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Created October 3, 2009 14:06
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Save nonowarn/200659 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Awful Bot for HIMA
module Main where
import Prelude()
import Prelude.Plus
import Data.Char
import Data.Maybe
import Network.Socket
import qualified Network.IRC as I
import Control.Concurrent
import Data.Time
sayMessageTo :: Handle -> I.Message -> IO ()
sayMessageTo h msg = print msg >> hPutStr h (I.encode msg ++ "\r\n")
getInfo :: String -> Int -> IO AddrInfo
getInfo host port = head <$>
getAddrInfo (Just (defaultHints { addrSocketType = Stream }))
(Just host)
(Just $ show port)
connectTo :: String -> Int -> IO Handle
connectTo host port = do
info <- getInfo host port
sock <- socket (addrFamily info)
(addrSocketType info)
(addrProtocol info)
connect sock (addrAddress info)
hdl <- socketToHandle sock ReadWriteMode
hSetBuffering hdl LineBuffering
return hdl
auth :: Handle -> String -> IO ()
auth h nick = do
sayMessageTo h (I.nick nick)
sayMessageTo h (I.user nick "8" "*" nick)
joinChan :: Handle -> String -> IO ()
joinChan h ch = sayMessageTo h (I.joinChan ch)
notice :: String -> String -> I.Message
notice ch msg = I.Message Nothing "NOTICE" [ch,msg]
pongIfPing :: Handle -> I.Message -> IO ()
pongIfPing h msg = when (I.msg_command msg == "PING")
(sayMessageTo h msg { I.msg_prefix=Nothing, I.msg_command="PONG" })
getMsg :: Handle -> IO I.Message
getMsg h = fromJust . I.decode <$> hGetLine h
getMsgResponding :: Handle -> IO I.Message
getMsgResponding h = do
m <- getMsg h
pongIfPing h m
return m
waitUntil :: (I.Command -> Bool) -> Handle -> IO ()
waitUntil pred h = do
m <- getMsgResponding h
when (not . pred . I.msg_command $ m) (waitUntil pred h)
performBot :: Handle -> (I.Message -> IO [I.Message]) -> IO ()
performBot h f = do
msg <- getMsgResponding h
msgs <- f msg
mapM_ (sayMessageTo h) msgs
data Time = IsHour (Int -> Bool) | IsMinute (Int -> Bool) | And Time Time
type TimeTable = [(Time,String)]
withTimes :: TimeTable -> Handle -> String -> IO ()
withTimes table h ch = forkIO action >> return ()
where action = forever $ do
(hour,min) <- getHourAndMin
let msgs = map snd . filter (interpretWith (hour,min) . fst) $ table
forM_ msgs (sayMessageTo h . notice ch)
threadDelay (60*1000*1000)
timeTable :: TimeTable
-- timeTable = [ (IsMinute (const True), "minute!")
-- , (IsMinute ((==0) . (`mod` 10)), "tenth!") ]
timeTable = [ (IsHour (==20) `And` IsMinute (==00), "HIMA はじまりますよー")
, (IsHour (==20) `And` IsMinute (==20), "nonowarn いそげ")
, (IsHour (==20) `And` IsMinute (==30), "かずさんおねがいしまーす")
, (IsHour (==21) `And` IsMinute (==00), "一応この時間から雑談です")
, (IsHour (==23) `And` IsMinute (==00),
"一応終わりの時間です おつかれさまでした")
interpretWith :: (Int,Int) -> Time -> Bool
interpretWith (hour,min) time =
case time of
IsHour p -> p hour
IsMinute p -> p min
And p p' -> interpretWith (hour,min) p && interpretWith (hour,min) p'
getHourAndMin :: IO (Int,Int)
getHourAndMin = (todHour &&& todMin) . localTimeOfDay . zonedTimeToLocalTime <$> getZonedTime
main = do
[host,nick,ch] <- getArgs
h <- connectTo host 6667
auth h nick
waitUntil (== "001") h
joinChan h ch
-- forever (performBot h $ \m -> if I.msg_command m == "PRIVMSG"
-- then return [notice ch "you're noisy"] else return [])
withTimes timeTable h ch
forever $ performBot h $ \m -> return $
if "ひま" `isInfixOf` concat (I.msg_params m)
then [notice ch "ひまだなー"]
else []
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