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Created September 5, 2009 14:08
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Trace of the paper for reflection in haskell
-- trace of
import Foreign
import Foreign.Storable
import Foreign.C.Types
data Zero; data Succ n; data Pred n; data Twice n;
class ReflectNum s where reflectNum :: Num a => s -> a
instance ReflectNum Zero where reflectNum _ = 0
instance ReflectNum n =>
ReflectNum (Succ n) where reflectNum _ = reflectNum (undefined :: n) + 1
instance ReflectNum n =>
ReflectNum (Pred n) where reflectNum _ = reflectNum (undefined :: n) - 1
instance ReflectNum n =>
ReflectNum (Twice n) where reflectNum _ = reflectNum (undefined :: n) * 2
reifyIntegral :: Integral a => a -> (forall s. ReflectNum s => s -> w) -> w
-- reifyIntegral :: (Integral a, ReflectNum s) => a -> (s -> w) -> w
reifyIntegral i k = case quotRem i 2 of
(0,0) -> k (undefined :: Zero)
(j,0) -> reifyIntegral j (\(_::s) -> k (undefined :: Twice s))
(j,1) -> reifyIntegral j (\(_::s) -> k (undefined :: Succ (Twice s)))
(j,-1) -> reifyIntegral j (\(_::s) -> k (undefined :: Pred (Twice s)))
data Nil; data Cons s ss;
class ReflectNums ss where reflectNums :: Num a => ss -> [a]
instance ReflectNums Nil where reflectNums _ = []
instance (ReflectNum s, ReflectNums ss) => ReflectNums (Cons s ss) where
reflectNums _ = reflectNum (undefined :: s) : reflectNums (undefined :: ss)
reifyIntegrals :: Integral a => [a] -> (forall ss. ReflectNums ss => ss -> w) -> w
reifyIntegrals [] k = k (undefined :: Nil)
reifyIntegrals (a:as) k = reifyIntegral a $ \(_::s) ->
reifyIntegrals as $ \(_::ss) ->
k (undefined :: Cons s ss)
type Byte = CChar
data Store s a
class ReflectStorable s where reflectStorable :: Storable a => s a -> a
instance ReflectNums s => ReflectStorable (Store s) where
reflectStorable _ = unsafePerformIO
$ alloca
$ \p -> do pokeArray (castPtr p) bytes
peek p
where bytes = reflectNums (undefined::s) :: [Byte]
reifyStorable :: Storable a => a -> (forall s. ReflectStorable s => s a -> w) -> w
reifyStorable a k = reifyIntegrals (bytes::[Byte]) (\(_::s) -> k (undefined :: Store s a))
where bytes = unsafePerformIO
$ with a (peekArray (sizeOf a) . castPtr)
data Stable (s :: * -> *) a
class Reflect s a | s -> a where reflect :: s -> a
instance ReflectStorable s => Reflect (Stable s a) a where
reflect = unsafePerformIO
$ do a <- deRefStablePtr p
freeStablePtr p
return (const a)
where p = reflectStorable (undefined :: s p)
reify :: a -> (forall s. Reflect s a => s -> w) -> w
reify a k = unsafePerformIO
$ do p <- newStablePtr a
reifyStorable p $ \(_::s (StablePtr a)) -> k' (undefined :: Stable s a)
where k' s = reflect s `seq` return (k s)
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