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Created June 4, 2018 00:44
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module.exports =
## Basic configurations
# Server listen port
serverPort: 80
# RTMP server listen port
rtmpServerPort: 1935
# Server name which will be embedded in
# RTSP and HTTP response headers.
# Default server name is used when this value is null.
serverName: 'node-rtsp-rtmp-server'
# Average frame rate of video (informative)
videoFrameRate: 30
# Video bitrate in Kbps (informative)
videoBitrateKbps: 5000
# Audio bitrate in Kbps (informative)
audioBitrateKbps: 32
# What transport is used for feeding audio/video data
receiverType: 'unix' # 'unix' or 'tcp' or 'udp'
# For receiverType == 'unix'
# UNIX domain socket used for receiving audio/video data
videoControlReceiverPath: '/tmp/node_rtsp_rtmp_videoControl'
audioControlReceiverPath: '/tmp/node_rtsp_rtmp_audioControl'
videoDataReceiverPath : '/tmp/node_rtsp_rtmp_videoData'
audioDataReceiverPath : '/tmp/node_rtsp_rtmp_audioData'
# For receiverType == 'tcp' or 'udp'
receiverListenHost : ''
videoControlReceiverPort: 1111
audioControlReceiverPort: 1112
videoDataReceiverPort : 1113
audioDataReceiverPort : 1114
# For receiverType == 'tcp'
receiverTCPBacklog: 511
# Server ports for RTP and RTCP
audioRTPServerPort : 7042 # even
audioRTCPServerPort: 7043 # odd and contiguous
videoRTPServerPort : 7044 # even
videoRTCPServerPort: 7045 # odd and contiguous
# Application name for live streams. Live streams will be accessible at
# rtsp://{host}:{serverPort}/{liveApplicationName}/{streamName} or
# rtmp://{host}:{rtmpServerPort}/{liveApplicationName}/{streamName}
liveApplicationName: 'live'
# MP4 files in recordedDir will be accessible at
# rtsp://{host}:{serverPort}/{recordedApplicationName}/{filename} or
# rtmp://{host}:{rtmpServerPort}/{recordedApplicationName}/mp4:{filename}
# To disable this feature, comment out the following two lines.
# recordedApplicationName: 'file'
# recordedDir: 'file'
# If true, the server waits for the first keyframe
# before starting to send video/audio over RTMP.
rtmpWaitForKeyFrame: true
# Enable RTMPT and RTMPTE
enableRTMPT: true
# Has video?
hasVideo: true
# See: Adobe Flash Video File Format Specification Version 10.1 - E.4.3.1 VIDEODATA
videocodecid: 7 # H.264
# See: Adobe Flash Video File Format Specification Version 10.1 - E.4.2.1 AUDIODATA
audiocodecid: 10 # AAC
## Advanced configurations
# Period size of each audio frame. Use 1024 for picam.
audioPeriodSize: 1024
# HTTP keepalive timeout
keepaliveTimeoutMs: 30000 # milliseconds
rtcpSenderReportIntervalMs: 5000 # milliseconds
# RTMP ping timeout
rtmpPingTimeoutMs: 5000 # milliseconds
# RTMP session timeout
rtmpSessionTimeoutMs: 60000 # milliseconds
# RTMPT session timeout
rtmptSessionTimeoutMs: 60000 # milliseconds
# RTMP play chunk size
rtmpPlayChunkSize: 4096 # bytes
# Maximum number of RTMP messages being sent at once
rtmpMessageQueueSize: 5
# For HE-AAC streaming over RTSP:
# If true, explicit hierarchical signaling of SBR in AudioSpecificConfig
# will be converted to explicit backward compatible signaling.
rtspDisableHierarchicalSBR: true
# For HE-AAC streaming over RTMP:
# If true, explicit hierarchical signaling of SBR in AudioSpecificConfig
# will be converted to explicit backward compatible signaling.
# Flash Player won't play audio if hierarchical signaling is used.
rtmpDisableHierarchicalSBR: true
# If true, H.264 access unit delimiter NAL units are
# not sent to clients
dropH264AccessUnitDelimiter: false
# If true, all incoming data are ignored
dropAllData: false
# UDP port numbers to receive incoming RTP data
rtspVideoDataUDPListenPort : 5004
rtspVideoControlUDPListenPort: 5005
rtspAudioDataUDPListenPort : 5006
rtspAudioControlUDPListenPort: 5007
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