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Last active April 19, 2017 17:30
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Record window, encode and upload
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import argparse
import subprocess
import time
import os
import re
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Record window')
parser.add_argument('-window-id', type=int)
parser.add_argument('-fps', type=int, default=30)
parser.add_argument('-sound', type=str, choices=['mic', 'desktop', 'both'])
def _shell_out(cmd):
return subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True).decode('utf-8')
def get_window_id():
print("click on the window you want to record")
return int(_shell_out('xwininfo -int | grep "Window id" | cut -d\ -f4'))
def get_window_geometry(id):
gm_str = _shell_out('xwininfo -id %d | grep -P "(geometry|Corners)"' % id).strip()
lines = gm_str.split('\n')
pos = [int(p) for p in re.split(r'\s+', lines[0])[1].strip('+').split('+')]
size = [int(p) for p in'\d+x\d+', lines[1]).group(0).split('x')]
return (size[0], size[1], pos[0], pos[1])
def record(args, geometry):
print('recording @ %d fps, sound: %r' % (args.fps, args.sound))
output = os.path.expanduser('~/.cache/rec_%d_%d.mp4' % (args.window_id, time.time()))
print('output: %s' % output)
cmd = [
'ffmpeg', '-video_size', '%dx%d' % geometry[:2],
'-framerate', str(args.fps),
'-f', 'x11grab', '-i', '%s+%d,%d' % (os.environ['DISPLAY'], geometry[2], geometry[3])
if args.sound:
if args.sound == 'mic' or args.sound == 'both':
mic_src = _shell_out('pacmd stat | grep source | cut -d: -f2').strip()
cmd.extend(['-f', 'pulse', '-i', mic_src])
if args.sound == 'desktop' or args.sound == 'both':
desktop_src = _shell_out('pacmd stat | grep sink | cut -d: -f2').strip()
cmd.extend(['-f', 'pulse', '-i', desktop_src+'.monitor'])
if args.sound == 'both':
cmd.extend(['-filter_complex', 'amerge'])
cmd.extend(['-ac', '2'])
return output
def upload(args, input):
print('uploading %s' % input)['curl', '--upload-file', input, ''])
def main():
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.window_id is None:
args.window_id = get_window_id()
print('window id: %d' % args.window_id)
geometry = get_window_geometry(args.window_id)
print('window geometry: %dx%d @ %dx%d' % geometry)
output = record(args, geometry)
upload(args, output)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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