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Last active February 28, 2019 19:44
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(ns scratch
[ :as json]
[clojure.string :as string]
[meander.strategy.alpha :as r]
[meander.match.alpha :as r.match]))
(def service-2-json
(slurp "")))
(defn class-case-to-kebab-case [s]
(string/join "-" (map string/lower-case (string/split s #"(?=[A-Z])"))))
(r.match/search service-2-json
{"name" ?name
"http" {"method" ?http-method
"requestUri" ?request-uri}
"input" {"shape" ?input-shape-name}
"output" {"shape" ?output-shape-name}
"errors" [{"shape" !error-shape-names} ...]
"documentation" ?documentation}}}
(let [fsym (symbol (class-case-to-kebab-case ?name))
;; If the AWS libs are loaded you can add :tag meta with
;; the appropriat class names.
isym (symbol (class-case-to-kebab-case ?input-shape-name))
osym (symbol (class-case-to-kebab-case ?output-shape-name))
;; Fill this in.
http-fn (case ?http-method
docstring (string/replace ?documentation #"<.*?>" "")]
`(defn ~fsym
;; This probably needs some more massaging but for
;; illustration...
(~http-fn ~?request-uri ~isym)
(fn [error-shape-name]
`(catch ~(symbol error-shape-name) e#
;; Fill this in.
;; =>
((clojure.core/defn cancel-job
"Cancels a job in an AWS Batch job queue. Jobs that are in the
SUBMITTED, PENDING, or RUNNABLE state are cancelled. Jobs that have
progressed to STARTING or RUNNING are not cancelled (but the API
operation still succeeds, even if no job is cancelled); these jobs
must be terminated with the TerminateJob operation."
(http/post "/v1/canceljob" cancel-job-request)
(catch ClientException e__10590__auto__)
(catch ServerException e__10590__auto__)))
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