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Created March 27, 2015 15:40
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Makefile to download Kaggle's datasets
# Requires presence of credentials.txt file containing login/password in the following format:
# UserName=my_username&Password=my_password
all: download_files
session.cookie: credentials.txt
curl -o /dev/null -c session.cookie
curl -o /dev/null -c session.cookie -b session.cookie -L -d @credentials.txt
files.txt: session.cookie
curl -c session.cookie -b session.cookie -L$(COMPETITION)/data | \
grep -o \"[^\"]*\/download[^\"]*\" | sed -e 's/"//g' -e 's/^/http:\/\/' > files.txt
download_files: files.txt session.cookie
mkdir -p files
cd files && xargs -n 1 curl -b ../session.cookie -L -O < ../files.txt
.PHONY: clean
rm session.cookie files.txt files/*.zip
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