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Created September 10, 2011 23:55
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rfkbot for
import pexpect, ANSI
import sys
from random import choice
NAME = 'rfkbot'
PASS = 'kitten'
login = 'l{0}\n{1}\n{2} '.format(NAME, PASS, 'R' if HARD_MODE else 'r')
while True:
# Stupid server stuff
child = pexpect.spawn('telnet')
child.expect(pexpect.TIMEOUT, timeout=0.4)
term = ANSI.ANSI()
term.write(child.before.replace('\r', '\n'))
screen = term.get_region(3, 1, 24, 80)
# We did the stupid server stuff, now let's read the screen
robot = None
objs = []
for y, row in enumerate(screen):
assert len(row) == 80
for x, ch in enumerate(row):
if ch == '#':
robot = x, y
elif ch != ' ':
objs.append((x, y))
vikeys = {
(-1, 0): 'h', ( 0, 1): 'j', ( 0, -1): 'k', ( 1, 0): 'l',
(-1, -1): 'y', ( 1, -1): 'u', (-1, 1): 'b', ( 1, 1): 'n',
# 1. Try to move towards the next object
# 2. If blocked, move in a random direction instead
# 3. After hitting the object, pop it off, find the next one
moves = []
while objs:
dx = cmp(objs[0][0], robot[0])
dy = cmp(objs[0][1], robot[1])
while (robot[0] + dx, robot[1] + dy) in objs[1:]:
dx, dy = choice(vikeys.keys())
if (robot[0] + dx, robot[1] + dy) == objs[0]:
robot = robot[0] + dx, robot[1] + dy
moves.append(vikeys[dx, dy])
child.send(''.join(moves) + 'qq')
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