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Created January 5, 2018 13:10
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Add some types to allow rendering FOP Xml
* `Xml` describes a simple XML document, specific to FOP.
* This type is used as the result for TSX, which allows writing
* Xml nodes in TypeScript. Here is an example for valid TypeScript
* code, using this library (provided you saved it in a file ending
* with .tsx, for example person.tsx):
* ```
* // person.tsx
* import { Xml, node } from 'fop-xml';
* interface Person {
* firstName: string;
* lastName: string;
* }
* const render = (person: Person): Xml => (
* <root>
* <layout-master-set master-name="standard" page-width=">
* `${person.firstName} ${person.lastName}`
* </layout-master-set>
* </root>
* )
* render({firstName: 'Matthias', lastName: 'Metzger'});
* ```
* Now compile with:
* ```
* $ tsc --jsx react --jsxFactory "node" person.tsx
* ```
* In a bigger project, it is probably valuable to add a
* `tsconfig.json`.
export type Xml
= { type: 'node', name: string, attributes: {}, children: Array<Xml | string>}
| { type: 'text', value: string }
| { type: 'raw', value: string };
* Create a new node, with the given name, attributes and children.
* *Note:* This function should be declared in the tsconfig.json as
* `jsxFactory` to render FOP and will seldomly be used directly.
* @param name a name of a tag
* @param attributes all attributes of this tag
* @param children potential children of this tag
export function node(name: string, attributes: {}, ...children: Array<Xml | string>) {
return {
type: 'node',
* A simple single text, which will be escaped.
* @param value the actual value
export function text(value: string): Xml {
return {
type: 'text',
* A simple single text, which will *not* be escaped.
* *Note:* You should only use this, if you know, what you
* are doing. The lengthy name exists for a reason.
* @param value the actual value
* @return an `Xml` structure
export function dangerouslyUnescapedText(value: string): Xml {
return {
type: 'raw',
* Render the given `Xml` structure to a string.
* @param xml an `Xml` value
* @return a string
export function renderToString(xml: Xml | string): string {
if (typeof xml === 'string') {
return escape(xml)
switch (xml.type) {
case 'text':
return escape(xml.value);
case 'raw':
return xml.value;
case 'node':
return === 'root' ?
`<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>${renderNode(,
{ ...xml.attributes,
// We don't want the user to be able to specify the
// following attributes, since we would need to make
// the `fo:` prefix in the resulting XML configurable.
// Therefore override, if they exist, add otherwise.
"xml:fo": "",
"xmlns:xs": "",
"xmlns:xsi": "",
)}` :
renderNode(, xml.attributes, xml.children)
function renderNode(name: string, attributes: {}, children: Array<Xml | string>): string {
const attrs = Object
.map(a => ` ${a}="${escape(attributes[a])}"`)
const kids = children
.map(node => renderToString(node))
return `<fo:${name}${attrs}>${kids}</fo:${name}>`;
* Escape the given value.
* There are some sensitive characters in any XML
* document. Therefore, those will be escaped here.
* @param value any unescaped string
* @return an escaped string
function escape(value: string): string {
return value
.replace('"', '&quot;')
.replace("'", '&apos;')
.replace('<', '&lt;')
.replace('>', '&gt;')
.replace('&', '&amp;');
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