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Created October 20, 2014 21:06
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# We could iterate over factors and check for palindromes in their products,
# but this is slower than iterating over palindromes and trying to split them
# up[1]: the approach used here examines possible solutions in descending
# order, so we always find the biggest one first. This allows us to exit early.
# Either way, here's a definition for `is_palindrome` that ended up being
# unnecessary:
# def is_palindrome(x):
# """Is the given positive integer x a palindromic number?"""
# s = str(x)
# return s == s[::-1]
def descending_sub_n_digit_palindromes(n):
"""Returns all palindromes with <= n digits, in descending order."""
# The digits of an n-digit palindrome look like this:
# * If n is even we want the form abcddcba.
# ==== <- ceil(n / 2) digits
# * If n is odd we want the form abcdedcba.
# ===== <- ceil(n / 2) digits
# Either way, we count down ((n + 1) // 2)-digit numbers and append their
# reverse string values; if n is odd, don't count the center digit twice.
while n >= 0:
k = (n + 1) // 2
highest = 10 ** k - 1
lowest = highest // 10
for x in range(highest, lowest, -1):
s_x = str(x) # "abcde"
rev = s_x[::-1] # "edcba"
# For odd n, skip the doubled center digit:
if n % 2 == 1:
rev = rev[1:] # "dcba"
yield int(s_x + rev) # "abcdedcba"
n -= 1
def find_largest_palindrome(n):
"""Finds the largest palindrome that can be written as the sum of two
n-digit numbers."""
# Highest possible n-digit factor.
highest = 10 ** n - 1
# The product of two n-digit numbers has no more than 2n digits:
for p in descending_sub_n_digit_palindromes(2 * n):
if p > highest ** 2:
# Try to split p up into two factors. We want a >= p // a, otherwise
# we consider each pair twice; this is why we only count down to
# sqrt(p) inclusive. Since
# highest // 10 < sqrt(p) <= p // a <= a <= highest,
# both numbers returned will have n digits.
for a in range(highest, int(p ** .5) - 1, -2):
if p % a == 0:
return (a, p // a)
def print_largest_palindrome(n):
"""Formatting wrapper around find_largest_palindrome."""
a, b = find_largest_palindrome(n)
print('Largest palindrome found! {} x {} = {}'.format(a, b, a * b))
n = int(input('How many digits in each factor? '))
# [1]: (In fact, this appears to be the fastest palindrome product finding
# function out there! On a slow laptop even find_largest_palindrome(7)
# takes less than two seconds; results from various Project Euler blogs
# across the internet seem to lie closer to 30 seconds, up to a minute.
# The algorithm runs in O(sqrt(10^n)) time, I think, but I might be wrong,
# so don't grade me on that statement.)
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