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Created July 11, 2023 11:31
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Git Intro
  1. Introduction to Version Control:

    • Explain the purpose of version control systems and why they are important.
    • Highlight the benefits of using Git and GitHub for collaborative development.
  2. Git Basics:

    • Explain the fundamental concepts of Git, such as repositories, commits, branches, and the working directory.
    • Discuss the difference between local and remote repositories.
  3. Installing Git:

    • Guide the person through the installation process for Git on their computer.
    • Provide instructions for popular operating systems, such as Windows, macOS, or Linux.
  4. Setting up a GitHub Account:

    • Walk the person through creating a GitHub account.
    • Explain the significance of GitHub as a remote repository hosting platform.
  5. Git Workflow:

    • Explain the typical Git workflow, including creating a new repository, making changes, and committing those changes.
    • Discuss how to navigate the commit history and revert changes if necessary.
  6. Basic Git Commands:

    • Introduce essential Git commands, such as init, clone, add, commit, push, pull, and status.
    • Explain the purpose and usage of each command.
  7. Collaborative Development:

    • Demonstrate how to collaborate with others using Git and GitHub.
    • Cover topics like forking repositories, making pull requests, and merging changes.
  8. Branching and Merging:

    • Explain the concept of branches and their role in parallel development.
    • Teach how to create, switch between, and merge branches.
  9. Resolving Merge Conflicts:

    • Discuss what merge conflicts are and how to resolve them.
    • Provide guidance on identifying conflicting changes and manually resolving conflicts.
  10. Additional Git Concepts:

    • Introduce advanced Git concepts like tagging releases, ignoring files with .gitignore, and working with remote branches.
  11. Best Practices:

    • Share best practices for using Git and GitHub effectively, such as writing meaningful commit messages and organizing repositories.
  12. Additional Resources:

    • Provide recommended resources for further learning, including online tutorials, documentation, and video courses.
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