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Last active May 24, 2021 04:40
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data: {
service: { id: null },
account: {
id: 150043,
name: '',
brand: 'uptime',
timezone: 'GMT',
site_url: ''
integration: {
id: 4049,
name: 'alert spike',
module: 'webhook',
module_verbose_name: 'Custom Postback URL (Webhook)',
is_enabled: true,
is_errored: false,
is_test_supported: true,
postback_url: '',
headers: '',
use_legacy_payload: false
date: '2021-05-21T07:15:04.468Z',
links: {}
event: 'test'
data: {
service: {
id: 884563,
name: 'spike',
device_id: 485632,
monitoring_service_type: 'HTTP',
is_paused: false,
msp_address: '',
msp_interval: 1,
msp_sensitivity: 2,
msp_num_retries: 2,
msp_url_scheme: 'https',
msp_url_path: '',
msp_port: null,
msp_protocol: '',
msp_username: '',
msp_proxy: '',
msp_dns_server: '',
msp_dns_record_type: '',
msp_send_string: '',
msp_expect_string: '',
msp_expect_string_type: 'STRING',
msp_encryption: '',
msp_threshold: 40,
msp_notes: '',
msp_include_in_global_metrics: true,
msp_use_ip_version: '',
msp_uptime_sla: '0.9900',
msp_response_time_sla: '2.200',
monitoring_service_type_display: 'HTTP(S)',
display_name: 'spike',
short_name: 'spike',
tags: []
account: {
id: 150043,
name: '',
brand: 'uptime',
timezone: 'GMT',
site_url: ''
integration: {
id: 4049,
name: 'alert spike',
module: 'webhook',
module_verbose_name: 'Custom Postback URL (Webhook)',
is_enabled: true,
is_errored: false,
is_test_supported: true,
postback_url: '',
headers: '',
use_legacy_payload: false
date: '2021-05-21T07:45:04.153Z',
alert: {
id: 107247613,
created_at: '2021-05-21T07:45:04.153Z',
state: 'UNKNOWN',
output: 'check_http: Invalid hostname/address -',
short_output: 'check_http: Invalid hostname/address -',
is_up: false
global_alert_state: {
id: 107664494,
created_at: '2021-05-21T07:45:04.153Z',
num_locations_down: 2,
state_is_up: false,
state_has_changed: true,
ignored: false
device: {
id: 485632,
name: '',
address: '',
is_paused: false,
display_name: ''
locations: [ 'US Central', 'United Kingdom' ],
links: {
alert_details: '',
real_time_analysis: ''
event: 'alert_raised'
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