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Last active October 25, 2015 09:09
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Save nonsleepr/11401542 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
FutureLearn Video downloader
# Usage:
# > password course-name week-id
# Where ** and *password* - your credentials
# ,*course-name* is the name from URL
# and *week-id* is the ID from the URL
# E.g. To download all videos from the page:
# Execute following command:
# > password corpus-linguistics 238
# Pulls the login page and strips out the auth token
authToken=`curl -s -L -c cookies.txt '' | \
grep -Po "(?<=authenticity_token\" value=\")([^\"]+)"`
function dlvid {
vzid=`curl -s -b cookies.txt $1 | grep -Po '(?<=video-)[0-9]+'`
curl -O -J -L $vzurl
# Posts all the pre-URI-encoded stuff and appends the URI-encoded auth token
curl -X POST -s -L -e '' -c cookies.txt -b cookies.txt \
--data-urlencode email=$email \
--data-urlencode password=$password \
--data-urlencode authenticity_token=$authToken '' > /dev/null
# Download Course page
curl -s -L -b cookies.txt${course}/todo/${weekid} | \
grep -B8 'headline.*video' | grep -o '/courses[^"]*' | \
while read -r line; do
dlvid $url
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@thelostelite It looks like you just don't have curl installed, you need to rerun the cygwin setup.exe and select the curl package (in the 'Net' category)

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OK, I couldn't put this off any longer ...

I scrapped the bash script (still not achieving login) although it is still there in old commits of the repo,

and we now have a Python3 version.

Current status is that I'm successfully obtaining mp4 and pdf downloadable urls.
By the time you read this it should be doing basic downloads ... and then I have to do something else on this Sunday ...

I hope this helps people.

I won't have much time to update this before December, but hope to evolve it.

The repo is here:

The biggest todo items once downloading is implemented are

  • fixing the "occasional" unicode errors (tricky)
  • add proper command-line arguments
  • handle a week at a time
  • don't repeat downloads

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OK, I've published something useable (for me ... YMMV).

It downloads most mp4 and pdf files for a course.

It can download just one week and avoids downloading files which already exist
(doesn't download if the destination file exists ...careful if you move/rename)

Still some unhandled unicode errors and the need for proper cmd-line argument handling.

I'll stop spamming here now.
Follow the repo if you're interested.

NOTE: I won't have much time to look at issues until December, but please file issues anyway..

More than welcome to have functionality issues or just comments on bad style ...

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