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Created June 27, 2018 18:43
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- docassemble.base.util
- .discovery
mandatory: True
need: all_answer_variables
code: |
other_ints.there_are_any = False
other_drq.there_are_any = False
ints.there_are_any = True
drq.there_are_any = True
# Load the CSV file into a list
discovery_url = 'data/sources/discovery-map.csv'
claim_discovery_link_url = ''
discovery_list = load_from_csv(discovery_url)
discovery_map = load_from_csv(claim_discovery_link_url)
discovery_categories = []
for item in discovery_list:
if item['Variable'] and item['Description']:
# Build the set of unique categories
if item['Category'] not in discovery_categories:
# Strip off the prefix "int." or "drq.": should refactor this in csv?
iname = item['Variable'][item['Variable'].find('.') + 1:]
is_checked = item['AlwaysChecked'].lower() == 'true'
if 'ints.' in item['Variable']:
ints.initializeObject(iname, DiscoveryRequest)
ints[iname].description = item['Description']
ints[iname].checked = is_checked
ints[iname].category = item['Category']
if 'drq.' in item['Variable']:
drq.initializeObject(iname, DiscoveryRequest)
drq[iname].description = item['Description']
drq[iname].checked = is_checked
drq[iname].category = item['Category']
# Evaluate our logic table to set discovery values automatically.
always_true = True
for lemma in discovery_map:
# make sure it's a valid entry in the list
if lemma['Claim'] and lemma['Value'] and lemma['Discovery']:
# handle special case of true/false variables, not string comparison
if lemma['Value'].lower() == 'true':
comparison = True
elif lemma['Value'].lower() == 'false':
comparison = False
comparison = lemma['Value']
# strip off the clunky way we name discovery in the CSV
discovery_name = lemma['Discovery'][lemma['Discovery'].find('.') + 1:]
# evaluate whether there's a rule that says to check this discovery item
if defined(lemma['Claim']) and value(lemma['Claim']) == comparison:
if 'ints.' in lemma['Discovery']:
ints[discovery_name].checked = True
elif 'drq.' in lemma['Discovery']:
drq[discovery_name].checked = True
ints.there_is_another = False
drq.there_is_another = False
# Build the fields statement to select the discovery requests
# Requests will be separated by the category/title of the discovery section
ints_fields = []
for category in discovery_categories:
if len(ints.matches_category(category)) > 0:
ints_fields.append({'note': '### Questions relating to ' + category})
for key in ints.matches_category(category):
ints_fields.append({'label': ints[key].description,
'field': "ints[" + repr(key) + "].checked",
'datatype': 'yesno'})
drq_fields = []
for category in discovery_categories:
if len(drq.matches_category(category)) > 0:
drq_fields.append({'note': '### Documents relating to ' + category})
for key in drq.matches_category(category):
drq_fields.append({'label': drq[key].description,
'field': "drq[" + repr(key) + "].checked",
'datatype': 'yesno'})
mandatory: |
person_answering == 'attorney'
question: |
Interrogatories (questions for your landlord)
subquestion: |
You can ask your landlord up to 30 questions, so long as they are related
to your case. We may have recommended some for you automatically and some
will always be asked.
${ ints.count_checked() } interrogatories are already selected.
Below is a short summary of the topic of each question.
Please select all questions that you would like to ask your landlord.
code: ints_fields
mandatory: |
person_answering == 'attorney'
question: |
Document requests (letters, leases, photos, and other printed information)
subquestion: |
There is no limit to the number of documents you can ask your landlord
to provide to you, so long as they are related to your case. We may have
recommended some for you automatically and some will always be asked.
Below is a short summary sentence for each pre-written question available.
Select the documents you would like your landlord to give you.
code: drq_fields
help: |
Document requests can be unreadable for non-lawyers. The important thing
to review is the topic of the request.
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