wget https://mudfish.net/releases/openwrt/ova/OpenWRT_with_Mudfish-2.1.26.ova
# Extract image
tar -xvf OpenWRT_with_Mudfish-2.1.26.ova
# Convert image
qemu-img convert -O qcow2 OpenWRT\ with\ Mudfish\ 2.1.26-disk001.vmdk mudfish.qcow2
# Store image
mkdir -p /mnt/user/domains/mudfish; mv mudfish.qcow2 /mnt/user/domains/mudfish/
# Clean up
rm OpenWRT*
- Linux
- Logical CPU: 1 Core
- Initial Memory: 128 MB
- Machine: i440fx-7.1
- Primary vDisk Bus: IDE
- Primary vDisk Location (Manual): /mnt/user/domains/mudfish/mudfish.qcow2
- Network Model: virtio-net
All other settings can be left as default. Create & Start VM
- Access via VM console (VNC) and press ENTER
- Change OpenWRT IP address to be in the same subnet as the Unraid server (e.g.
- Change OpenWRT WAN interface to be bridged (br-lan)
# Change IP address
# Modify the network config file to be like these
vi /etc/config/network
# Desired change under: "config interface 'lan'"
# option ipaddr ''
# Desired change under "config interface 'wan'"
# option device 'br-lan'
# option proto 'dhcp'
# Restart network
/etc/init.d/network restart
- Access OpenWRT web interface and change password. (System > Administration > Router Password)
- Launch Mudfish web interface (Service > Mudfish > Mudfish Launcher UI)
- Login with your mudfish account.